Beauty's Personal Guard/C9 I Have a Sweetheart
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Beauty's Personal Guard/C9 I Have a Sweetheart
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C9 I Have a Sweetheart

Su Rui was very surprised that Ye Luo wanted to buy a house.

Especially when he heard Ye Luo say that he was going to use his new house as his bridal chamber, Su Rui rarely had any naughtiness in his heart. He subconsciously looked towards his daughter. This caused Shi Xiaoluo to understand the look in her father's eyes. She was so embarrassed that she almost fainted on the sofa.

"What are you doing buying a house?" Lin Hai was also puzzled.

Ye Luo rolled his eyes, "Of course I'm living here. What else could I be doing?" Besides, even if I'm the bodyguard of the Su family, I don't plan to stay here. There's still an old bastard in my family, so I'll just ask if Boss Su has a house closer to the Su family. It would be best if I can have a mansion like the Su family. If there's anything else I can do, I'll be the first to arrive. "

"You really think that you came to the Su Clan just to pick up girls?" Lin Hai was exasperated. "Since you've signed the contract, you should follow it. As a bodyguard, although it won't be a 24-hour system, but …"

"Stop!" Stop! Old Lin, although I've only read the contract once, I haven't forgotten a single word. It's very clear that I don't necessarily have to live in the Su Family, but I will never forget the duties and responsibilities of a bodyguard. After I get off work, I guarantee that when my wife makes a call, she will arrive anytime she wants. "

Su Rui didn't care about that. She asked, "Are you sure you want to buy this place?"

"Isn't it very expensive?" Ye Luo was not blindly arrogant.

"The money you have left is absolutely affordable. "You don't have to worry about this, it's just that I don't think it's necessary. After all, you and old mister are alone, do you need to live in such a big house?"

"Isn't this all for show? Otherwise, who would know that I have money? " "Ye Luo was proud and seemed to have no idea what it meant to not reveal one's wealth." Besides, the old thing was supposed to open a second spring, and I had to buy a good house for my wedding. "If my wife were to marry me one day, wouldn't it be convenient for her to go back to her parents' home since we live so close to each other?"

"How f * cking long-term are you thinking about it?" You and the young mistress have not even finished talking about each other, okay!? " Lin Hai reminded Ye Luo angrily.

Ye Luo did not care about that and gave Shi Xiaoluo a coquettish look.

Shi Xiaoluo sighed, a little worried.

"In that case, I'll help you ask." Su Rui agreed.

Shi Xiaoluo stood up and beckoned for Ye Luo to follow her.

Ye Luo happily got up and followed her. The two of them walked into the yard. Shi Xiaoluo rubbed the corner of her clothes, looking cute.

"Wife, do you have something to say to me?"

Shi Xiaoluo nodded, not bothering about the way she addressed herself.

"Ye Luo, you, you really like me, don't you?"

"Does that even need to be said? The first time I saw you, I felt like I had to marry you! Otherwise, the heavens will surely punish us. "

Shi Xiaoluo jumped in fright and hurriedly reminded him, "Don't speak nonsense. I, I, I have a lover …"

"Is it Old Lin?" Ye Luo frowned and asked angrily.

Shi Xiaoluo was speechless, "I've always treated Lin Hai as my big brother and he has always treated me as his little sister. Can you please stop talking nonsense?"

"Haha, that's a joke. Which mountain's fox is it?"

"Be more serious …" Yes, it's a classmate from our academy … "We, we …"

"Damn, so it's like that …" Ye Luo thought for a few seconds. "No problem. You will part ways."

Shi Xiaoluo was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood, "On what basis?"

"Because your chosen one is standing right in front of you." Ye Luo said.

Shi Xiaoluo felt that she really couldn't communicate with this guy anymore, so she said in an exasperated tone, "Anyway, I've already told you about it. You, if you're unhappy, I, I can't do anything about it. It's very late, I'll go back to my room to sleep. Tomorrow remember to send me to school. I want to take the exam."

"It's a long night. Why don't we talk about it a little bit more? Why don't we talk about it for ten dollars?" Five dollars? Three dollars? "Ai, ai, my wife …"

Ye Luo sighed, looking depressed as he watched Shi Xiaoluo escape.

"The most handsome man in the world is right in front of you. You don't even know how to cherish him …"

That night, after Ye Luo wiped away his dinner and made sure that Su Rui and Shi Xiaoluo were fine, he drove away.

Not long after he left the residential area that the Su family was in, Ye Luo realized that someone was eyeing him and thought nothing of it. He drove the car into an alley, turned off the engine, got off the car, lit up a cigarette, and waited for the person to arrive.

