Beautiful Wifes In Another World/C2 Rebirth
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Beautiful Wifes In Another World/C2 Rebirth
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C2 Rebirth

As if having a long dream, Long Xiao hazily regained consciousness, but felt a tearing pain between his thighs. He could not help but take in a breath of cold air and open his eyes.

Dazzling sunlight poured in, and his eyes burned with a stinging pain. In front of his eyes was a vast expanse of whiteness, and he could not see anything clearly. Dragon Roar hurriedly closed his eyes, trying to alleviate the pain.

He couldn't see, but he could feel his body swaying back and forth in the air. His left ankle was in burning pain, and under the rippling, he could feel the tendons in his leg moving.

The pain was unbearable. No matter what happened next, he had to endure the pain on his legs. He turned his body over like a shrimp, slowly opening his eyes and getting used to the light. He had to figure out what was going on first.

He opened his eyes wide to see what was going on. His left ankle was stuck to a tree branch, blocked by the sole of his foot. His entire body was suspended in the air, his right thigh shamefully wide open. His entire body was like a big character, swaying back and forth in the air.

Just as Long Xiao was about to endure the pain and pull himself out of the tree, he suddenly heard a hissing sound from below. He remembered that he had not checked the situation below and quickly looked down.

"Oh my god!" Long Xiao cried out in fear. His soul and spirit had left his body and he only saw a large tiger with white eyes jumping around below him. It was only one or two feet away from his head.

The dragon's roar immediately forgot about the pain in his legs and didn't dare to move around. Hanging on the tree was fine, but at least it was safe. If it fell off, not even a speck of it would remain.

"Big brother Hu, Grandpa Hu, Grandpa Hu, please do me a favor. My skin is sour and I don't have much to eat. The little white rabbit's flesh is smooth and fresh, go and find it."

The dragon's roar continued to be heard by the elders. They were so scared that they started to cry, hoping that the tiger would take pity on them, listen to their advice, and turn around to find other food to let them go.

Lying underneath the dragon's roar, it raised its head to look at the dragon's roar, then looked down at itself, repeating itself several times, as if it wanted to let the dragon roar down. It wanted to use its body to catch the dragon roar.

Long Xiao almost thought that he was seeing things. When did a tiger become so amiable? It must have been wrong for him to act so amiable on the surface. His heart must have been filled with the savagery of eating meat and drinking blood.

"This tiger's IQ isn't low at all. He even knows how to use it, trying to trick me out of it."

Thinking up to here, Long Xiao was naturally unwilling to go down. Besides, he wouldn't be able to get down, as his ankle was still stuck in the branches of the tree. Since there was nothing to worry about for the time being, Long Xiao decided that he should first climb up a tree to stop the pain in his legs and legs, and stay away from the tiger that pretended to be merciful.

He used strength in his waist and tried to roll upwards. Just as his hands were about to touch the branches, a weak force broke off from the branches. With a scream, the dragon fell from the sky and landed heavily on a soft spot.

After the tiger was heavily smashed, it howled as its four legs stretched out. Its eyes turned white, and its tongue stuck out as it struggled to crawl out from under the dragon's roar. It flipped over the tiger's head, and its eyes became watery.

The sound of a dragon's roar could be heard as it fell from the tree. It was clear that it had hit the tiger. He sighed in his heart. He was doomed. He was going to be a tiger in the end.

Since he couldn't change the habits that he had formed over the years, he would try his best to enjoy them. In his heart, he thought, no matter how much he struggled, it wouldn't do any good. Perhaps the pain from being bitten would be even more intense.

For a long time, there was no response. His face and hands were hot and wet, smooth and itchy. It felt very warm. The dragon's roar could not help but open one eye. Oh my god, the tiger was licking his hands and face with its tongue, and the dragon's roar scared the hell out of him.

With a pair of watery tiger eyes, filled with grievance, doubt, and pity, the tiger took a step forward, and the dragon roared as it scrambled to hide behind a tree. The tiger did not dare to move forward, and instead, a man and a tiger silently watched.

While frantically dodging, the dragon cry did not notice it. At this moment, the dragon roar did not notice it, and when the dragon roar touched the tree trunk, the dragon roar did not notice it.

As if struck by lightning, Long Xiao was instantly dazed. His two legs that were like poles, how did they become thick and sturdy, he tore open his pants in three swings, those legs were straight and well-proportioned, light copper colored skin covered them, and pieces of muscles on them were distinct, showing an incomparably strong and healthy look. He quickly looked at his arms, and they no longer looked like poles.

At this moment, the entire world suddenly became bright. The haze and fear in his heart disappeared, and he stood up with a howl of the dragon. He jumped a few times, jumped a few times, and waved his arms in the air. Under the great joy, he laughed out loud into the sky, tears flowing down his face. He walked forward a few steps, grabbed the tiger's head, and started sobbing bitterly.

He rubbed his chest as he felt the dragon's roar and cried out loudly. Although he did not understand what was going on, when the tiger saw him being so intimate, it stuck out its hot, red tongue and licked the tears that were gushing out of the dragon's roar.

The dragon's roar shocked the heavens and shocked the earth with its cries. For twenty-eight years, it had been looking forward to the end of the day. The heavens had opened their eyes, and they had actually bestowed upon him a set of healthy limbs. At this moment, Long Xiao felt that everything was so cute. The sky was so blue, the trees were so green, the sun was so warm, and the tiger in his arms was so soft.

