Becoming Sovereign in Everlasting World/C7 Fight Side by Side
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Becoming Sovereign in Everlasting World/C7 Fight Side by Side
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C7 Fight Side by Side

After Yang Fan had explained everything, Mu Sword Spirit nodded her head as if she was deep in thought. Yang Fan then said furiously, "Hey, Mu Jian, what are you thinking about?"

"Besides, I'm a proper man." Yang Fan pointed at himself as he spoke.

The blush that had just disappeared from Mu Jian Ling's face returned as she thought, "Just what is going on today, I keep thinking I'm going astray." Then, she looked at Yang Fan's innocent face, which matched well with his actions, making her feel like a young girl after being silent for a long time. Yang Fan teased her, making her smile.

Yang Fan looked at Mu Sword Spirit's dazed face. Yang Fan could feel an indescribable attraction from her body that touched his heart.

Although Yang Fan wasn't that handsome, he was still considered above average. And beneath the disguise of Mu Jian Ling, she was countless times more handsome than Yang Fan. This showed the gap between them. But that was not the most important thing. If even the male attire of Mu Sword Spirit was so enchanting, then what about the female attire? Just how breathtaking and breathtaking it must be. From this, one could tell how great its killing power was for men.

When Mu Sword Spirit saw Yang Fan's loss of composure, she knew that it was her own fault. She quickly stopped smiling and pretended to be angry: "Hey, don't you know that it is impolite to look at others without their permission?"

"Err …" Yang Fan didn't know how to reply to Mu Sword Spirit's words. Scratching his head, he thought to himself, "I really don't have any interest in men!" It's over, it's over. It's definitely not like this. This is an illusion, right, it must be so. "

Mu Jianling obviously knew what Yang Fan was thinking about. When she thought back to how she had been embarrassed by Yang Fan earlier, she felt a sense of satisfaction when she looked at his deflated appearance.

Yang Fan knew he had no reason to. He hastily changed the topic, "Have you decided yet? With regards to the matter of me forming a team with you, didn't Elder Zuo Jian from the Imperial Sword Sect say he could form a team with two people?"

Mu Sword Spirit lowered her head in thought. She understood her own injuries. Although they weren't as serious as Yang Fan had said, they still needed someone to look after them. If he encountered a demon beast and had no other choice than to crush the signboard, then he would definitely be eliminated. This time, the opportunity to enter the Imperial Sword Sect would pass by him, and he would have to wait until the next time he could return and take revenge for his parents. Therefore, she couldn't wait. Although she still didn't believe Yang Fan, she still nodded her head and said, "Okay."

"Then it's settled," he added.

"You should consider yourself lucky to have met such a kind-hearted person like me today. If you met someone else, I wonder what would happen to you? Come to think of it, why are you trying so hard? Yang Fan asked with a hint of doubt.

Mu Sword Spirit only rolled her eyes at Yang Fan and did not say anything. She was already at a loss for words and did not know how to reply.

Yang Fan looked at Mu Jian Ling and knew that it was impossible for her to say anything after not seeing her speak for half a day. He then said, "Then, let's leave it at this for now. Seeing as you are already like this, I will be keeping watch for the next two nights. " "But I tell you, when you're better, you'll have to come back." Yang Fan started off with his own little scheme.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Yang Fan asked again when he saw Mu Jian Ling not replying with her eyes closed.

Mu Sword Spirit only replied with a soft "En."

"Then rest! I'll go and take a look around. " Yang Fan stood up and walked towards the distance.

At this moment, Mu Sword Spirit opened her eyes and looked at Yang Fan's back as he left. She seemed to be deep in thought as her face flushed red. Then, she covered her face with her hands. When he finally loosened his grip, there was no more change, and he closed his eyes ….

In the distance, Yang Fan was observing his surroundings while thinking about his plan for the next few days. But what he did not know was that in the days that followed, there was only suffering.

Four days later in the forest, two figures were battling a giant wolf that had a body covered in fiery red fur. Actually, it was one of them, because the other one couldn't really help them, and they were battling a peak rank 6 Fire Wolf. The two of them were none other than Yang Fan and Mu Jian Ling. Every time Yang Fan wanted to help them, he was stopped by Mu Jian Ling. Ever since she had revealed her strength, Mu Sword Spirit had fought with all her might. Even when she wanted to help, she was stopped.

She rushed forward to fight again, and the man and the wolf were battling back and forth intensely. Mu Sword Spirit's body was gradually losing its support, and the sword did not have any more spirit energy fluctuations, so she was almost hit by the Fire Wolf's fireball several times.

Yang Fan knew that if this battle were to continue, the loser would definitely be Mu Sword Spirit. He quickly said, "Mu Jian, don't hold on anymore, your spiritual energy is almost exhausted. Let's call it a day!"

"Sigh, are you listening to me or not? I'm telling you, if you get injured again, I'll … I'll leave you behind." Since Mu Jian Ling did not pay attention to him, she "threatened him". Actually, she had said this many times in the past few days.

Mu Sword Spirit was still able to persevere. Even though she felt it was getting harder and harder to endure, she retreated step by step with sweat trickling down her face. The Raging Inferno Wolf's face was also covered in sweat. If it could speak, would it say that there was a need to work so hard?

Mu Jian Ling seemed to have finally run out of energy. With a soft shout, she launched her final attack. The originally dim spiritual light on the sword lit up once again, and with a "Water Flower Needle" sound, a large amount of water blue spiritual energy turned into thin needles that shot towards the Fiery Wolf, rapidly piercing its surface, causing large wounds. The Raging Inferno Wolf roared angrily, immediately spitting out a burning fireball, about to hit her. A loud shout could be heard: "Evil creature.

Yang Fan arrived beside Mu Jian Ling like a bolt of lightning, waved his sword and blocked her attack. This sword was given to him by Mu Jian Ling. Although Yang Fan did not know where she had taken it out at that time, he had accepted it. Mu Jian Ling gave it to him to prevent him from getting injured while using the dagger to fight the demon beast. When Yang Fan had taken out that dagger, he had suffered greatly from Mu Sword Spirit's supercilious looks.

The fireball was sent flying by Yang Fan, exploding in the distance. Behind her, Mu Sword Spirit was already sitting on the ground gasping for breath. The situation had clearly been affected by the flames.

Yang Fan turned around and looked at Mu Jian Ling, "Hey, Mu Jian, are you alright?" He looked at the blood dripping from her arm and said, "You can still hold on!"

Mu Sword Spirit nodded her head weakly. Suddenly, she mustered her strength and shouted, "Be careful." While Yang Fan was talking to Mu Jian Ling, the Fiery Wolf had already pounced over.

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