An off-road vehicle drove into the alley. The dazzling lights illuminated Ye Luo, making it look especially holy.

Ye Luo squinted at the two people in the car.

Then, the indifferent youth in the first passenger seat rolled down the window, stretched out his arm and shot a shot at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo didn't expect him to come looking for him in such a simple and brutal way. After being shot, he twitched violently and stopped moving.

The SUV slowly backed away from the alley as if it had never been there before.

Ye Luo lay motionless on the ground for five minutes. The Land Cruiser suddenly turned around and found Ye Luo still on the ground. Only then did Hu Tong leave in relief.

Then, Ye Luo stood up and held the bullet in his hand. He looked around casually and threw it on the ground, grumbling unhappily, "You are so damn careful, you actually know that I am playing dead?" Meeting me, you guys are really unlucky. "

At an underground bar in the North City, Ye Luo walked in with a cigarette in his mouth and squinted his eyes. Especially those girls who were dressed in revealing clothes, they almost made Ye Luo lose his legs. He couldn't stand the heat anymore, so he drank some wine and chatted with a few girls before swaggering towards the stairs.

There were two yellow-hair guards at the foot of the stairs, and when they saw someone was about to come up, they immediately stopped him.

Ye Luo didn't say anything and just walked up to him. He didn't do anything. Ye Luo laughed out loud, as if he was talking about something joyful.

When he turned the corner, Ye Luo casually threw the two furry ones he had knocked out on the ground. He looked up at the door and smilingly walked over and kicked it open.

There weren't many people in the room. There were men and women, and all of them looked like they were trying to kill Ma Te. What surprised Ye Luo the most was that not far away, there were a couple fighting for their lives.

Ye Luo thought to himself, there are still a lot of f * cking people here. Even if you two are going to do it, you can't not accept the tickets and do it live, right?

A muscular man strode over and asked Ye Luo angrily, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to look for your boss. Oh, who's your boss?"

"You're courting death." The muscular man swung his fist.

Ye Luo's soft fist met it, and at that moment, a bone-splitting sound rang out.

The muscular man screamed and fell to the ground.

When the others saw this, they all rushed forward. Some of them even took out their sabers. There was no need to explain the result. Ye Luo immediately put them down on the ground without any effort.

However, what made him a bit depressed was that the men and women who were doing all this were still rolling around, acting as if they hadn't seen the situation over here at all.

Since he's so engrossed, Ye Luo shouldn't disturb him. He was about to grab a fruit when the door to the innermost room opened and someone walked out angrily," What's going on? "Aiyo, big brother, you, what brings you here? What brings you here?

Ye Luo saw him and said, "Oh my god, is that you?" Heh, it's only been two days and I've already forgotten the pain? What about the killers? In there? Let's go, let's go. We're old acquaintances, so let's not waste time here. Bring me to meet them. "

The person who came out was Black Dog, the one who was scared half to death by Ye Luo that night.

Black Dog fell to his knees with a thud, appearing to have no backbone. "Big Brother, it's none of my business, it's none of my business …" "I'm just trying to get in touch with you and spend some money. Even if you give me 100 times the guts, I wouldn't dare to find trouble with you again …"

"That's true." Ye Luo walked over and pulled the black dog's collar into the room.

There were two young men sitting in the room, puffing out clouds of smoke.

Only they weren't smoking, they were taking drugs.

Just as they were enjoying the beauty and opening their eyes, they saw someone coming in. They all quivered and subconsciously stood up and pointed their guns at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was completely fearless. He threw the black dog on the ground like a dead dog and asked the dog, "Are they really not here to kill me?"

"It's really not, it's really not, they are the assassins of the Hundred Blossom Kill, it's, it was Wu De who asked me to contact them …" The black dog was scared out of its wits, especially when it thought about how Ye Luo came looking for it.

"So it's that old thing." As he spoke, he reached for his cigarette. In the eyes of the two assassins, this move was easily misunderstood. A gunshot rang out. Ye Luo tilted his head magically to the left and right, dodging two bullets in such a way. Why did his head pop up? Didn't he know that it would be easy to dodge like this? "Beat him up."

The two killers were really obedient and immediately adjusted their guns. Unfortunately, Ye Luo didn't give them a chance to shoot again this time. They arrived in front of them in a blink of an eye and smashed them with their iron fists, causing the two killers to immediately fall to the ground.

Ye Luo picked up the pistol and fiddled with it for a while. He felt that it was not bad, so he didn't take it. There were two large bags on the side. He opened them and realized that they were full of money.

"Huh?" "So much money! Gouzi, come over quickly and take a look! There's so much money here!"

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