Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C3 The Most Professional Swindler!
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Beautiful Police's Body Guard/C3 The Most Professional Swindler!
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C3 The Most Professional Swindler!

That's right!

This was Lu Xiaofei!

His current profession was a swindler!

This was a group with a clear division of labour.

Fatty was in charge of recruiting guests. Lu Xiaofei was the lead actor, while Zhao Gang, who had yet to appear, would only appear when he needed martial arts support. For example, his brothers from last night were Zhao Gang's brothers!

Their business spread throughout the country, covering all walks of life. From helping people do their homework to pretending to be a member of the underworld, as long as they could get money, they basically did everything!

With a single sentence, he would not make any big mistakes and would make no small number of small mistakes!

Of course, what they liked the most was a card like Boss Wang. It was easy to get money, but also generous to give!

This time, although an accident occurred, it was clear that Lu Xiaofei's outstanding acting skills had once again won them a higher income.

Especially when Lu Xiaofei was hugging his arms, his face trembled in grievance.

Those who saw it would feel sad, while those who heard it would shed tears!

I'm really sorry for my acting skills if I didn't get a little Golden Man!

"Bro, well done!"

Fatty gave Lu Xiaofei a thumbs up and threw a stack of red-headed men over.

"Same old rules, three sets!"

Lu Xiaofei took it, and without counting it, he split it in half and threw it back.

"Have you fished out all the brothers from Zhao Gang's side?" He spent a lot of money on it, so I think it's best if I save some for him! "

Fatty did not decline. He was familiar with Lu Xiaofei's character, and this person was not someone who could keep money.

"Rest assured!" "It's not good for me to appear. Zhao Gang will arrange it!"

The fatty hugged Lu Xiaofei's neck affectionately.

"Today's harvest is pretty good. Shall we go celebrate?"

Lu Xiaofei sneezed a long time, saying with a worried frown.

"Let's get our clothes first, shall we?" I'm about to catch a cold! "


Several hours later, the broken golden cup stopped in a remote alley.

A well-dressed Lu Xiaofei came out and saw a few people standing at the head of the stairs from afar. The person in the lead had one hand in his pockets as he whistled coolly at them.

He had a supple, split head that was so long that it covered his ears. A strand of hair hung down from his forehead, drifting upwards from time to time. A slight smile appeared on his knife-like face, revealing a shallow dimple in his wine.

The upper half of his body was wearing a military vest, revealing his bulging muscles. She was wearing a pair of shorts and was fidgeting in front of her flip-flops.

He was Zhao Gang, a friend whom Lu Xiaofei had gotten to know when he returned from the military a few years ago.

"You brat! You don't mind the cold? How are the brothers? "

Lu Xiaofei came forward and threw a punch at the chest of this cool guy.

"No problem!" I just brought them out! "

Zhao Gang answered while revealing the two brothers behind him. Lu Xiaofei's familiar baldy was among them.

"Come, this is the Brother Fei that you and I often talk about! Call him Brother Little Fei! "

The two of them called out in unison and moved to the side, allowing Zhao Gang and the other two to walk up with their arms around their shoulders. From afar, they could hear their conversation and laughter.

"Old rules, old place!" It's all booked! "

One of the guys with dyed yellow hair curiously asked the bald guy beside him.

"Brother, is this the legendary Brother Little Fei? It doesn't look like it! "

"What do you know?"

The bald man, who was wearing a thick gold chain, knocked the yellow-hair on the head.

"Lil 'Fei bro is this in this industry!"

He raised his thumb.

The yellow-hair stuck out his tongue. The two of them walked up the stairs. On the second floor, there was a neon signboard with the words "Golden Dragon Network Cafe" flashing on it.

That's right!

This was Lu Xiaofei's base of operations.

The so-called celebration they were talking about was just like playing a few games here.

The two yellow-haired men quickly followed him inside. The inside was filled with smoke and thick miasma. Accompanied by the noise, they exclaimed, "I KAO!" "Holy shit!" What kind of insults!

Suddenly, yellow-hair's eyes widened. He pointed at Lu Xiaofei, who had turned on his computer, and gently prodded the baldy beside him.

"Are you sure they're professionals?"

"What do you know?!"

Baldy pulled out a chair to the side with a dissatisfied expression and sat down, pointing at the screen as he said.

"That's what you call being professional! This is called the work of a game! "

This was a type of cultivation game that was currently quite popular.

