Beautiful Women/C10 Hand
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Beautiful Women/C10 Hand
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C10 Hand

Her second sister, Little Ying, laughed and said that man was sick. How long is your man?

That Lil 'Lian wasn't stupid. She was very smart and immediately reacted by saying ten minutes.

Little Ying said that was normal.


The two of them paused for a while, then Wang Da Sheng went out to look for a meal. Little Lian pulled a small blanket over her jade-like body.

Suddenly, he thought of Chen Mu.

Her second sister had said that the most capable men were all young men, seventeen or eighteen years old. At that time, they were like newborn calves.

It was also very hard. It could pierce a hole in a brick wall.

Little Lian didn't believe that she could break through the brick wall, but it would at least let her feel comfortable.

Not only that, when Chen Mu came to drink, there wasn't even a trace of sweat on that kid's body. His neck was as white as a sheet.

Little Lian couldn't help but quietly place her hands between her legs. She touched it through the blanket as she imagined Chen Mu's appearance in her mind. He could not help but feel something.


Chen Mu hadn't gone far when he saw Wang Dansheng return with a hoe on his shoulder.

He was really afraid that Xiao Lian would tell him what had happened.

Some of them were hiding in the back window of the house to eavesdrop with a guilty conscience.

Although he wasn't very tall, and he was also a bit skinny, Zhang Laowu had taught him two sets of fist techniques, so his movements were still very nimble.

There wasn't much noise from the landing, and it was dark outside too. If he hid there, it would be hard for others to find him.

And he had heard everything that had happened in the house.

This included the voices of the two officers, which made him feel as if his lower body had become tougher.

Chen Mu wanted to see how their officer looked like. The main reason was because he wanted to see the body of Xiao Lian, who had taken off her white stockings.

He was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pan, unable to find anything after a few rounds.

Suddenly, he noticed that there were some cracks above the curtains. It wasn't securely blocked.

Chen Mu was already used to peeking at Liu Cui peeing from the window. At this moment, he also climbed up to the window and peeked inside.

However, after the two of them finished their work, they saw that the little lotus flower was lying on the brick bed by itself.

It revealed two white calves and white shoulders.

"Hmm? "Is that right?" Chen Mu wanted to pull away the exposed part of the lily, but he couldn't help but to see the area where the lily covered the blanket quiver.

If one listened carefully, one would hear a sound. Furthermore, from time to time, the little lotus flower would lift its chin as if it was enjoying itself.

This reminded him of Liu Cui in the toilet during the day.

"Is Lil 'Lian being picky too?" Chen Mu's head buzzed, and a bit of hardness appeared on the ground below.

Summer was always the time of day. The sounds of the windows came out intermittently. At first, they were a little unclear, but the two words that followed afterwards somehow sounded like Chen Mu.

Chen Mu quickly listened carefully again. Although Xiao Lian let out a suppressed moan, it still sounded like Chen Mu … Wasn't this calling out to him?

At this moment, the inner door clanged.

Wang Dansheng came in with his bowl.

Chen Mu immediately jumped down from the window and ran away with the jug of wine.

His brain was in a mess. He had to tell Old Man Zhang about what he saw. Ask him.

"Bastard!" Why did he take so long to drink! It's all over! "

When Chen Mu returned, Old Zhang started scolding.

"Old man, if you think it's too late to get your own wine, then I'm not willing to serve you!" Chen Mu passed the wine jug over.

The old man grabbed it, unscrewed the black cap, and took a swig directly from the plastic jug.

It seemed that he was very satisfied with the result, causing Chen Mu to grin.

"That Wang Xiaozhen, just how much water did he pour into the wine?!" Old man Zhang cursed and started drinking again.

Wang Xiaotian was Wang Da Sheng's father. He was a petty person, so he was nicknamed Wang Xiao Shi.

"Stinky brat, let me ask you, did you fall for Old Wang's wife after drinking so much?" The girl's butt was round, but not big enough. It would definitely be a girl in the future. "Also, that daughter-in-law has long, shapely eyebrows. Her brows droop. In the future, she will definitely put on a green hat for her man …"

Zhang said as he took another sip of wine, taking a sip as well.

Upon hearing these words, Chen Mu froze. Only then did he move over.

"Old man, how did you know?" "About that, why don't you tell me more about it?"

"Tch!" Old man Zhang rolled his eyes at him.

"Brat, you're finished with your stuff. You didn't even learn what I taught you. The moment you heard me say what a woman is, you immediately became energetic. You really look like laozi." "Why don't you be my son."

"You go first!" Chen Mu stared at him anxiously.

Old man Zhang had decided to accept him as his son more than once. The more he spoke, the more he would get used to it.

"Let me tell you something. Is a woman a chick? Look at her eyebrows. Let me tell you something. That little lotus will definitely carry her man and steal a man. Do you believe me?"

"Old man, you can tell what he looks like just by looking at his eyebrows?" Chen Mu refused to believe it.

"Then if I were to steal that little lotus, would you say I could steal it?" Chen Mu asked.

"You stole? You can't! "

"Why can't I? I just climbed up to her window and saw that Xiao Lian's hands were covering her crotch. While she was rubbing them, she was also whispering my name! "

"Pfft!" Old man Zhang spat out the wine in his mouth and began to cough.

