Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C19 Two Grandfathers
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C19 Two Grandfathers
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C19 Two Grandfathers

Could it be that the word I wrote was a talisman used to suppress them? I couldn't help but look at my hands. Just what had my grandfather taught me?

"Xiao Zi, lead the way, get up the coffin!" Ninth Uncle's voice shouted, this is the second time my grandmother's coffin has been buried, I hope everything goes well. However, this time there are eight people carrying the coffin, and it looks like they are carrying it very heavily.

This time, I didn't use the soul flag to cover the coffin, and I didn't hold the picture anymore. I was just walking in front, I don't think that there's anything special about getting off the coffin this time, right?

Arriving in front of Grandmother's new grave, I saw a black hole in the distance. It looked like an open mouth that was going to swallow someone. When I got closer, I stopped …

At the back, Ninth Uncle and the others also stopped because why was there a coffin in the grave? And the coffin looked open. What was that?

Looking at Ninth Uncle, he was also very puzzled, "When I came in the morning, is it empty inside?" He was speaking in a low voice to the three women, who were also at a loss.

"Drop the coffin, rest!" Ninth Uncle and Third Aunt discussed in a low voice for a while before they told everyone to put down the coffin. It seemed like he had decided to personally go over and take a look.

Actually, I also really want to go over and take a look, but somehow there's an extra coffin inside, everyone is very scared, Ninth Uncle also carefully walked forward, he took a glance then quickly came back, "It's very strange, there's a young woman inside the coffin, it seems like she just died not long ago. Has another person died around here recently? "

Ninth Uncle, a few days ago, when I came back, there was a woman who died in Yao Family Bay …" In the end, I said that although I felt that it was very unlikely, I had to think that it was such a coincidence.

"Hmm? Have you seen it? " Ninth Uncle's eyebrows creased. I thought about it, I only saw her in that kind of situation two days ago, and I have a deep impression of her. I should be able to remember that beautiful face. I nodded.

"Then come and take a look, but be careful …" Ninth Uncle said as he led the way. I looked at Third Aunt, she didn't have any expression, so I followed.

When we reached the front of the coffin, I looked out and saw a woman lying quietly inside, wearing a birthday suit and black embroidered shoes. Her face was pale, but her expression was unnatural, as if she was scared, and if I opened my eyes, I thought it was because she was scared. Just when I thought that, this woman suddenly opened her eyes, scaring me to the point where I hurriedly took two steps back …

Ninth Uncle was also obviously not lightly scared, but he didn't move, only quickly grabbing the peach wood sword on his back.

"Ninth Uncle, it's her …" I didn't dare to get any closer, so I backed away as I spoke. This was too scary. Why is this woman here? And he would open his eyes for himself...

In that fleeting glance just now, I could clearly see that her eyes were grey, like the eyes of a dead fish. With her open eyes, I could see that she had died in terror. Why? Back then, it was clearly her …

Ninth Uncle was also slowly retreating. I turned around and ran, Ninth Uncle loudly shouted, "Stop, don't run! Walk slowly! " I was scared stiff by his words. Holy shit, I didn't die from the fear of death, I almost died from the fear of living people, but I still quickly stopped. I slowly walked forward, wanting to look back. "You're not allowed to turn back!"

Ninth Uncle let out another roar and I immediately became obedient. I saw that Third Aunt didn't move, but Big Brother and the others who were carrying the coffins were a bit panicked. They all looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.

When I came before the three women, I heaved a sigh of relief. It was too scary. Luckily, it was daytime. If it was night time, I would probably be scared to death.

"Xiao Yu, what's inside? Are you really that woman? " I don't know when my big brother came to my side and asked me in a low voice, but I nodded.

"I knew it, this woman is too loose. I think I've really met a ghost …" Before he could finish, the third matron slapped him on the head. "Go to the back and guard the poles. Don't scare the Grand Matriarch's coffin …"

Before he finished speaking, his grandma's coffin made loud * Bang * * Bang * * Bang *. This time, everyone hurriedly jumped away. Ninth Uncle had also returned. He and Third Aunt were also helpless.

