Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C12 Where Did This Weirdo Come from
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Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C12 Where Did This Weirdo Come from
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C12 Where Did This Weirdo Come from

At two in the morning, Chen Fangfang finally laid on the bed.

Although the bed was simple, the dorm was also in a poor environment. However, Chen Fangfang did not feel uncomfortable at all. At this moment, the lights in the dorm were turned off, and it was pitch black all around.

Absolute darkness.

The only thing that could be heard was the snoring of the guys on the lower bunk.

Chen Fang could not sleep.

It was not because someone was snoring that he could fall asleep, nor was it because his heart had been hurt by Xu Shu. He belonged to the mood swings.

He didn't expect that this little girl, Lin Yan'er, who was currently doing pretty well, would actually start her own company and become the CEO.

According to Lin Qianqian's information, Lin Yan'er had studied fashion design, and she had a high talent in it.

Later, she and her best friend, Tang Qing, partnered to set up a clothing design company.

Coupled with her uncle's background, this clothing design company was already well-known in Seaside City.

Right now, Lin Yan'er was already a billionaire.

How unexpected!

Chen Fangfang felt very gratified. At the same time, he felt that this should be logical.

At that time, Lin Nan had learned things, spear skills, and tactics. He was also very smart. Even though it was slightly worse than him. Thinking about it, Lin Nan's sister wouldn't be that bad either.

The name of Lin Yan'er's company was Yadai Clothing Design Co., Ltd.

Chen Xin had made up his mind. Coincidentally, he didn't want to work here anymore. Then, let's see if Lin Yan'er needs any security guards. She would be a security guard for a while and see if her life was peaceful.

If he could be sure that she wasn't in any danger after a year, then he could also leave.

This was an explanation to Lin Nan.

Thinking of this, Chen Fangfang closed his eyes and went to sleep in peace.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Chen Fangfang went to the property to settle his salary.

The property was very polite and friendly as it settled the salary and gave it to Chen Fang for an additional half a month.

It was not because this North Lake District's property was particularly generous, but because the property company had heard of Chen Fangfang's amazing achievements yesterday!

They all said that this guy had beaten up the police. But he was back in two hours and nothing happened.

How could they dare to offend such a popular owner!?

Chen Fangfang also did not have much luggage, so he carried a bag on his back and wished them well in the North Lake District.

When they left the North Lake District, the morning sun was shining on the road ahead. The trees on both sides of the road were reflecting the scattered light.

In one day, Chen Fangyuan rented a cheap, low-rent apartment. Then he went to Yade's closet to apply.

The Ark was not a specialty store, but a designer. So it was also an office building.

An independent office building with a total of four floors was very impressive.

With Chen Fangfang's mental and physical strength, it was easy for him to be recruited by the security guards as well.

Chen Fangfang officially went to work the next day. He was in charge of inspecting the various floors for hidden dangers.

Actually, the most tiring part of being a security guard was watching the door.

But to watch the door, he needed to know someone! Chen Fangfang had just arrived, so he did not know anyone. How could he block all the guests outside? He could not just let a complete stranger in!

Also, checking for safety risks may seem easy. But it's late after work, and you have to check in after everyone else waves goodbye.

However, what was unexpected was that Chen Fangfang, who had been at work for the first day, had become famous in Yadai. The reason why Chen Fangfang was so famous was because he had done three things!

First thing first, when Chen placed it on the inspection floor, he walked to the CEO's office unconsciously.

This fellow came on purpose.

It was ten o'clock in the morning.

He heard the laughter before he reached the office.

This was not to say that the laughter was very loud, but rather that Chen Fangyuan's hearing was quite abnormal.

He first heard a young girl laugh like a silver bell, then he said, "Yan'er, guess what happened next?"

Following that, Lin Yan'er said, "How would I know? With your little mother's personality, why don't you just call that scumbag 'mother'?"

Lin Yan'er's voice was soft and pleasant to listen to, and one could tell that this girl had an extremely good character and character.

Haha, this was Chen Fangyuan's imagination. He was even more interested in what he heard.

The young girl giggled and pretended to be very evil, saying, "Of course I want to fight for that poor girl. The girls first gave him a knee, then poured a glass of red wine all over his head. After which, the sisters left while clapping their hands. That fellow, I suddenly thought of a poem! "

"What poem?" Lin Yan'er asked. Clearly, Lin Yan'er was very considerate in her cooperation with this lady.

The girl then said, "Killing a man in ten steps, leaving no mark at all. Casting off your clothes, and hiding your skills and reputation! "

Lin Yan'er burst out laughing, "Maybe not as good as you. I still have a chance to reunite with you, and now you've made me completely unlucky."

The young girl giggled and said, "Who cares about her? The sisters are already enjoying themselves."

Lin Yan'er replied, "I think it's better if you don't go to the bars. You're just a girl, what if you meet some bad people?"

The young girl said, "What's there to be afraid of? If we meet a handsome one, can't we do the same?"

"Tang Qing, when did you become so unrestrained?" Lin Yan'er was full of surprise.

Tang Qing giggled and said, "I was just teasing you." But I'm really curious about men and women. Why isn't my prince here yet? They've been saving it for you for twenty-four years. "

Lin Yan'er said somewhat embarrassedly: "Okay, okay, you don't have to act coquettish in broad daylight." Perhaps your prince is already waiting for you outside the door. "

"Come on, here at Yade's place, other than the security guards who are male, where else would there be a prince? If there's a man, I'll marry him. " Tang Qing said.

"Cough, cough!" Chen Fangfang felt that his mission in history had arrived. He coughed dryly and stood before the door, asking, "Are you speaking the truth?"

In a split-second, Tang Qing saw Chen Fangyuan and her face immediately turned green.

Lin Yan'er burst out laughing, even bursting into tears.

Reflected in Chen Fang's eyes were two beautiful girls. Lin Yan'er was clad in a beige suit. She was valiant, capable, and had a touch of gentleness in her.

Tang Qing was wearing a short red skirt and a tight white shirt. Her figure was very good, and her face was beautiful. However, she was just like a little hot pepper, full of passion and vitality.

"You … You... Who are you, where did you come from? " Tang Qing was flustered and exasperated.

Chen Fangfang rubbed his nose and said, "I came here on the rainbow clouds. The clouds just drifted away. I was trying to pick you up!"

Lin Yan'er burst out laughing; she was rarely this happy. " Tang Qing, hurry up and leave on your Rainbow Cloud. "

"Where did you come from!" Tang Qing was flustered and exasperated.

Chen Fangfang replied, feeling wronged, "Earlier, you said that as long as it's a man coming out, you'll marry them all." I'm a man. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you. "

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