Beauty's Ancient Martial Arts Master/C15 Calf knife
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Beauty's Ancient Martial Arts Master/C15 Calf knife
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C15 Calf knife

Lin Wanru turned her head to look and she saw Chen Dong puzzled and asked, "When did you come?" Just now, she had turned her head to take a look, but didn't see Immersion. When did he appear behind her?

"We came and went without a trace, appearing whenever we wanted." Immersed in the scene, with a face full of shame, Zhang Xuan said with a smile.

"Are you a ghost?" Guo Qingqing cut him off in a huff.

"What the hell, is this God's ability okay?" "I have no experience." Immersed, he rolled his eyes. No matter what you say, I can't match up to you.

"Who did you say didn't know?" When Guo Qingqing heard this, she was about to fly into a rage.

"Alright, since you've come, the competition between us should start now." White Robe, who hadn't spoken a single word since the start of the conversation, said this. The moment White Robe opened his mouth, Guo Qingqing also fell silent.

He knew that Immersion would come, and he understood this much better than Guo Qingqing and the others.

"There's no need for surgery in today's competition, how about just go to the internal medicine?" Bai Yi said.

Luo Yuan nodded. Only then was he able to see some things from the medicine department, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Seeing that the competition was about to begin, Guo Qingqing pulled Lin Wanru's arm and whispered into her ear, "Cousin, what's your plan?"

Lin Wan Xiang smiled mysteriously as she whispered something into Guo Qingqing's ear. Guo Qingqing immediately beamed with happiness. He turned his head and stared at Chen Dong.

Chen Dong touched his face. It didn't flower! What is this girl laughing about? Did she like me? Impossible, there had to be some sort of conspiracy.

"Bai Yi, you finally came. Our hospital has a few difficult cases, I was just about to ask for your help." Just as they entered the hospital, they saw a middle-aged man wearing a dean's uniform with a work pass hanging on his neck. From the looks of it, he was the dean of the hospital.

"Principal Zhang, you're too courteous. It's our duty to save the dying and helping the wounded." Bai Yi said with a smile.

Chen Dong pursed his lips, a look of disdain on his face. He would believe anyone who said those words, but he felt that Bai Yi was obedient. She glanced at Guo Qingqing, and sure enough, this ninny's eyes were twinkling like the stars, and her expression was one of infatuation.

"It would be stupid to continue watching." Chen Dong said to Guo Qingqing.

"You …" Guo Qingqing was about to fly into a rage. When she thought about Bai Yi's presence, she suppressed her anger and shouted, "You're done for!" The look in his eyes.

He didn't think much of it.

"It's still too late for me to admit defeat now. Otherwise, I'll lose all my face later on. It won't look good." Bai Yi reminded Chen Shen with seemingly good intentions.

"Will I lose?" He glanced at Bai Yi provocatively and walked in first.

"This is the first case. Take a look. Our hospital doesn't have any methods to cure it right now. " Principal Zhang said to the two of them.

"In order to practice medicine, one has to have a certificate. Do you have it?" Lin Wanru said as she looked at Chen Changsheng.

White Robe was their family doctor, and they knew that he had the qualifications to practice medicine. She didn't believe that he would have the qualifications to practice medicine in a mountain range.

"This …" Principal Zhang also looked at Immersion. If he didn't have a medical certificate, he wouldn't let anyone practice medicine.

Guo Qingqing said happily with a frown, "You don't even have a medical qualification, just admit defeat. You don't even have the qualifications, and you still want to treat him."

Bai Yixue also raised his head to watch the commotion.

Just as Guo Qingqing was feeling proud, Chen Dong took out a crumpled certificate and asked, "Who said I don't have one? I was just wondering where I put it, wasn't I? "

"President Zhang, look and see if this is true." Lin Wan arranged for two people to still not believe that there would be a certificate for Immersion. Moreover, whose certificate was so unsightly?

Principal Zhang nodded and accepted it. Years of experience told him that although this crumpled certificate did not look good, it was definitely true.

"How is this possible? How can you have the qualification to practice medicine?" Guo Qingqing could hardly believe that her plan had failed just like that.

"I forgot to tell you guys that I took the exam at the age of eighteen." Shen Dong rubbed his nose and said unhappily, as if he was very unhappy about having to take the test.

"Alright, let's see what happens next." Bai Yi sat down and placed a hand on the patient's wrist. It seemed like he was counting his pulse.

However, Immersion was able to sense an aura. The aura of profound energy, and it also made him feel a sense of disgust.

Bai Yixue looked around before standing up.

Guo Qingqing quickly asked, "How is it?"

Bai Yi nodded his head, indicating that there was nothing wrong with Guo Qingqing. He looked confident.

Immersion had already learned some information. He continued to give the patient his pulse. After checking some areas, he stood up.

"How about we write a treatment together?" Bai Yi looked at him and said.

Principal Zhang took out two pieces of paper and a pen, and the two of them wrote down a prescription.

The two of them opened the prescription. Principal Zhang looked at it and nodded, "You two are both experts!" The difference between these two prescriptions is not too great, the effects are the same. "

Bai Yixue took over the prescription. After reading through it, what Principal Zhang said was right. The two of them were on par with each other. He didn't expect to defeat Immersion so easily either.

Lin Dong had also seen the White Robe Medicine Recipe. One had to admit that the White Robe was rather skilled. If the Puppet Yi Sect did not have evil intentions, they would not be bad.

"Let me first tell you about this patient. His body is swollen, he often coughs, and he even fainted from time to time. The most important thing is that we examined his body, but we were unable to find anything wrong with it." Principal Zhang shook his head with a helpless expression. This was the first time he had seen such a case.

They walked into the ward and saw the patient. Lin Wanru and Guo Qingqing who witnessed this all jumped in fright. After calming herself down, Guo Qingqing stared at him and said, "It's your turn now, isn't it?"

Chen Dong did not say anything as he sat down at the side. A thread of mystical Qi entered the patient's body and flowed through his entire body. The patient's state of mind was already understood but no source was discovered.

"This …" In the moment of confusion, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He immediately understood what was going on and immediately thought of a treatment method.

Guo Qing stood up after her diagnosis. "How is it going?" she asked.

Guo Qingqing sneered, "It can't be that you didn't see it, can you?"

"Do I have to pretend?" Chen Dong pursed his lips.

"Don't talk!" Bai Yixue's face was dark. After checking for a long time, he could not find anything. He was extremely anxious.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Guo Qingqing shut her mouth obediently. Seeing this scene, she thought to herself, "Stupid girl, after being sold, you still have to count the money."

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