Best Immortal Supreme System/C7 The Lights Are Red and Green
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Best Immortal Supreme System/C7 The Lights Are Red and Green
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C7 The Lights Are Red and Green

"How did you know there was an inner chamber?" Zhou Heng asked Zheng Li in a low voice.

"I don't know," Zheng Li, who was in the air, shook her head, "It seems like it's natural to remember since we came here." She didn't tell Zhou Heng about the waiter's actions.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Zhou Heng answered.

The waiter nodded, then he opened the bead curtain in front of Zhou Heng.

The noisy and chaotic scene that Zhou Heng remembered finally appeared in front of his eyes. A few pot-bellied middle-aged men walked in front of him while hugging a woman with revealing clothes. The air was filled with the sounds of men and women wantonly teasing him.

"You had a good time." The waiter said something to Zhou Heng and left.

Zhou Heng had never been to a place like this before, so he didn't know where to start. He raised his head and looked at Zheng Li, who was in the air, and found her in a daze.

"Eh, little handsome brother, are you alone?" At this moment, a young woman appeared behind Zhou Heng. Her face was red, it seemed like she drank a lot. She held Zhou Heng's arm with her left hand and an empty glass with her right.

Zhou Heng subconsciously wanted to pull his hand away, but thinking of his purpose here, he took out a smile towards the woman who came to pester him.

"I've never seen you before," the woman seemed to treat Zhou Heng as a waiter here. She pulled Zhou Heng's hand and found a seat, "If I had met you earlier, I would have asked you to accompany me."

From her tone, it seemed that coming here often might be of some help to him. Zhou Heng thought.

After saying that, she suddenly knocked on the table with the empty cup in her hand. The glass clattered against the marble table.

"Where is he!" The woman shouted at the top of her lungs, "Where are everyone else?!"

"Miss Ding." Immediately, a real waiter rushed over, carrying a silver tray with a wine set. The waiter looked troubled as he said, "You've had a lot to drink today.

"Who needs you to care!" Miss Ding took the bottle from the silver tray and another glass and set it on the table and was about to pour Zhou Heng a drink when she called out to him, "Come on, brother, let's both drink!" But her hand, holding the bottle, was shaking, and the spilled wine splattered on the table.

"Miss Ding, you're drunk!" After she finished speaking, the waiter was about to take the bottle of wine to pour for her. However, she pushed him away and he fell to the ground.

"Scram!" If you keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart! " Miss Ding roared at the waiter on the floor.

Knowing that Miss Ding meant what she said, the waiter quickly got up and ran away.

"Come, let me pour some wine for you." Seeing that Miss Ding couldn't even hold the bottle steadily, Zhou Heng took the bottle and glass from her hands and poured the wine for her.

"Good, good brother!" Miss Ding smiled and patted Zhou Heng's shoulder.

Zhou Heng passed the wine to Miss Ding. "Miss Ding, I want to ask you about someone."

Miss Ding frowned and pushed the glass of wine back. "This is for you, brother!"

"Good, good." Zhou Heng took the glass back and took a sip.

"Who do you want to know!" Miss Ding's face was full of smiles. She was obviously very satisfied with her 'brother' whom she had known for less than five minutes.

"Zheng Li." Zhou Heng asked her, "Have you heard of this woman, Miss Ding?"

Miss Ding froze for a moment. She was obviously surprised that Zhou Heng mentioned the name. "You know Sister Zheng Li."

"Why?" Zhou Heng could not believe how lucky he was. "You know Zheng Li?"

"How is that possible?" Miss Ding patted Zhou Heng on the shoulder.

So it was a waste of time to not know this drunkard. Zhou Heng sighed.

"How could I not know Big Sister Zheng Li!" Miss Ding suddenly shouted.

