Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C8 Killing Intent
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Beautiful Wife Loves Me/C8 Killing Intent
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C8 Killing Intent

Upon hearing Chen Fangfang's words, the four security guards immediately heaved a sigh of relief. They hurriedly accepted the cards and money before obediently standing to the side.

Zhao Hu didn't move. He definitely wouldn't do it at this time.

Lin Qianqian asked Chen Fangfang with a cold expression, "Which one is your bed?"

Chen Fangfang pointed to his bed in an honest manner. He giggled and said, "Just casually search around. There's no need to be courteous."

Lin Qianqian and the rest of the policemen muttered to themselves as they saw Chen Fangzheng was so sure of himself. Was he wrongly accused?

Zhao Hu sneered in his heart. Damn it, laugh now. In a while, you won't even be able to cry.

Lin Qianqian asked the policeman behind her to search Chen Yuan's bed, and she found a golden necklace the size of a thumb under the bed.

"This is mine." Zhao Hu immediately exclaimed. Then he said angrily to Chen Fangfang, "So it was you who stole my necklace."

Lin Qianqian looked at Chen Fangfang and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

Chen Fangzhu chuckled and said, "Don't tell me you also believe in such a simple method of framing?" He paused and then said, "I will steal this grandson's things? If I get my eyes on it, I'll just steal it. "

After he finished speaking, he turned around and dashed to Zhao Hu's side. He hooked onto Zhao Hu's shoulder and said, "Speak, were you the one who framed me?"

Zhao Hu had always been an audacious person, but now that he had met a person like Chen Fangzheng, he felt a little apprehensive. "With Chen Fangfang's words, he was immediately scared witless." No, how could I frame you? It's obviously you … "Ahh!" Halfway through his sentence, he suddenly screamed out in pain.

"Stop!" Lin Qianqian and the other policemen were furious when they saw Chen Fangfang beat up a witness right in front of their faces. Lin Qianqian also had a fiery temper, she immediately pulled out her gun and pointed it at Chen Fangfang.

The other three policemen immediately came to capture Chen Fangfang.

Chen Fangfang held onto Zhao Hu with one hand, not letting go. Suddenly, he sent out two lightning-fast kicks. Two kicks later, two policemen were kicked and sent flying. They landed heavily on the ground. Next, Chen Fangfang casually struck out with his palm, and the last officer staggered three steps back before falling to the ground.

"Stop!" Lin Qianqian was dumbfounded. She didn't expect Chen Fangyuan to have such a violent personality. He even dared to openly attack the police. Moreover, wasn't this fellow's strength and skill too terrifying?

"If you don't stop, I'll shoot!" Lin Qianqian was furious.

"Beautiful police officer, you have to shoot. At least there's a bullet inside. At least you have to pull the safety catch." Chen Fangfang laughed coldly before his eyes glowed with a fierce light, saying, "You all are really blind! How dare you call me a thief? I've killed and set fires before, but I've never stolen anything. " With that, he grabbed Zhao Hu's hair and pressed him down onto the ground.

Zhao Hu's face swelled red and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

From this, it could be seen that Chen was quite ruthless.

Lin Qianqian did not have any bullets in her gun. Seeing this, she became anxious and immediately used the method she used in the police academy to capture Chen Fangfang's arm.

Chen Fangfang sneered, before taking it back into his own hands and whipping again.

Lin Qianqian felt a sharp pain in her wrist, but she was already at a loss of her position. She even cried.

Xu Shu and the other security guards who were watching from the side couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Chen Fangfang said to Zhao Hu, "Grandson, what's going on? "If you don't explain it to me today, I will kill you right in front of these policemen. Do you believe that I will kill you?"

Chen Fangfang was filled with killing intent.

He was truly infuriated.

When he was travelling abroad, he was the famous King of Thunder.

His fiery temper was famous for its ferocity. Returning home, little tramp 3 actually dared to frame him for stealing things. Stealing your ass!

Zhao Hu was so shocked by Chen Fangfeng's killing intent that he nearly peed his pants. He was unable to control himself and immediately, a foul stench filled the air.

"Master, Officer, I was wrong. I was the one who framed you. I won't dare to do that again." Zhao Hu was scared to the point of tears.

Only then did Chen Fangfang let go of Zhao Hu.

He clapped his hands, glanced at Lin Qianqian and said, "You're just a brainless person with a big chest. Why should I explain to you if you can't even see the plot?"

Lin Qianqian's eyes flashed with fear.

This was the first time she had seen someone like Chen Fangfang. The killing intent exuded by Chen Fangfang was definitely not something to be feared, but something that came from the accumulation of one life after another.

Lin Qianqian also believed that Chen Fangfang didn't steal anything. She believed that a man like him would never do something like that.

Zhao Hu stood up, he looked battered and exhausted, and quickly cried to Lin Qianqian: "Officer, I was wrong, I was the one who framed Master Military." I got someone to slip this necklace under his bed. "

Lin Qianqian glared angrily at Zhao Hu, then looked at Chen Fangyuan and said, "If you resist now, I won't be able to arrest you." But you said you were going to commit murder and set fire, and I must take you back to the police station and record your statement. If you resist, we will issue a wanted order against you. "

Chen Fangfang grinned and said, "Don't worry. As long as you don't tell me I'm stealing something, everything else is fine." I'll go back with you. "

Lin Qianqian was stunned. This guy was really weird!

After that, Zhao Hu and Chen Fangfang left the North Lake District with Lin Qianqian.

Although Xu Shu was also a little afraid, she felt that Chen Fangfang had just saved her life yesterday. She couldn't abandon him, so she immediately left with him.

Xu Shu gradually began to understand that Chen Fangfang was no ordinary security guard. The killing intent that this man had just released was too terrifying.

The police station was the nearest police station in the North Lakes region.

In the police station, Lin Qianqian personally interrogated Chen Fang.

The glaring light from the desk lamp illuminated Chen Fen. It was the light from a military lamp, giving off a feeling of having no place to hide.

"Just because you attacked the police today, I can send you to jail." Lin Qianqian said to Chen Fangfang first.

Chen Fangfang smiled faintly and said, "You don't have to threaten me. Let me tell you, I'm clean in the country." It's cleaner than a virgin! "

"You …" Lin Qianqian blushed. Then she said, "You'd better be honest with yourself. What were you before?"

While she was talking, the police outside knocked on the door.

Lin Qianqian stared at Chen Fang and said, "Be more honest."

"You don't have any other words, you only know this phrase." Chen Fangfang retorted.

Lin Qianqian was so angry that her breasts heaved. She turned around and walked out of the interrogation room.

"What is it?" Lin Qianqian asked the policeman after she closed the door.

The policeman held Chen Fang's ID card and said, "We've checked the internet."

"What was the result?" Lin Qianqian asked quickly.

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