Beautiful Princess' Super Master/C14 Don't Know How High the Sky Is and How Deep the Earth Is
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Beautiful Princess' Super Master/C14 Don't Know How High the Sky Is and How Deep the Earth Is
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C14 Don't Know How High the Sky Is and How Deep the Earth Is

Cripple Brother's light sentence seemed to have a very powerful magic, causing the dandruff on his head to become very heavy and directly bending Lao Zhou's waist.

This made Lao Zhou's smile instantly turn bitter. He quickly said, "What is it, Cripple Brother, sit down and let's talk."

Cripple Brother continued to shake and his dandruff continued to fall, "You don't have to be so polite with Lao Zhou. My tone is quite good when I'm standing! Master Kui's birthday is at the end of this month. As brothers, we will come up with a plan to make you happy by getting you a share! "

"Huh?" Lao Zhou was shocked. Ever since Cripple Brother came in, he had a bad premonition and the result had really become reality.

The wrinkles on Lao Zhou's face instantly appeared to be in the dozens. His tone was filled with helplessness and vicissitudes, "About that, of course I have to say it for Master Kui's birthday. Cripple Brother, how much do you think I should pay?"

Cripple Brother laughed out loud, patted Lao Zhou's shoulder and said: "Lao Zhou, everyone says you are an honest man, you did well! I must call upon everyone to learn from you! Just pay 10,000! "

Ten thousand!

Lao Zhou felt dizzy and hurriedly held onto the table beside him to prevent himself from falling.

He opened this small restaurant. After paying the rent every month, he had to give Little Hooligan a fixed "hygiene fee". The remaining profit was only three to four thousand yuan!

And this money, he still had to support his family. If he were to allow his children to go to school, his days would not be easy. But now, the other party asked for 10,000, this was clearly taking his life!

Lao Zhou shook his body twice and tried his best to stand firmly: "Cripple Brother, can we discuss? There aren't many customers this month and I don't earn much money. Can I offer 1000 as a congratulatory gift for Master Kui?"

After Lao Zhou said that, Cripple Brother suddenly stopped laughing. He stared at Lao Zhou like a poisonous snake for a few seconds!

The restaurant instantly became silent as the pressure on everyone increased!

Cripple Brother turned around and asked his brothers, "Brothers, I was a little distracted just now, what did Lao Zhou say?"

"Boss, you said ten thousand. Lao Zhou said he would only give one thousand!"

"A thousand, then Master Kui won't be happy. Brothers, what do you think will happen if Master Kui isn't happy? "

Cripple Brother's men cooperated with his question and answered immediately, "If Master Kui isn't happy, then the consequences will be very serious. As his lackeys, we must have bad luck!"

"Aiyo, don't scare me. I'm a coward, I can't take it!" Cripple Brother said in an exaggerated tone. Then, he stretched out his hand and swept the two sets of tableware on the table beside him.

Crash! *

Cripple Brother had a lot of strength. What bowls, plates, they were all smashed into smithereens!

"Ah!" Lao Zhou exclaimed. His face was full of lament, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Cripple Brother looked at the pieces on the ground, then turned to Lao Zhou and said, "I'm so sorry, Lao Zhou, look at me, I can't control myself when I'm scared. If Master Quin is really angry, I'm afraid I might accidentally knock away more things! "

This was the threat of a naked fruit!

Lao Zhou couldn't do anything about it. He could only beg, "Cripple Brother, don't be angry. I can only pay a thousand yuan. Please do me a favor and let me live …"

Facing the humble Lao Zhou, Cripple Brother suddenly changed his expression and slapped Lao Zhou in the face without any warning!


"Don't be f * cking shameless!" Cripple Brother was very strong and knocked Lao Zhou down onto the ground. He pointed at Lao Zhou and scolded, "I'm telling you, give me ten thousand now or I'll destroy your shop!"

After saying that, Cripple Brother pointed to the door and swore loudly, "None of your business, scram for laozi!"

When the people in the restaurant heard this, they immediately ran out the door. Only Feng Jiangliu, who was in the corner, was still silently eating. He didn't even raise his eyes.

Seeing that there was actually someone who dared to disobey him, Cripple Brother quickly walked in front of Feng Jiangliu. He tapped Feng Jiangliu's shoulder with his finger and arrogantly said, "Didn't you hear what I said!? Now! Immediately! Get the hell out of here. "

With that, Cripple Brother swept the dishes on the table to the floor.

Feng Jiangliu raised his head and slowly put his chopsticks on the table. He said coldly, "Break one of your fingers each and then... "F * ck off."

When the few society members heard this, they were stunned for a moment. Then, as if they had heard the world's funniest joke, they began to laugh maniacally.

"Brothers, I think there's something wrong with this grandson's head!" To dare to say such words in front of us, I don't think he knows how the word death is written! "

"He probably got f * cking dumb from eating!"

"You don't even know what kind of trash you are! It's been so many years, and yet someone still dares to provoke our Heavenly Wolf Gang! He simply doesn't know the height of the heavens and the depth of the earth!"

Cripple Brother's face was filled with coldness, and he even looked at Feng Jiangliu as if he was watching a joke, and arrogantly said: "In the entire East Sea, my Heavenly Wolf Gang is the sky! You want my fingers? A little scum like you, is it even worth it? "

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