Zhou Heng's interest was piqued again, and he continued to ask: "What do you know about her? Can you tell me something? "

"It's no big deal," Miss Ding shook the wine glass in her hand. "Big sister Zheng Li, back in the —"

"Miss Ding!" "Miss Ding!" Two men in black appeared in front of Zhou Heng and Miss Ding. Their shout interrupted Miss Ding's words.

"What now?!" Miss Ding didn't even want to look directly at the two black-clothed men.

"Your father would like to invite this guest by your side to discuss something." The two men received the information from the waiter and wanted to take Zhou Heng, the intruder, away. However, they did not expect this person to be involved with the boss's daughter.

"No way!" Miss Ding slammed her hand on the table. "If he wants to stay and drink with me, none of you are allowed to touch him!" Normally, whenever a man had the guts to approach her, he would be taken away by her father's subordinate and never be brought back. After a long time, no one dared to play with her. Today, when she met Zhou Heng, she was not afraid of him at all. Miss Ding was determined to protect him.

"Miss Ding, this is your father, and also the boss's decision." The two black-clothed men were also in a difficult position, "I hope you don't make things difficult for us."

Zhou Heng didn't say anything. These people had revealed a lot of information during the conversation, the most important of which was that Miss Ding's father was the clubhouse's boss. Compared to the intoxicated Miss Ding, this Ding father must know more about Zheng Li. He would not consider how dangerous it was to meet this Boss Ding. Normally, he could easily deal with three to five adults. No matter how weak he was, it wasn't difficult for him to protect himself.

"So what if I'm making things difficult for you!?" Miss Ding was very protective of Zhou Heng. She grabbed the wine cup that Zhou Heng had only taken a small sip from and poured all the wine on the two of them. "You actually dare to use my dad to pressure me!"

"Forget it, Miss Ding. Don't make things difficult for them." Zhou Heng stood up and held Miss Ding's shoulder. "I'll go with them."

The two men were shocked. They didn't expect Zhou Heng to stand up for them.

"This brother is indeed reasonable." A big guy reacted and started to talk to Zhou Heng.

Miss Ding was also confused. "Are you sure you want to see my father?" she asked Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng nodded with a smile. His smile reassured Miss Ding a little.

On the other side, Zheng Li's ghost was floating in every corner of the room. There was a familiar feeling coming from every corner of the room.

Was he a regular drinker before, or a cheap woman in charge of drinking with him? Zheng Li ran her hand over the bottle behind the bar and looked at the distorted reflection on the glass.

There was no place for him in those red and green reflections.

He had already lost this world, why was he still entangled with memories of the past? Why wouldn't he let go of her and go reincarnate without any worries?

Something was waiting for him in his memories.

Suddenly, Zheng Li seemed to have noticed something through the reflection of the glass bottle. She turned around and saw two burly men in black clothes leading Zhou Heng towards a side door in the corner of the room.

At this time, Zhou Heng was caught between two big men, one on the left and the other on the right, as if to prevent him from escaping. Actually, how could the two of them stop Zhou Heng if he wanted to leave? It was just that Zhou Heng wanted to meet the boss of the clubhouse himself. If Zheng Li really had a relationship with this club, then there was no reason for the boss to know nothing.

"Bro, don't be scared. Actually, although our boss is fierce, he's quite loyal." A burly man reminded Zhou Heng as he was grateful for Zhou Heng's help earlier.

"We, Second Elder Brother, are the best to talk to him. If there's anything, we can ask him for help." another big man said.

Zhou Heng wanted to ask something, so the two of them led him through a hidden door.

A room decorated like a meeting room appeared in front of Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng was a little more curious about the boss of the inner room.

Sitting in the main seat of the conference room was a brawny man wearing a white undershirt that exposed his chest.

Every part of his arms, chest, and head had a black tattoo, while the sinister dragon head was resting on his barren head.

A middle-aged man wearing a gold-rimmed glasses with fine frames sat beside the brawny man at the deputy's side.

"This is our boss," a large man said. "The Dragon King of Linhai, Ding Loong."

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