Best Young Chef/C5 Embarrassed Visit
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Best Young Chef/C5 Embarrassed Visit
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C5 Embarrassed Visit

It was almost noon, Zhao Ziloong estimated that no one else would come, so he asked his dad to bring him a big basin of hot water. Zhao Ziloong took off his clothes and jumped into the big basin to clean himself.

After Zhao Laicai saw that his son's body had recovered, not only did his skin become white, but his appearance became more and more handsome. He thanked her and happily bought some fish and vegetables and went to thank Immortal Doctor Wang.

After the dad left, Zhao Ziloong was the only one left in the house. He stood in the steaming hot tub and felt the hot water flowing through his body. It felt extremely comfortable.

Zhao Ziloong had been in a reborn state for the past few days. He felt a majestic energy flowing through his body, which made him very excited. When he thought of those who had bullied him before, a vengeful thought arose in his mind.

"Zhao Ziloong, I heard that your skin has turned white!"

At that moment, the door was suddenly pushed open and a beautiful figure barged in.

Today, Zhao Hongfaang was wearing a new shirt and pencil pants, looking clean and white. She was holding a case of Yiru yogurt in her hand, obviously to visit Zhao Ziloong.

However, she did not expect Zhao Ziloong to be bathing at this moment. Furthermore, the door was not even opened, so she could not help but let out a scream.

"Ms Hongfaang, are you here to watch me take a bath?"

Seeing her shocked expression, Zhao Ziloong felt a burst of pride.

"So what if I see you taking a bath? What? You can't?"

"I didn't expect that after a period of illness, not only will your skin become lusterless and white, but that place will also become a lot stronger." Hongfaang stared at his lower body, her voice trembling slightly.

The fragrant smell of his body entered Zhao Ziloong's nostrils, making him unable to resist.

After his body had become strong, a raging fire was burning in his chest. Seeing that he was unable to control himself, he was about to pounce on her. However, he heard two coughs coming from the courtyard, it was his dad, Zhao Laicai.

"If there's nothing else, come and find me tonight." "Ziloong, you have to take good care of yourself. Uncle Laicai is still aiming for your retirement."

"Got it. Ms Hongfaang, come take a seat when you have time."

Zhao Ziloong pushed the large basin to the side and quickly put on his clothes.

Zhao Laicai was an honest farmer and didn't have that much heart. Plus, he was happy and didn't care what Zhao Ziloong and Hongfaang were doing in the house.

He escorted Hongfaang out of the courtyard and carried a few bags of food into the house.

The father and son duo chatted and laughed as they enjoyed a hearty lunch together.

Zhao Laicai was very fond of his only son.

However, Zhao Laicai didn't want his son to be like him, a farmer, for the rest of his life. Not only would he have no future like Zhao Laicai, he also didn't want to hire a wife in the future.

Just as he was making plans for his son's future, he was suddenly informed that his beautiful sister-in-law's restaurant was being hired.

He pondered for a moment. Learning to cook was not bad. Not only was the food good, the income from cooking was also very generous. I heard that the county's chef gets three to four thousand yuan a month, which is much better than farming.

On the day that Zhao Ziloong went to work, the father and son duo had a good time celebrating while drinking wine and eating meat.

Earning money was important, but the body was even more important. Zhao Laicai originally wanted Zhao Ziloong to rest at home for a few more days to recuperate, but Zhao Ziloong was bored and wanted to go back to the restaurant.

After dinner, he slept soundly. Then, at around 4 PM, he stood up and walked out of the room.

"Ziloong, are you really going?"

Zhao Laicai, who was sitting in the yard smoking a cigarette, stood up.

"After lying down for three or four days, your entire body would be sore and sore. It would be good for your body if you exercised properly. Furthermore, we will only be running errands and cutting vegetables when we get to the restaurant.

Zhao Ziloong walked in front of the old man with a smile, deliberately moving his body to show off his health.

"Then be careful. If you can't take it, ask for a leave of absence from your beautiful sister-in-law. Don't get tired." Zhao Laicai saw that his son was almost recovered, so he nodded and allowed him to leave.

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