Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C14 Fire Pot Charms
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C14 Fire Pot Charms
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C14 Fire Pot Charms

I saw that the three women were calculating, so I asked her in a low voice, "Tell me what exactly happened?" Didn't Uncle Wang run up and down yesterday? "

"I don't know either, you know about your brother's matter, last night I got better, I didn't leave, so I stayed with him, but this morning, Aunt Wang screamed, and I quickly ran in to see, and found that Uncle Wang was lying beside Aunt Wang, his body was frozen!" Sister Qiulin's face showed no signs of turning for the better. She was probably frightened to death.

I quickly followed her, and even Sister-in-Law Qiu Lin was left behind. When they arrived at Uncle Wang's door, there was already a portion of people here, frantically trying to help, and Aunt Wang was still crying. I quickly ran in to take a look, but Grandfather was already awake by then, but he wasn't in the best of spirits, and when he saw me, he could only let out a sigh.

"Big brother, look …" At some point, the third matron had come in. She was asking her grandfather, but he just waved his hand and didn't say anything.

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang were both pitiful. With a lifetime of hard work, there were no descendants, so everything needed the help of the villagers. After I settled Grandpa in my third wife's house, I went back to help.

Originally, my intention was to settle Grandfather in his own house, but Third Aunt insisted not to. She said that with so many things happening now, our house is a little remote, not convenient to take care of, and might as well be more convenient in her house. I also did not insist, because Grandma's mourning hall is outside, and I don't have time to go back, so letting him stay with Third Aunt is also a good choice.

After sending Qiulin gege away, he set up the mourning hall. Originally, I wanted to help, but Second Mother came and pulled me away, saying that if there was a funeral in the house, you can't casually go to someone else's house to take care of the funeral, which would only increase the bad luck. Other people's families also wouldn't welcome you, so I don't know the rules here, no wonder Aunt Wang wasn't too happy when she saw me dressed in filial piety.

When I returned to my grandmother's mourning hall, the third lady was already there, but her face didn't look too good, because I didn't know who had lit the lamp under the coffin last night. I was originally quite happy, but the third lady said that the problem was very serious, the red lotus flame just lit yesterday, if nothing had happened, I should have been able to light the lamp then, but when I lit it in the middle of the night, the change was too great.

Counting the time when her grandmother had left the coffin, it should have been possible to put it up the mountain in three more days. However, when Third Aunt and Ninth Uncle were discussing, they said that they would go up the mountain today, but because of Uncle Wang's matter, it would be delayed for another day, so she was very unhappy.

"Yu'er, you still have your pen, right?" When she asked me about it, I remembered that I didn't even know where I put the pen. I felt a little embarrassed, so I pretended to touch myself, but I didn't expect that I would actually find it in my pocket.

When I changed my clothes yesterday, I didn't notice where these two things went. Furthermore, I only changed these clean clothes recently. At that time, I completely forgot about these two things due to the person in the mirror.

I took out a brush. After the three women looked at it, they took out a piece of talisman paper. "Write a 'Suppression' talisman!"

Could it be that the things that Grandpa taught me were all for writing talismans? It was just that this time, it wasn't dog blood, but rather the red ink Ninth Uncle had brought along. There was some cinnabar ink inside that was a bit rough, and after writing the talisman, when the ink had dried, Third Aunt stuck the talisman outside the brazier and muttered a few words, telling me to continue burning the paper. After telling me that I was not allowed to go anywhere, I went out.

I didn't even have the time to rip open the stack of paper money before it all fell into the brazier. Originally, I wanted to grab it, but after a loud explosion, it immediately ignited. After the flames had finished burning, I didn't think too much about it.

"Hey, have you heard? Gou Zi's family said that something happened in the village and that it was a bit scary. They packed up their things and left last night. In the end, they came back the whole night and said they didn't leave … " When I was bored, I overheard something outside.

"I heard about this. He said that he encountered a Wall-Hitting Ghost. I wonder if that's true?" "However, the village hasn't been peaceful these few days. Ever since aunt passed away, two people have already died. I also want to pack up and return home …"

It seems that the events of the past two days have frightened quite a few people. They were a bit scared, but I was also scared because if it wasn't for the fact that my grandpa was sick and that my grandma hadn't finished her work, I think I would have listened to Third Aunt and left last night.

I shook my head and continued burning the paper. There was something wrong with that, before I could throw the paper down, it was swallowed by fire in midair, and it tore apart the paper, causing me to be overwhelmed by it. Suddenly, the fire in the brazier seemed to have a mind of its own, and the paper money in my hands suddenly caught on fire.

I simply threw another handful of paper money in, or did I burn it quickly, but the fire was too big, and behind the hazy light was my grandmother's portrait. I didn't know if it was due to the heat or the influence of the fire, but I saw a smile on the originally kind portrait.

I stepped back, but the fire in the brazier seemed to be not letting go of the paper in my hands. It rolled over and scared me so much that I threw the paper on the ground. Just as the flames were about to continue burning, I suddenly saw a flash of red light and then the flames abruptly retracted, so I quickly threw all the paper on the floor into the brazier.

This situation was too strange. There was no wind in the room, so why was there a fire? But why was it not burning well? He had just thrown in a stack of paper, yet it didn't ignite. Instead, it had started emitting smoke. What was going on? I quickly grabbed the paper money with my hands, wanting to scatter it, but the paper money couldn't catch fire. I tore one or two more pieces and they were all gone, the smoke making me cry so much that I accidentally saw my grandmother's portrait again.

I quickly dried my tears and looked again. There was nothing abnormal, could it be that my eyes were really blurry? I pretended to blow on the brazier. "Burn paper money but don't blow, don't flip it!"

I looked back, and when the three women came in, I hurriedly stopped, as if there was such a rule, this ancestor wanted money, he wanted to go back and burn himself quickly, he didn't want it anymore, no matter how he burned it, it was smoky, especially not to move, otherwise they would have received rotten money and would not have been able to spend it, I just grabbed it, there wouldn't have been any effect, right?

It was at this moment that I noticed that the talisman pasted on the brazier had disappeared. This was strange. I looked left and right but couldn't find it. Could it be that it had just been burnt?

"Stop looking, this matter is just as I expected. It has become even more complicated. Let's go and eat first …" Third Aunt pulled me to my feet and walked out of the room. When I looked back, I saw that my grandmother's image had turned ferocious, as if it wanted to eat me. I quickly grabbed Third Aunt's hand and walked away quickly.

An illusion, it had to be an illusion! I keep trying to comfort myself...

"Yu'er, go and pack up. I'll send you off tonight …" After we finished eating, Third Aunt pulled me to a secluded corner and brought up the matter again, "Third Aunt, I'm not leaving!" I was annoyed with her. She had said it so clearly last night, why did she still want me to leave?

"Why are you so disobedient, child? Let me ask you, did you find anything wrong with your grandmother's portrait when you burned the paper? " As soon as she said this, I felt a chill all around me.

"I noticed it. I thought I was just seeing things!" Could it be that the Third Aunt had also discovered it? I am relieved, then, that I am not hallucinating.

"You, child, are not afraid even when you see it? Also, why did I let you write a magic charm just now to burn paper? I suspect that a portion of your grandmother's soul was burned away when you ignited her Red Lotus Evil Flame yesterday. Now that her soul is incomplete and she wants to come back and cause trouble, you should hurry up and leave! " Her words made me feel incredulous. How is this possible …

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