Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C18 Suppressing the Coffin Thanks the Sky Does Not Fit in with the Wolves Etc
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C18 Suppressing the Coffin Thanks the Sky Does Not Fit in with the Wolves Etc
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C18 Suppressing the Coffin Thanks the Sky Does Not Fit in with the Wolves Etc

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but shiver, how could there be such a sinister method, but I still obediently listened to them. After Third Aunt asked me to write the same talisman, Third Aunt brought me two more little people, and then asked me to write the word 'Life' with a small amulet. One of them seems to be my grandmother's, while the other is the ancestor's' Birthday '?

The third matron pasted the word 'birthday' on the two little people, then sewed the little person onto the white sail with needle and thread. Was this thread dyed red with hemp? If it wasn't for my eyesight, I really wouldn't have been able to tell.

After preparing all these things, the three women put them away, leaving only the ink bottle and the inkstone, "Yu'er, originally, I wanted to keep these two things, but now it seems that you are going to be involved, so you should keep these two things well, and not have any mistakes!" I obediently put it away, because according to the observations from before, these two items weren't ordinary goods. Moreover, from what the third matron had said, this matter had something to do with my life.

"Third Aunt …" "Hurry up and help me take a look at Qiulin, he's vomiting all the time, it seems like he can't take it anymore …" The Third Aunt frowned. She had just sewed the white sail, so she didn't immediately move. It seemed that Ninth Uncle looked at him and Ninth Uncle nodded his head.

Third Aunt went to the back of the house to get an empty bowl and a small, dark cloth bag. Then she and Ninth Uncle went out.

"Don't touch them. You won't be able to touch them for the time being …" Just as I was about to touch it, my grandfather coughed and scolded me, and I pulled my hand back.

"Yu'er, remember this. So many things happened in the village, and you're not in the middle of it, so you can only look. Don't touch it. Remember?" Grandfather coughed and I hurried to support him. He said it very seriously, but I couldn't understand it.

"Grandfather, what is it? "I'm also a member of the Ji Clan …" I've been back for a few days, and I've been through all sorts of weird things. I'm going to be driven crazy, so I'm going to ask around when I get the chance.

"You can't know for the time being. If you do, then you will be in the trap. When that time comes, our Ji Clan will not be spared. At least our Ji Clan will have a reason to stay in the current situation …" Grandfather's hoarse words made me feel extremely terrified. It was as exaggerated as he said. Just now, he even said that there were hundreds of people in the Ji Clan. But now, he said that he could only protect me?

"Grandfather, you should rest well …" I helped him to lie down slowly. I could see that he was a little out of breath from saying these words, and I suspected that he was just talking nonsense, talking about some scheme, and then not being specific about it. He's suffocating, yet he still wants to keep hiding it from me.

Third Grandma and Ninth Uncle came with their little sister, and she told her little sister to watch her grandfather and bring me to the coffin. Now, it seems that the rain was a little less heavy, so I simply put on a raincoat and followed her. Third Aunt originally wanted to put on my bamboo hat, but after thinking for a while, she said, "The coffin hasn't even sunk into the ground yet, it's still a mourning handkerchief."

When they arrived at the village entrance, a simple shed had already been erected here. Third Uncle and Big Bro were already waiting here, so they could follow the Third Aunt inside to look at the coffin. This coffin had some marks on it, but there were no scratches anywhere else.

Ninth Uncle chased everyone out, he took out a lot of things from the bag on his back, then placed them on a simple altar. Ninth Uncle told me to kneel in front of Grandma's coffin, although they are both new coffins, it was still very easy to tell which one was Grandma's coffin. I knelt down obediently, only then did I realize that Second Brother was also kneeling in front of the Old Ancestor, when did he come back? I didn't notice …

"Heavenly Dipper Sword, Earth Fiend. Yin and Yang are distinct. Humans walk the path of humans, ghosts walk the path of ghosts …" Ninth Uncle lit up the talisman paper and began to practice. He chanted, his voice soft, his feet gossiping, the peach wood sword in his hand at one moment, dancing at the other, and the Third Aunt was silently preparing something on the side. I saw her holding the two talismans I had written down.