"What should we do? This woman is strange, I think we might not be able to make it! " Ninth Uncle sighed, "I've been in this business for decades, but this is the first time I've encountered such a situation …"

At this moment, I discovered that the coffin in the grave was also shaking. A jade-like hand was placed on top of the coffin …

"Nine …" "Ninth Uncle …" At this time, I discovered that my tongue was rolling up and I couldn't even speak clearly. I could only tremble as I pointed towards the grave. Ninth Uncle turned his head to look and also jumped in fright, "Go! "Hurry up and go!"

After saying that, he pulled the three women back. I also hurried to keep up with them, not to mention Big Brother and the rest, who were running very fast! However, before he could even run a few steps, he saw a person standing in front of him. Was that his grandfather?

"Big brother? Why are you here? " There was surprise in the third matron's words, but she was still very happy. As long as her grandfather was around, this matter should be easy to handle.

"You guys wait here first. I just returned from Yao Family Bay. This woman is too hard to deal with. She ran out last night after conducting a legal act …" After saying that, he quickly sped towards the grave, leaving the rest of us in a daze.

What did Grandpa mean by that? He just came back from Yao Family Bay? Everyone was stunned for a while. It was probably due to the aftertaste. Big brother and a few uncles didn't say anything and just left quietly. When I came back to my senses, I realised that there were only the three of us here.

"Third Sister, did you understand what Big Brother meant just now?" Ninth Uncle's words sent chills down my spine, but Third Aunt was still calm. "Let's take a look first, I can't explain it clearly …" Third Aunt paused for a moment before she added: "He is my big brother after all, a member of the Ji Clan!"

It seemed like she didn't understand either. There was clearly a grandfather lying in her house, but now there was another one, saying that he just came back from somewhere else. Which one of these two was real? Moreover, this grandfather's condition was obviously very good. Even though he appeared to be exhausted, his face was still flushed red.

At this moment, I saw two jade hands stretching out from both sides of the coffin on the far side of the grave. The white, bloodless hands in the dark hole looked extremely glaring and horrifying, as if she would crawl out at any moment. I was right next to Third Aunt.

When the outer road passed Grandma's coffin, she only looked at it for a moment before walking towards the grave without any hesitation. Perhaps it was her grandfather who came, but the trembling of her grandmother's coffin lessened a bit …

When my grandfather reached the grave, I could clearly see the long hair of a woman floating up from the coffin. Was she really going to climb out? Just then, Big Brother ran back in a flurry. I was a little curious, but he said while gasping for breath, "Lao … Old Ancestor … "The coffin is shaking …"

Ninth Uncle and Third Aunt looked at him, "Wait first, do you want to see your Big Grandpa?" Third Aunt said slowly. Although she looked very calm, there was a tremble in her voice. It was probably due to me grabbing her hand, but her palm was actually sweating.

"I've seen it. The eldest grandfather is sleeping …" he whispered, as if afraid that his grandfather might hear. Now we're in trouble, which one of us is grandfather?

"Don't panic. Let's take a look first, there's definitely something strange going on here. Let's remain still and deal with the myriad of changes!" Ninth Uncle was still calm at this time, and after thinking about it for a while, this made sense. I also quietly comforted the Third Aunt, but the Third Aunt only patted my hand and didn't say anything …

His big brother went back to deliver the message. He had just said that everyone in the village was panicking. Ninth Uncle told him to go back and comfort everyone.

At this time, his grandfather was lighting an incense stick in front of his grave. He could actually light an incense stick in such rainy weather? Then he took out a brush and gently placed it on the head of the female corpse. It felt as if it weighed a thousand kilograms as he forcibly pressed the female corpse down. Even from so far away, I could hear a 'bang' sound …

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