Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C11 Real Man
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Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C11 Real Man
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C11 Real Man

Chen Fangfang said, "Ask away!" He was very excited, after searching for so long, he could finally find Lin Yan'er.

Lin Qianqian said, "Although you said that everything is very credible, but how can I completely believe that you didn't kill Lin Yan'er?"

Chen Fangfang couldn't help but roll his eyes, saying, "Firstly, I am not an assassin. Assassins are very different from us. Second, I never work at home. Thirdly, this is the most crucial point. "I'm very expensive, Lin Yan'er is just an ordinary girl, it's not my place to kill her."

"Then how many people did you kill?" Lin Qianqian asked again.

Chen Fangfang asked warily, "Does this have anything to do with me looking for Lin Yan'er?"

Lin Qianqian said, "If you don't answer me, I have nothing to say." Her heart of gossip was also on fire.

Chen Fangfang was helpless. Lin Qianqian's trump card was a trial after trial! He said, "It's not that I don't want to answer you, it's that I really can't remember. After killing so many, who would need to write it down with a pen? "

Lin Qianqian's mouth was wide open. Her emotions were complicated to the extreme as she said, "You killed a lot of people? Don't you have nightmares at night? "

Chen Fangfang said, "This is a job. On that battlefield, if we don't kill each other, they will kill us." Do you want me to reason with them? For example, after the rebel army was pushed back by the government troops, it was in the God of Heaven. You didn't see the rebels slaughtering the village as they passed it. In the village there, the rebels laid mines in the paddy fields, allowing innocent people to pass through. If the first explosion didn't kill him, then he would leave the second time. This was the rebel army's favorite game to play. They chopped off their heads and poked them out of the village, fed the dead bodies to the wild boars, and took the women to be military whores. That scene isn't as easy as the NJ Massacre from before. And it happened three years ago, when countries M and the United Nations condemned the rebels. "

"At that time, I remember that we took money from the government to kill the rebel leader. I sneaked up to a high point, killed a few soldiers, and grabbed the Thundering TX-78. The machine gun was 106,000 rounds. In that battle, I killed no less than sixty people. "

He paused, then said, "As for what you said about nightmares? to do it at the beginning, and then you get numb. "

Lin Qianqian looked at Chen Fang in disbelief. She couldn't believe that there could be someone like him in the modern world.

"Then why do you want to see Lin Yan'er?" Lin Qianqian said, "She is doing very well now. I don't think it will be good for her if you get involved with her with your background."

Chen Fangfang said, "You don't understand. Lin Nan and I have many enemies." I'm also worried that after Lin Nan dies, someone will come and find trouble with Lin Yan'er. In the past, when I was with Lin Nan, no one dared to make a move. Things are different now. But don't worry, I won't meet Lin Yan'er. I will be observing and protecting her from the shadows. When it's confirmed that she's doing very well, I will naturally leave then. "

Lin Qianqian took a deep breath and said, "I don't know if it was a big mistake." However, I still have to trust you this once. "

Chen Fangfang immediately broke into a smile and said, "Thank you so much."

Lin Qianqian passed some information about Lin Yan'er to Chen Fangfang. Chen Fangyuan was extremely grateful, and he regained his scoundrelly personality.

Lin Qianqian was curious, "Chen Fang, I have another question."

"Speak!" Chen Fangfang immediately said.

Lin Qianqian said, "People like you who lick blood from the mouth of a knife, even if they don't have a shadow in their heart, they should at least be cold and inhumane. He was just like those cold-blooded freaks on TV. Usually, they were like ice cubes. Why are you so sloppy? "

Chen Fangfang did not know whether to laugh or cry and said, "I'm sorry, but I did not follow the script. I've disappointed you."

Lin Qianqian laughed.

"Are you really not afraid at all?"

Chen Fangfang said nonchalantly, "A clear conscience. Why should I be worried?"

He said it naturally.

Lin Qianqian immediately said, "Okay, you can go now. Forget about the police attack this time. But I warn you, next time you can't be so hot-tempered and cause trouble. "Otherwise, I will go and capture you again."

Chen Fangfang said, "Alright, don't worry about it."

That night, Chen Fangfang and Xu Shu left the police station.

After they left, a policeman beside Lin Qianqian asked, "Captain Lin, are we letting him go just like that?"

Lin Qianqian said, "He is indeed clean in the country, we have no reason to arrest him." Although he had overdone it today, his personality was too violent. Let's not force him too much. Otherwise, the simple matter will become unmanageable. This Chen Fangfang's skills are too frightening. I hope he won't do anything else. "

The policeman said, "Why don't we report this to the higher-ups?"

"Announce what?" Lin Qianqian said, "We were tricked by others today, isn't it embarrassing to tell people about it?"

The policeman finally understood what Lin Qianqian meant. At this moment, he didn't say anything else.

In fact, Lin Qianqian's heart was in favor of Chen Fangfang.

It was not because of Chen Fangfang's terrifying skills, but rather his legendary experiences. It was because of Chen Fangfang's brotherly love for her. She could feel the hot-bloodedness and camaraderie Chen Fangfang had towards Lin Nan.

That was why this man had returned so far away. For the sake of meeting Lin Yan'er, someone like him would even be willing to be a security guard!

Lin Qianqian admired such a man in her heart.

At this moment, Chen Fangfang and Xu Shu had hired a taxi to return to the North Lake District.

Along the way, Xu Shu remained silent.

Arriving at the residential complex, Xu Shuo said rather bashfully to Chen Fangfang, "Xiao Fang, I feel that your character isn't very suitable for joining our company. "You are too rash. Just pretend I didn't say anything today about letting you be the captain, okay?"

This was what Xu Shu had mustered the courage to say.

Chen Fangfang was stunned as he glanced at Xu Shu. At this moment, a trace of disappointment flashed across his eyes. What he was disappointed in was not just anything else, but Xu Shu.

In the end, this woman was still an ordinary woman.

After a moment of silence, Chen Fangfang grinned and said, "Alright, no problem."

Xu Shu said: "Goodbye!"

Chen Fangfang also said, "Bye bye!" He turned and left.

Xu Shu watched Chen Fangfang's back. He didn't know why, but she felt a little melancholy in her heart. It was as if she had done something wrong and missed something.

He must have lost the man's trust and appreciation, right?

Xu Shuo took a deep breath. Who cares about him? This Little Fang was not a peaceful person after all. The farther away from him the better.

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