Beauty, Let's Cultivate Together/C13 Psychosomatic Expense
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Beauty, Let's Cultivate Together/C13 Psychosomatic Expense
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C13 Psychosomatic Expense

'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard. The two fists collided in midair.

In everyone's opinion, Wu Zhenqiang was ranked eighth in the Martial Arts Club. Furthermore, Zhang Yicheng had been caught unprepared when he made his move just now. There was no suspense about Wu Zhenqiang winning this battle.

However, the scene in front of them shocked them all.

Zhang Yicheng was still sitting there unharmed, but compared to him, Wu Zhenqiang, who was supposed to be the victor of the battle, was in an extremely sorry state.

Zhang Yicheng's punch sent him flying back four to five meters, smashing the wooden chairs on the dining table into pieces. Although he used all his strength, he was still barely able to stand up.

However, the right hand that was attacking Zhang Yicheng just now was swaying. It was clear that it had already been cut off. It would be difficult for it to return to its original state in half a year.

"Oh my god! Who is this kid? Wu Zhenqiang is not his match!"

"He sent Wu Zhenqiang flying a few meters away with a single punch, and from the looks of it, his arm is broken as well. This guy is a bit too strong, I don't think even the top three of the Martial Arts Club has that kind of strength."

"Who is this person? How come I have never seen him before?"

"I've never seen him before. He can't be a new student, right? With such strength and him interrupting Wu Zhenqiang's hand, there will be a lot of excitement in the future."

"That's for the future. Normally, this Li Tianba would run amok, so I would like to see how he ends up."

Everyone was shocked by the scene of Zhang Yichen defeating Wu Zhenqiang with a single punch. As such, their previous reverence towards the Martial Arts Club was completely gone.

As such, the voices of everyone present were not soft. When Wu Zhenqiang heard these voices, he felt as if they were ear-piercing. At this moment, his face was turning green and pale.

Li Tianba's expression also drastically changed when he saw the defeat of Zhang Yicheng by Wu Zhenqiang. It was as if everyone was looking at him like he was a clown.

In the past, when he met people who were unevenly matched in the Lin City University, he had always relied on Wu Zhenqiang. But now, his exceptionally strong friend had been defeated in a single move by his enemy.

Therefore, he noticed that something was wrong and slowly approached the crowd. In his opinion, as long as he left now, Zhang Yicheng wouldn't be able to do anything to him, since Wu Zhenqiang couldn't take care of the kid, and neither could the people outside. No matter how hard he tried, he would still be afraid of the kitchen knives.

Seeing that he was about to squeeze into the crowd, he also shouted loudly in his heart, "Bastard, just you wait! See how I'll deal with you from now on!"

But just then, a voice that made his soul tremble rang in his ears, "Leaving just like that! Do I agree? "

Li Tianba looked towards the source of the sound and saw that Zhang Yicheng was still sitting there like before. However, he was holding a chopstick in his hand and carefully examining it.

When he saw this chopstick, Li Tianba's heart skipped a beat. He still vividly remembered the experiences of his two subordinates, but he didn't want to follow in their footsteps.

Thinking to this point, he could only brace himself and head towards Zhang Yicheng's table.

"Brother, this is a complete misunderstanding." Li Tianba, who walked in front of Zhang Yichen, said with a smile.

He said that, but in his heart, he had already scolded all eighteen generations of Zhang Yicheng's ancestors.

Zhang Yi Chen glanced at him and said, "Misunderstanding?" Weren't you all just making a ruckus just now? Also, my classmate just took a few kicks for nothing? " After saying that, Zhang Yicheng pointed at Zhao Tian, who was standing to the side in disbelief.

He originally thought that he wouldn't be able to escape today's calamity, but he never imagined that Zhang Yicheng would be so strong. From the start of his attack until now, only half a minute had passed, and the previously arrogant crowd was now completely intimidated by Zhang Yicheng, and they could only stand between him and the crowd, including the eighth ranked expert of the Martial Arts Club.

Since Zhang Yicheng didn't say anything, he didn't know whether those people would leave or stand over. He could only stay there in fear.

"I'll pay for that." After Li Tianba finished speaking, he took out his wallet from his pants pocket and shoved it to Zhao Tian.

Then, he looked at Zhang Yicheng and carefully asked, "What do you think?"

"Now that I know about him, what about me? You have provoked me multiple times and now you want to attack me directly with your men? Tell me, how do you think we should settle this debt? " After saying that, Zhang Yicheng directly took out the chopsticks in his hand and shot it towards Li Tianba's knee.

With a "pa" sound, Li Tianba, who was originally standing, kneeled down.

