Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C10 Judgement Spontaneous Combustion
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C10 Judgement Spontaneous Combustion
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C10 Judgement Spontaneous Combustion

"Blood? How is that possible? " The three women's stooped bodies trembled as they chanted in a low voice. Her words were filled with disbelief …

"Third grandma, grandpa just said that the Old Ancestor and grandma sacrificed for the clan. What do you mean by that?" I found a stool and helped the three women to sit down.

She gave me a serious look. With sadness in her eyes, she said, "Child, don't worry about Grandma and the rest for now. Go and see your grandfather …" I noticed that everyone was in a daze. I felt that everyone had their acupoints opened in this hot weather, causing me to feel cold all over.

I looked at Grandfather, who was still staring blankly at the door to the ancestral hall. The blood on the door was still flowing, as if it was endless, and it had already dyed the entire door red. I let the three women finish it and walked over to support Grandfather. Ye Zichen spat out a mouthful of black blood. This really scared me. The people behind me also started to move, so they quickly supported my grandfather.

"Scram, who let you bring out the door?" Uncle Shen's words that followed startled everyone. Only now did I realize that Big Brother was carrying a big door board on his shoulder. I reckon that he wanted to put it down for Grandfather to lie down.

The eldest brother embarrassedly carried away the door frame. Tsk tsk, it was the work of his body …

"This child has been working so hard, is he not dead yet? Can he still be placed on the door board …" Everyone's chattering made me understand that my big brother had committed a taboo. I had also heard that this person could not be left on the door, otherwise, he would not be able to come back at this rate.

At this point, my grandfather was still conscious. He raised his trembling finger and pointed at me, then pointed at the temple door, then pointed at the two huts, then lowered his hand …

Everyone quickly carried him to a quiet place and put his clothes on the ground. At this moment, Uncle Wang arrived with a medicine box on his back. Everyone stepped aside, and he seriously checked his grandfather's pulse …

I also stood back up. What did my grandfather mean by pointing at them just now? Stunned, I looked at the two huts. Inside were the coffins of my grandmother and the Old Ancestor, the mourning hall that had just been built, and as I looked over, I felt the huts suddenly open their jaws and lunge at me. I took a step back to see if any of the others had been affected.

I shook my head. "Is this an illusion?" "Child, for the time being, don't go near those two mourning halls. You can only think of a way for them to be buried as soon as possible. However, your grandfather …" The three women were trembling. At some point, they had appeared behind me. They whispered to me, could it be that she had also just seen the phenomenon of the two huts?

"Third granny, sit down first. Grandfather still doesn't know what's going on. Please don't let anything happen to you …" If something happens to both of them, I don't know what to do. They say my pen is amazing, but I don't know how to use it or help them.

I didn't pay any attention to the bloody entrance of the ancestral hall. The others also looked on from afar, pointing and pointing. I know that after today's matter spreads, our Ji Village will definitely become a taboo in everyone's mouths.

Uncle Wang stood up and hit his own waist. "A few people, send him over to my place. This matter isn't easy to handle. Third Sister, if you're free, come over here …" After saying that, I took the lead to leave. Originally, I was going to carry Grandfather away, but Third Aunt stopped me. She's not in a good condition right now, so I have to stay with her.

She nodded to Uncle Wang, then turned around and walked towards the entrance of the ancestral hall. I quickly followed behind her. This door was extremely strange, I was worried that Third Aunt would be in trouble. She doesn't feel like she was in the mood to walk anymore, so there shouldn't be any more accidents.

"Go take a look, what blood is on the door?" The third matron stood about two meters away from the door and stopped. I was a little stunned when she told me to go check it out. I had already smelled the fishy smell from such a long distance and it was undoubtedly blood. How should I judge?

Looking at the third matron's determined attitude, I could only helplessly go and take a look. It was rather strange, but when I walked to the door, I could smell a pungent smell, similar to that of a dog.

"It looks like dog blood …" I dipped my finger in blood and placed it in front of my nose to ask. Suddenly, a ferocious big black dog pounced on me, and I hurriedly took a few steps back before kicking out with my leg. Damn, even dogs dare to bully me?

With a loud bang, my kick struck the door and the door opened with a creak. At the same time, a bucket fell from the door and half a bucket of blood splashed onto my body!

I gasped from the pain. This kick was too solid. There weren't any dogs in front of me, but when I kicked against the thick wooden door, I could easily cripple the first half of my foot …

"What's going on? Who did this?"

"That's right, who is so wicked? Right now, our eldest grandfather is so angry that he's vomiting blood …"

"If I knew that bastard did it, I'll chop him to death …"

Everyone was shocked by the sound of my kick, and when they saw that it was a bucket of fresh blood, they all became excited. Although my foot hurt, I was still happy.

A few of my aunts started to draw water to clean up the mess in front of the door. I limped over to the three women one step at a time. At first, I thought that she would be at ease as well, but her frown deepened.

"Yu'er, be careful. Come here and rest, and don't go to the ancestral hall for the time being. Think about it carefully. There's definitely no one inside. Who would close the door behind them and place a bucket of fresh blood inside?" Her words were filled with cold intent. I was stunned for a moment and quickly looked back. The messy footsteps at the door could no longer be judged. Why did the Third Aunt say that there was no one inside?

However, before I could voice my doubts, I heard an exclamation, "Hey, husband, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, I noticed a young man at the door. This was Big Brother Qiu Lin, his face was dark green, and he fell straight down on the ground. The aunt beside him quickly squatted down and shouted, and I noticed that when Big Brother Qiu Lin walked to the door, he lifted that bucket again.

Could it be that this matter still has a connection? I wanted to quickly go over to take a look, but Third Aunt pulled me along and shook my head. I was a little anxious, could it be that she was the one who told me? Is this strange?

"Third granny, please let me pass. I'm a medical major, I know how to treat patients first …" I insisted on going, but the Third Lady held on to my clothes and wouldn't let me.

I don't know who started it, but he started running towards Uncle Wang with all kinds of hands and feet. His wife was also crying behind him, and I was too anxious to actually go with her.

At this time, the little sister quietly walked up to the third matron, "Third matron, Ninth Uncle just said that he would let you pass. Now that the mourning hall is in trouble, the lamps on both sides will not light up.

My little sister's face was pale. I guessed that she was scared out of her wits just now and her words were trembling. I patted her on the back but couldn't say anything out of the corner of my mouth.

The Third Aunt nodded. She didn't seem to be in a hurry and just brought me along slowly. I turned around to look at the ancestral hall. The door had been closed for some time now. What the hell is going on? Who went to close it? The bucket of blood in front of the door was still there, but I found it dazzling.

"What's going on?" When they arrived at the shed, the three women hurriedly asked. So she was just acting just now because she was worried too? That's right, there were so many people just now. If she had been anxious, everyone would have surely panicked.

At this moment, I noticed that there was a lantern lit in front of Grandmother's coffin. It was the dog skin lantern that I had painted. The blood-red orchids looked like fresh orchids under the light …

"Third sister, how is big brother Ji?" Ninth Uncle walked up and asked the Third Mother first. The Third Aunt shook her head and looked at the coffin, and at that moment, the talisman I wrote down, which was stuck to the coffin, suddenly emitted a stream of smoke. Then, a green flame appeared, and in less than two seconds, it was burned into ashes …

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