Could it be that they said they would suppress the Underworld for fifty thousand years just to suppress Grandma and the Old Ancestor? Was this really that exaggerated?

"..." Now that the filial son was in front of him, he had to kneel and send him on his way … "Subdue!" As soon as Ninth Uncle finished speaking, Third Aunt slapped the talismans in her hands onto the coffins of Grandma and the Old Ancestor. Just at this moment, there was a sudden clap of thunder outside, and the two coffins began to shake violently. The shock of being caught off guard scared Second Brother and me to death …

"The filial son kowtows, continuously kowtows!" Ninth Uncle let out a loud roar and Second Brother and I quickly kowtowed. I was praying that my grandmother's coffin wouldn't be shaken open. This was too scary, and it was still broad daylight …

There were a lot of people standing outside, but they were all scared out of their wits. Some of them even carried little kids and quickly left, leaving only a few men standing outside.

"..." The path of the ghost is dangerous, follow the path of the enemy, do not get lost, return to the soul … "Subdue!" Ninth Uncle continued, continuously sprinkling out a lot of glutinous rice. Big Brother and I were everywhere, and we still continued to kowtow …

"..." "Birthday is uncertain, death sometimes happens, and the Messenger does not accept it, but goes his own way, bringing his birthdate with him, Hades is determined …" Ninth Uncle's voice was too piercing. At this moment, I noticed that Third Aunt took out those two white sails and directly placed them on top of the trembling coffin. The little person sewn on top of them just happened to be at the top of the coffin …

Then the coffin began to shake even more violently, and it began to make popping sounds. I was very worried that this coffin would open by itself, and then Grandmother would jump out like a zombie to bite.

"Old Lord Taishang ordered urgently …" "Pfft!" Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and the talisman changed direction and fell towards Second Brother's head. Second Brother was still kneeling on the ground, not paying attention, and this time Ninth Uncle probably didn't even have time to react, so this talisman immediately lit Second Brother's filial handkerchief. How was this possible? I just noticed that his mourning handkerchief was just as wet as mine, and now there's water on the ground too. How could it be burned …

At this time, Ninth Uncle was also panicking and quickly took off his robe to cover Second Brother's head, but even his robe was burning up. A few men came in from outside and pulled Second Brother out, then threw him on the water and rolled him around. It was only after a long time that Second Brother started changing, but his hair was almost completely burnt off.

However, I dare to be sure that his talisman is just ordinary talisman paper, how can it have such great power? The 'bang' sound inside the coffin became louder and louder, Ninth Uncle looked at Third Aunt, the Third Aunt was originally standing at the side, but now they simply knelt in front of the Old Ancestor, kowtowing with all their might, this …

I don't have time to worry about her body. Since the old people are kneeling and kowtowing, I also need to hurry up and kowtow. Ninth Uncle calmed down and continued: "Old Lord Taishang is anxious like the law …" "Pfft!" This time, he lit up two talismans and quickly took the wooden swords in his hands to deliver the two talismans to the coffins …

At this time, I accidentally discovered that the white sail was starting to burn. I was so scared that I wanted to get up quickly, but I didn't expect that there would be a wooden sword at my back. I looked over and found that the Third Madam was still kneeling down without any hesitation.

The sound inside the coffin was very loud. It was unknown whether it was because the coffin was too heavy or because it was nailed to the ground. The huge impact did not move the coffin at all.

Even the two little guys on top of it were burnt away. When the thick flames dispersed, the trembling inside the coffin gradually decreased, and eventually, there was no sound at all, only at this time did Ninth Uncle ask us to stop. I hurriedly helped Third Aunt to her feet, and then I realized that Third Aunt's forehead was broken, how much strength had she used?

Big Brother brought some water, and I washed up with Third Aunt. At this time, Second Brother was no longer here. I had wanted to talk to him for a while.

I turned my head to look at the coffin and discovered that the talisman on top of the coffin had already disappeared. However, there was the red talisman that I had written down on top of the coffin.

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