Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C3 Once King
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Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C3 Once King
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C3 Once King

Xu Shu still felt a lingering fear at the thought of this. She said, "I didn't expect that there would be someone as skilled as you in the security of our residential complex." "What a waste of talent."

Chen Fangfang grinned and said, "There's nothing to worry about. Three hundred and sixty lines is just for the top scholar." I feel very comfortable here. "

The security department of the residential complex was truly quite relaxed, since everyone wasn't scheming and scheming together. Every day you're on duty, and I'm on duty, so when you meet me, say hello.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that he had to check the various floors while on duty every day. Sometimes, the old security guard loved to bully the new security guard. However, this was understandable. New people would not be bullied, so was it possible that old people would be bullied?

Xu Shu was slightly taken aback. She felt that Chen Fangfang was truly different from the masses. She couldn't even see through him.

Chen Fang walked over to Xu Shu's side. Smelling the fragrant scent on Xu Shu's body, he couldn't help but let his imagination run wild. He thought back to the time when he had untied Xu Shu with his eyes closed. He also thought back to the time when he had deliberately touched Xu Shu.

That taste had left Chen Fangfang thinking about it in retrospect!

He secretly glanced at the snow-white ravine on Xu Shu's chest as he thought to himself, "Whoever marries a woman like Xu Shu will eventually perish." I wonder what kind of person her ex-husband is to actually be willing to divorce such a beauty. "

While his thoughts were wandering around, Xu Shu was also a little distracted. The main reason for Xu Shu's fear was because he was completely unable to resist today's situation!

Chen Fangfang immediately saw through Xu Shu's fear. He immediately said, "Sis Shu, don't be afraid. I'm here to protect you."

Xu Shu was stunned. For some reason, she suddenly had the urge to burst into tears.

It was too tiring for her to work alone. Now that Chen Fangfang had suddenly said that he would protect her, her heart was moved beyond compare.

"Thank you." Xu Shu said. She turned her head away to quietly wipe away her tears, not wanting Chen Fangfang to see her weakness.

Chen Fangfang chuckled and said, "To be able to protect such a beautiful girl like you, many people wouldn't even be able to beg for it."

This flattery was enough to expose his true colors!

However, Xu Shu was overjoyed upon hearing this. As long as it was a woman, there would be others who would not like to be praised.

Men are always happy when they are praised.

However, Xu Shu's face still turned slightly red as he modestly replied, "What am I beautiful for? I'm already old."

Chen Fangfang immediately said, "Damn, Sis Shu, if you were to fall in love with someone, wouldn't those celebrities have to jump into the river?" "Sigh, if I were to get married in the future, I would be satisfied with only 10% of your beauty." He immediately complained, "It's a pity that I'm just a little security guard and no girl is willing to marry me."

Seeing Chen Fang so depressed, she comforted him immediately, "It won't happen. You're so outstanding, you must have a destiny waiting for you. Don't worry."

Chen Fangfang said, "OK, Sister Shu. I'll listen to you."

He found it funny. How could this guy feel inferior just because he was a security guard? In the past, he was the king of mercenary groups abroad. What kind of beauty had he never seen before?

However, right now, Chen Fangfang was a complete pauper. When he disbanded the mercenary group, he took out all his money and gave it to them.

The two chatted for a while before they arrived outside the residential complex.

Xu Shu suddenly felt that this journey was too short. As the two of them entered the district together, Xu Shu said to Chen Fangfang, "Is it convenient for you to leave me your number?"

Chen Fangfang smiled. "You're my sister, of course you can."

Seeing Chen Fangfang's simple and honest smile, Xu Shu felt her heart melt a little. "Yeah, you'll be my younger brother from now on."

After the two of them hung up on each other, Xu Shu waved goodbye to Chen Fangfang.

Chen Fangfang watched as Xu Shu ascended to the stage. He looked at Xu Shuyu's back and that round and perky butt of hers. He was suddenly unable to control himself.

While Chen Fangfang was still in a daze, Little Zhou, the security guard from the district over there, came over immediately.

"Brother Fang, you're really amazing!" I've heard that you overcame two armed bandits by yourself. Wow, this is a hero saving a beauty! I just saw that female owner looking at you differently.

Chen Fangfang snappily replied, "I think you have a cross-eyed look, and it even contains feelings for my sister."

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