This morning, Zhang Yicheng was extremely unhappy with Li Tianba, so he taught him a small lesson. He never would have thought that Li Tianba would bring people here to seek revenge not long after.

Thus, he wanted to use some tricks this time to get this brat into the hospital for a few months. This way, he would be able to have some peace and quiet.

Of course, as an early Foundation Establishment cultivator, he was naturally very familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body.

However, when Li Tianba took out the money from his wallet, Zhang Yicheng accidentally took a glance at it.

As for Zhang Yicheng, who was currently worrying about losing money, he naturally changed his mind.

Although Li Tianba kneeled down in front of Zhang Yicheng, he still understood, and didn't reveal anything on his face. Instead, he said in a fawning tone, "It's a misunderstanding, all of this is definitely a misunderstanding, but the matter was caused by me. I'll compensate Boss for the shock fee, five …"

Although Li Tianba looked unblinkingly at Zhang Yicheng when he spoke, when he saw Zhang Yicheng raise his eyebrows, he immediately changed his words, "Five hundred thousand."

He was a rich second-generation man. His dad owned a factory and only had about 100 million yuan. He could only get over 100,000 yuan from his dad every month.

Five hundred thousand was definitely not a small amount of money for him. However, he had no choice but to lower his head, so he could only stabilize himself with Zhang Yicheng. After all, there were two fellows beside him with chopsticks sticking out of their butts, so he didn't want to follow in their footsteps.

After saying that, he paused for a moment before continuing, "But I don't have that much money on me right now. Boss, please forgive me for a day. Tomorrow, I'll definitely send the money over to you."

Hearing the other party's words, Zhang Yicheng didn't say anything. However, he could only sigh with emotion. He had worked so hard to get the money, yet the other party was actually able to take it out so easily.

Why was there such a huge difference between them!

However, he did not think about it. No matter how rich and powerful Li Tianba was, he was still kneeling in front of Li Tianba, smiling.

Seeing that Zhang Yicheng didn't say anything, Li Tianba said with a sullen face, "Boss, this is really my limit."

"Sure, but I don't like people who spout nonsense. If you dare to lie to me, then this 500,000 is your medical fee." After saying that, Zhang Yicheng stood up.

Then he lifted his right foot and stamped down.

A loud 'bang' was heard, as if an iron hammer was striking the ground.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt the ground shake. They could only see that the spot where Zhang Yicheng had stepped on a few centimeters earlier had already sunk deep into the ground.

Then, without looking back, Zhang Yicheng started to walk towards the entrance of the Perfection Courtyard.

When the customers saw Zhang Yicheng leave, they were afraid that Li Tianba would vent his anger on them, so they paid their bills and left one by one.

In such a huge garden, only Li Tianba and his followers were left.

At that moment, Li Tianba was also being supported up by his subordinates. However, a closer look revealed that the place where Zhang Yicheng's chopsticks had hit was still trembling slightly.

One of them said, "Boss Tianba, are you really willing to give that brat five hundred thousand dollars?"

Li Tian Ba viciously said, "Give them? Why would I not give them? But do I, Li Tian Ba, have such an easy way to get money? I'm afraid some people might end up spending their lives …"


Time flew by. In the blink of an eye, fourteen days passed. During this time, Li Tianba happily gave Zhang Yichen a 100,000 yuan bank card, and also promised to send a 100,000 yuan bank card to Zhang Yichen within five days.

As for Zhang Yichen, he didn't have the time to sell medicinal herbs or refine medicine, so he didn't force him.

As for whether or not Li Tianba would play any tricks … Zhang Yicheng wasn't worried. If this sort of ant dared to be rash, then he would directly squash him.

During this period, Zhang Yicheng and the others were taken by bus to the Lin City's North District Training Field for military training.

Today was the last day of Zhang Yicheng's freshmen military training.

The North District's training grounds were located in the suburbs to the north of Forest City. It was a remote location with a few thousand acres of land. Usually, there were almost no people here.

Because of the large number of biological department members, the whole department was divided into several classes for training.

Zhang Yi Chen, his roommates, Zhao Meng Li and Ye Yao were assigned to the same class.

"This torturous training is finally over. Big Sister Meng Li, let's go take a look around the back mountain." Ye Yao said to Zhao Mengli, who was standing beside the source of the voice.

Today, after the two of them had finished their training and had just taken a shower, Ye Yao, who had a skipping temper, wanted to take a look around.

Zhao Mengli looked at the mountain behind the training field. It was a beautiful mountain, a good place to go for a walk.

However, she recalled that the last time she was kidnapped, it was because she had gone out alone.

So he turned to Ye Yao and said: "Yaoyao, you shouldn't go. That place is too remote, what should we do if there is any danger."


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