Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C15 Sending the Spirit to the Mountain Thank You for Your Unyielding Radish
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C15 Sending the Spirit to the Mountain Thank You for Your Unyielding Radish
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C15 Sending the Spirit to the Mountain Thank You for Your Unyielding Radish

"Then it's dangerous for you to stay. If you want to leave, then let's leave together." What's the meaning of leaving me alone?

"Let me tell you, if you still won't leave, then just wait for our two old bones to die …" Do you know that the past few days have all been because of you!? As long as you leave, the village will be safe. " The third matron's words stunned me. It had already risen to such a height?

"Are you sure? "Alright then …" Seeing her so anxious, that's what I thought. If what she said is true, then after we leave, perhaps everyone will be safe. If it isn't true, then staying behind will only be a burden for them.

I was curious. Why didn't anyone come to spy on me today? Didn't you insist on keeping me here last night? I decided to leave, but no one came to look after me. It wasn't until I got home that I realized they were all panicking. Everyone was packing up for today, not caring about me.

It was a bit dark tonight, so I felt a little depressed. I picked up a small bag and followed the three women out of the village. The three women were holding a Blood Orchid Lantern and didn't have any lights on, so I guessed that she wanted to send me away and come back to watch the road.

I just went to see my grandfather, and he actually knew that everyone was leaving, but he looked at me and said, it's no use, no one can leave, only I have the chance to leave! I didn't get it, I told him to take care of himself, and he and the three women discussed it for a while and decided to take me across the bridge.

There was a small stream outside our village, with clear water and a bridge over a big bluestone bridge, which we all called the Single Bridge. Normally, when we went out of the village, we wouldn't go this way, because there were mountain roads on the other side, which were very difficult to go through, but my grandfather insisted that I go there, saying that it was the most likely to go out of the village.

No one noticed us along the way, so it went smoothly. Perhaps they had never thought of going from here, after all, there were three paths to the village: one dirt road, one stone continent. All of them were easier to walk on than this mountain road.

After reaching the stream, I turned around to look at the village. According to the Third Aunt, I would not be able to come back for a while now. I said that I was in trouble with the village, but I should have left twenty years ago.

When we were children, we used to play here, because there was a large flat rock under the bridge, and the water flowed smoothly on it, and we would play on it barefooted, and when it was dark, Mom and I would come here to find us.

After walking a few steps, the three women stopped. I felt a little strange, so I stuck my head forward. In the blink of an eye, there was a square object lying across the bridge. The three women extended a hand to push me back. He was puzzled in his heart. What had happened?

At this moment, the lanterns in the third matron's hands lit up. Under the illumination of the lantern, I saw that the square object in front of me was actually a huge red coffin with a blood-red orchid on top. Wasn't this the coffin that I saw the night I came back?

My scalp tingled. What did that mean? When we got back to the shore and stood side by side, I saw that her lips were pale and trembling, but she didn't say a word.

"Should we go through the river?" I pointed to the water. She shook her head and said, "No, I can't even head out in this direction tonight. Even if you fly over, it will still be waiting for you in the air …"

These words made me depressed. If I didn't know how weird this coffin was, I would have just chopped it with a knife according to my temper. The last time I was here, I was shocked. But luckily, this coffin was very quiet. I stood with Third Aunt for a while, probably to see if there was any movement before she brought me back to the village.

Just then, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky. I turned my head just in time to see the coffin right behind me, and I was startled. I waited for the bolt of lightning to pass by, and under the light of the lantern, I didn't see anything.

"Crap, it's going to rain heavily again. It seems like your grandmother's funeral needs to end as soon as possible, or else something bad might happen." She also hurried forward, but I didn't understand what she meant.

At this time, the sounds of thunder and lightning never stopped. Soon, it began to rain as large as soybeans. From the looks of it, it was going to rain? It's only been two days and there's been heavy rain again?

When I got back to the Third Mother's house, I found that there were actually a lot of people here, and they were all excitedly asking Grandfather why he couldn't leave. Grandfather was originally talking about something leisurely, but when he saw us returning, his expression suddenly changed.

"Go back, all of you! You've all seen it. Yu'er can't leave either, so calm down. We just have to work together and endure this trial." When the third matron spoke, everyone's expression changed and they seemed to have given up. After everyone had left in twos and threes, it was only a few minutes before the atmosphere outside suddenly became big.

Only at this moment did I realize that Ninth Uncle was also standing next to Grandfather and greeting him. I hurriedly went to heat up Grandfather's medicine, since his body wasn't fully recovered yet and he needed to rest up.

"Big brother, I just saw that lipstick coffin from twenty years ago on the Single Bridge …" The third matron's voice gradually became softer. Along with the sound of rain outside, I didn't hear anything behind me, but I felt too embarrassed to go over and listen. After all, I had to heat up the soup first.

When I brought the soup over, none of them said a word. Frowning, I carefully served my grandfather as he drank, "Alright, let's do that. No matter how heavy the rain is tomorrow, send the old granny and ancestor to the mountains!" Grandpa drank the dregs of the medicine sticking out of his mouth and just said this.

"This training hall is not going to continue?" I was a little surprised, so I asked, "Grandfather stared at me, so I quickly cleaned up the medicine bowl and went to wash it."

That night, no one went to the mourning hall. I was only here to arrange matters for the next day, but Third Aunt had arranged for me to rest in another room to listen to the rain outside. It probably wouldn't stop raining tomorrow.

When I woke up, it was already bright. The third matron was packing up her things, and she intentionally brought a few talismans. I didn't see clearly what they were, but I could tell that they were drawn by grandfather.

"Let's go. Take this umbrella. You can take a rain shower today, but your grandma's portrait can't have water. This kind of rootless water, before your grandma gets buried, will make it so that your grandma won't be able to step on the ground in the Underworld …" She handed me a small umbrella. It's really not big. He didn't know if it was true or not.

Then I put on my raincoat and tied it around my waist with twine. Without letting me bring anything to cover my head from the rain, I put on my mourning handkerchief (a white gauze) and walked over to my grandfather's side. I found out that he had already gone to my grandmother's mourning hall.

When I arrived at the mourning hall, Ninth Uncle was leading a few Taoists to do a training hall. The coffin was already nailed to the ground, and he originally said that he would open the coffin for the filial children to see for the last time, but Grandfather decided that he wouldn't let me see it, so he nailed it and tied all four of the poles together. When I arrived, Ninth Uncle carefully stuffed the portrait of grandmother in front of the coffin into my hands.

"Lift the coffin …" The four uncles each lifted one of the rope, and as the rope started to make a noise, they lifted the other one. Then, with Uncle Shen in front, he said with some doubt, "It's not heavy!"

The third matron reprimanded him, "Don't talk, focus on carrying!" Third Aunt took out a Glyph and stuck it on top of the coffin while muttering some words. Perhaps it had suddenly increased a lot of weight, but I could clearly see them frown and push the coffin down!

"Xiao Zi takes the lead, the paper money opens the way, the various deities please temporarily hide …" "Send my soul up the mountain …" Ninth Uncle shouted with his mouth wide open, and a few of the Daoists began to brag, Ninth Uncle sprinkled out a handful of glutinous rice, and Sister Qiulin followed behind me. She held a basket of paper money, and as she walked she threw it away, while Big Brother Qiulin set off firecrackers …

But I think there's something wrong with Qiulin gege, his face is still green, why did he come to help?

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