Wait, wait, the dragon's roar startled him. He was so excited that he forgot about the tiger and hugged its head while crying loudly. At this moment, Long Xiao really wanted to curse loudly. Only then did he have healthy limbs and was about to feed it to the tiger in an instant. The heavens were f * cking tricking him.

He hurriedly let go of his hands and turned around to flee. Since he had strong limbs, the dragon's roar had a strong desire to survive. He rolled and crawled, and in a few seconds, he was already far away.

After running for hundreds of meters, the dragon let out a panicked roar as it was tripped by another tree branch. It turned around and saw the tiger slowly following it. It saw how fast it was running and quickly moved forward.

It looks like I can't get away." The dragon's roar was like a ferocious gale, fiercely hardening the courage of the hero. He grabbed a branch from the ground, tore it off in a few bites, and raised it high above his head. He thought to himself, even though you are a national animal, you might want to be a tiger hero this time. The strong limbs that you have must not be taken advantage of.

A man and a tiger confronted each other. The dragon roared at the tiger, but it didn't seem like it was going to devour him. Its eyes were pitiful. While Long Xiao was still confused, a name suddenly popped up in his mind, bringing with it a wave of memories.

"You're Little Flower, you're Little Flower?" Long Xiao asked in disbelief.

The tiger nodded its head and moved forward affectionately. Long Xiao quickly took two steps back. The tiger stamped its front hooves in grievance, as if it was complaining.

Long Xiao saw that the tiger really meant no harm and matched it with the little tigress that he remembered in his mind, so he slowly threw away the stick. The tiger happily approached, its fluffy head nudging the dragon's roar in its bosom.

At this moment, Long Xiao realized that something he couldn't have predicted had happened. He looked around his body and saw a pair of grey cloth shoes on his feet. The cloth shoes on his left foot were torn, and his ankle was bloody and swollen. The lower half of his body was covered in grey coarse cloth pants, the upper half of his body had a bearskin and shoulders, and a gray cloth belt was tightly wrapped around his waist.

He hurriedly searched everywhere, finally discovering a small pond not too far away. Not caring about the pain in his legs, Long Xiao jumped onto the side of the pool with one leg, and the water reflected a strange yet somewhat familiar face, with sixty to seventy percent similar to Long Xiao's original appearance, but very young and tender, only around ten years old. The dragon's roar was puzzled, why did he wake up with strong limbs, and even become a teenager?

The original owner of this body, coincidentally, was also called Long Xiao. He had three masters who grew up in this mountain, and today, on the orders of the three masters, they came to harvest a fruit called the Crimson Mulberry Fruit. With a careless step, he stepped on the air, his left leg was caught by a tree branch, and his head heavily hit the tree trunk, causing him to pass out.

What had awoken was the current dragon roar. The original dragon roar had transformed into only a few strands of memories.

But Long Xiao didn't know, it was precisely because of his own soul that was flying in from the sky, taking advantage of the situation and forcibly invading, dispersing and absorbing the soul of the original Long Xiao, and taking over this body. Luckily, everyone was called Long Xiao, and seeing the memories of the dragon Xiao, he hated his three masters, especially his second master.

Little Flower was not an adult tiger, she was only four years old until now. In her memory, she had picked it up from a broken mountain cave. At that time, it was only the size of a kitten. Yuan Long Xiao was lonely and lonely. He was in the same boat, so he carefully hugged and insisted on staying alive. Even though his eldest and second masters threatened to finish their daily homework, they still let him stay behind to keep Long Xiao company.

He was able to persevere and complete the lesson his two masters had arranged for him every day. One man and one tiger, living together, tottering and stumbling their way here, this year, he was already nine years old, and although he was young, under the strict supervision of his master, he had developed a strong physique. It was very easy to climb mountains and climb water, to climb rocks.

Little Flower was anxiously jumping around below, wanting to rescue her, but she was powerless. Although the dragon cry that had woken up was strange, how could she tell that it was no longer the original person? A modern dragon cry had forcefully taken over the body.

Since Hu Xiaohua was his partner, there was no need to be afraid anymore. Only then did Long Xiao have the heart to check on his injuries. With great difficulty did he manage to recover his four limbs.

He tried to move his foot, but the bones were fine. He quickly tore off his pants, checked his thigh, and hung there for only a long time. His right thigh was stretched out, and the pain was so great that he could not help but heave a long sigh of relief.

Pulling up his pants, he realized that the tiger was twisting its neck in a very strange manner, as if it was shy. "Heh, this little tigress is interesting. To think that she is actually afraid of shame!" The dragon's roar became childish as it called out. The little tiger turned its head and took off its pants. The little tiger quickly turned its head back. The dragon roared with laughter. After these two rounds, the little tiger refused to turn back. It used its front hooves to dig the ground, as if it was angry.

He took out a piece of coarse cloth from his pants and slowly wiped the wound along the stream with it. After wiping the blood off, he carefully put the powder back into his pocket and unscrewed the small bottle of ointment. The swelling had been smeared with a thin layer of powder, and the pain was also very comfortable.

From time to time, he would stroke his legs and hands, sitting by the lake to admire the scenery. The little tiger would also be by his side quietly, the scene appearing like a roll of ink, clear and harmonious.

At this moment, although Long Xiao didn't know what the world he came from looked like, it didn't matter. Now that he had all his limbs and a heart brimming with sunshine, he was fearless.

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