"You damned brat, can you not say those words while I'm drinking?!" That Little Lian really has no eyes. If she didn't call out my name, then she would call out to you … "Cough, cough …"

When Old Man Zhang had finished coughing. Chen Mu asked.

"Old man, did that woman drop something as well? Today, I peeked at Aunt Liu Cui peeing. She was lying in the toilet, feeling under it, digging in again, then rubbing it, and the water came out. That water is still very sticky, what do you think it is? "

"Stop boasting!" Liu Cui that woman is very good, she can take it off. You want to look at the ground below when you're naked? You think I can dig at him in front of you? "

Chen Mu recounted the events of the past few days.

She waited until the end before saying, "It's because they went to the circus today, so Aunt Liu Cui thought there was no one around. I even saw Pan Feng and our village's Xu Guozhong together …"

Old man Zhang cursed.

"This f * cking Xu Guozhong, he always comes to cause trouble for laozi and get laozi to move. This time, if he comes to pretend again, laozi will let everyone in the village know about it. I'll see if the Vice Village Chief can't do it."

Old man Zhang drank another mouthful of wine and patted Chen Mu's head. "Good boy, you did well. Come on, let me give you a set of drunk martial arts. Watch carefully …"

Chen Mu covered his eyes as he shouted.

"I won't look, I won't look! If you teach me how to steal that little lotus, then I'll look! If you won't teach me how to steal a woman, then I won't look!"

Old man Zhang was amused. He had drunk quite a lot of wine and had started to speak like a madman again.

"I used to not teach fist arts no matter how much money they give me, but now I have to teach them to steal women in such a hurry. Haha, what the hell is wrong with this world?"

"Good!" "Brat, as long as you learn today as a drunkard, I will teach you how to steal a woman and guarantee that you will be able to get rid of that little lotus."

"Good, good, good!" The moment Chen Mu heard that Little Lian could sleep. Let alone getting him to learn how to be a drunkard, he would even be willing to kick his dad's butt when he was told to.

However, it was certain that he would be beaten up after kicking him.

Old Zhang started to call as well.

"Lu Dongbin carries his pot with a great deal of power in it, Immortal Uncle Cao holds his goblet in his hands, Immortal Elder Zhang Guo kicks with his goblet; Iron Crutch Li is truly drunk; Hanzhong walks with his head in his arms; Lan Caixu and the toasts break apart his waist!" Han Xiangzi struck his chest and blew the flute while Immortal Lady He walked with a drunken gait.

"Originally, this Immortal Drunken Wine came from the common folk, so he had a strong combat nature. The advantage of the Immortal Drunken Wine lay in his boxing style, which made him seem drunk and intoxicated in order to confuse the other party. With the principle of 'one has no fist, no intention is unintentional, only true intent is contained within the fist' as its purpose, making it possible for one to hide one's skills while drunk. Fannie seemed to be drunk, drunk and intoxicated, drunk and unintoxicated. Immortal Drunken Wine's request was to move left and right, to move erratically. His body was like a madman, his footwork was complicated, his punches were gentle and combined, he was quick and nimble like a human ape, and he defeated his opponent with a lightning speed. "We have to guard the target, avoid the attack, take advantage of the opening and attack the target from all directions …"

Old man Zhang explained as he quickly typed it out, then slowed down his actions.

Every action had to be explained in great detail.

During the battle, Chen Mu had been observing the battle attentively.

Old man Zhang sighed.

He really didn't know if this was a blessing or a curse for a woman.

This was because Chen Mu had already imitated Zhang Xuan's movements and was showing some of his true colors now.

Using the theft of his wife as bait, Old Zhang began to instruct him again.

"Fight for laozi and laozi; as long as you train well, you can steal my wife. Even if they block the door, if you can't run away, you still have to beat them, or else you'll embarrass me more!"


It had been more than four hours since Ye Ci practiced from being in the dark all the way until it was past 11 PM.

This seemingly simple method of training the Intoxicated Eight Immortals was basically qualified.

Chen Mu was so tired that his arms and legs were aching.

"Old man, I'm almost done practicing. Quickly tell me how to steal it. Also, what is that woman's loot? You still haven't told me what it is?"

Old man Chang smiled.

"Little brat, don't underestimate these simple movements. If you can learn something, then you won't be able to do it after eight to ten years of hard work." However, I, an old man, will not go back on my words.

Just a moment ago, Chen Mu was still aching from the pain, but upon hearing this, his eyes lit up.

"What?" Say it! "

Old man Zhang looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "There are several kinds of women. Some of them are naturally slovenly, and some of them are innately obsessed with cleanliness. Didn't you say that little Lian likes to wear white stockings? "Then she is the one who is obsessed with cleanliness …"

Chen Mu interrupted, "What is a germaphobe?"

"Idiot!" Where did you go to school? You don't even understand cleanliness? An obsession with cleanliness is a clean ass. Do you understand!? "

Chen Mu nodded.

Old Zhang then said.

I think that little lotus's ass must be very clean. After we go to the toilet, we will use the newspaper to wipe it, and that little lotus will have to use a tissue to wipe it clean after wiping it, do you understand? So, you have to clean this father normally, the men in the countryside don't care about this.

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