Bliss Manual/C18 The Animals of the Dormitory
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Bliss Manual/C18 The Animals of the Dormitory
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C18 The Animals of the Dormitory

A barely discernible female voice entered Xiao Yuan's ears, who was rushing towards the dorm. Xiao Yuan, who was in a state of shock, couldn't help but look towards the direction of the voice. At this moment, his eyesight was completely different from before, he could actually see in the dark as if it was daytime.

Xiao Yuan suddenly really wanted to watch the live broadcast, so he walked over with his hands behind his back. Soon, he entered the woods and saw a couple hugging each other on a bench less than 3 meters away from him.

At this time, the male student pointed angrily at a dark corner in the distance and said, "Brother, don't get in the way here. If you can't figure it out, then go over there! That place is definitely suitable for you. "

There was no room for Xiao Yuan here anymore, so it didn't suit him anymore. Although he really wanted to see a free movie, Xiao Yuan had no choice but to flee.

He stumbled all the way back to room 321. The moment he opened the door, smoke and smelly socks filled the room, and the strong smell of fast-food noodles assaulted his nose, causing Xiao Yuan, who had been enjoying the fresh air all night, to sneeze a few times. It also alarmed the three animals in room 321!

The welfare and living conditions for the students in Nanjing University were quite good. All the dorms had white tiles as the foundation, and each dorm had a bedroom and a guard. There were four beds, and the rest were personal belongings.

A table in the middle of the room was filled with all kinds of textbooks, a few pairs of unwashed smelly socks, and even two pairs of men's boxer shorts. The most ridiculous thing was that there was a bowl of instant noodles still steaming beside the table …

The fat Ding Dacong's round and fat body occupied two chairs and was staring at the desktop computer in front of him without even looking back.

Ding Zong stared at his bloodshot eyes and smoked fiercely, his mouth screaming. He was bare-chested and wearing only a pair of shorts.

The eldest brother of Room 321, Xu Dong, also showed up for a rare weekend. This guy usually only went out on weekends to pick up girls and rarely came back for the night.

At this moment, for some reason, he was lying on the bed using his cell phone to call someone. That 'gentle' and 'unfeeling' thing must have been said by him for the better part of the night! Hearing this, all the animals in dorm 321 turned from being disgusted to becoming numb and apathetic.

On the bed near the door, there was Jia Xiaoyu, who lived in the city, nicknamed "Beauty". It was a man without a doubt. He was just like a handsome man, with each gesture he gave off a sense of stardom. Plus, he was tall and slender, so his family background was pretty good.

He could be considered one of the school grasses of Nanhai University. However, this fellow's personality was very proud. No matter how pretty the girls who came to his door, he would not be bothered with them. He had his own 'unique' taste.

Like sports! Moreover, what he longed for the most was to become a superstar in the limelight. There would be a day when he would step onto the path of the stars and imprint his hand onto it!

Therefore, whenever he had the time, he would practice his so-called "acting skills". The other three animals in Room 321 were often tormented by him, participating in his "rehearsal performance"!

Originally, Jia Xiaoyu was immersed in a book called "An Actor's Quality", but when Xiao Yuan appeared at the door, he immediately threw the book in his hand to the side and yelled, "Oh my god! Ol 'Three is back! Ol 'Three! Where in the world have you been these past few days? Don't mess with us like this! "

Fatty Ding Dacong had already reacted, he pulled back the two stools he was sitting on and shouted, "Wa, wow, Ol, we thought you were in the police station and were fishing for you these past few days, but didn't expect the police to say we didn't see a person like you! So that the brothers think that you — you — ah — that nothing is wrong! "It's good that you're fine!

Xiao Yuan suddenly felt a surge of warmth in his heart. Although all the horny students in Room 321 had weird hobbies, they had a good foundation for love.

"Where have you been these past two days? Why haven't I seen you?"

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