Lu Xiaofei sat down at a street entrance with incomparable skill and quickly set up a stall.

He was planning on setting up a stall to make equipment.

This did not surprise the blonde.

The crucial point was that Fatty had already set up a signboard across from Lu Xiaofei to write a book.

"The lowest price for all! To forge all kinds of equipment, with the highest reputation, the goods will be the real deal! "

The blonde almost fainted.

The two of them set up a stall in front of each other, planning to rob each other of their business?

But very quickly, he came to his senses.

This was because Lu Xiaofei's reputation had also spawned. A thick black arrow pointed directly at them.

"Opposite a swindler! Be careful, don't fall for it! "

These two, are they a couple?

During the day, there weren't many people who could play games. The pedestrians on the street were chatting, and soon, Fatty's figure stopped moving. This was the so-called "hanging up".

"Watch carefully and learn a little!"

The baldy suddenly tugged at yellow-hair's pants and pointed at Lu Xiaofei's screen.

A fairy appeared on the street. She turned her head to the side to take a look at Fatty's stall, then curiously glanced at Lu Xiaofei.

"Hey! Beautiful girl, be careful not to fall for it! "

Lu Xiaofei, who had been sitting motionlessly, suddenly felt as if his fingers were flying. Words kept appearing on top of his head as he continuously waved at beauties.

The beauty looked at the price marked on Fatty's booth and frowned.

As expected, this fatty was a swindler. Some prices are very cheap, but if you don't pay attention to them, there are always a few items that are mixed in with the price tag of an extra zero.

Without any hesitation, the beauty turned around!

Lu Xiaofei smiled happily.


"So cool!" "Finally, an exquisite product has been produced!"

At the same time, in an office, Lin Xiao Man clenched her fists and jumped up, shouting excitedly.

"Shh ~ ~ Lower your voice, don't let the Leader hear you!"

A chubby girl across from her reminded her in a low voice.

Lin Xiao Man stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"I'm happy! It's been a long time since I've gathered these ingredients, and today, I've finally forged a good weapon! "

Her computer screen impressively showed the image of Lu Xiaofei just now.

"Hey, Little Min!" Let me tell you! I've finally met a good person today! I was almost tricked! "

As soon as she got excited, Lin Xiao Man started chattering non-stop.

The girl called Little Min had a very strange expression on her face.

"You didn't see a fat man setting up his stall, did you?"

"How do you know?"

Lin Xiao Man was shocked.

Little Min speechlessly covered her face with her hands.

"Young miss Lin!" You couldn't have been deceived! These two were famous swindlers in this district! He had lied to so many people! If they weren't scammers, they would have been hunted down long ago. "Say, did he suddenly cancel the deal after showing you his equipment and say that he wanted to increase the price?"

Lin Xiao Man's heart skipped a beat, but she refused to admit defeat.

"If it is of the highest quality, the price will definitely be different!"

Little Min spoke faintly with a pitiful look in her eyes.

"Take a look at the trade info! I must have added another zero when you weren't paying attention! "


A few seconds later, Lin Xiao Man's angry roar came from the office.

"Good boy!" He even dared to lie to his grandma! If I don't find out about you today, I won't be called Xiao Man! Little Min! "Help me find out where his IP address is."

Little Min's beautiful face paled.

"No way!" Young lady, you aren't thinking of using the system to check on a game ID, are you? "

"Humph!" You want to run away after offending me? "

Lin Xiao Man wiped her nose as she snuck to Little Min's side and began to feel fed up with her.

"So Little Min, your best sister has been bullied, do you want to help or not?"


The police station was in an uproar.

Meanwhile, the Golden Dragon Internet Cafe was filled with cheers.

"Yay!" Another order was made! At least ten of them! "

Lu Xiaofei stood up and slapped the fatty.

"We are the most professional!"

Ding ding ~ ~

Suddenly, a melodious sound of a bell rang out, interrupting their celebration.

"You guys play, I'm going out to pick up a call!"

Lu Xiaofei glanced at the phone on the table and greeted the fatty.

He quickly walked outside and casually pressed the answer button. Then, he pressed the phone to his right ear and did not forget to light a cigarette for himself.

"Hello, who is this?"

Suddenly, Lu Xiaofei's jaw dropped and the cigarette dropped onto the ground with a "pa" sound!

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