Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C4 Hermaphrodite Appointment
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C4 Hermaphrodite Appointment
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C4 Hermaphrodite Appointment

When everyone settled down, I realized that the brush in my hand had shriveled up and the blood-red ink had disappeared. I looked around and didn't see a single spot stained with red ink. Could it be that the green face was stabbed by the brush?

There was such a benefit? I quickly ran to the room next door and dipped the brush in the blood. When the brush was full, I carefully covered it with the cap. I turned around in satisfaction. It was unknown when the third matron stood behind me, giving me a fright.

"Third Aunt, why are you so tense?" I complained a little to her. After coming back this time, other than going to pee twice, she always followed me behind, which made me feel a little scared.

"Put down your pen. It's useless. I'll give you another one later!" She didn't reply to my complaints. She just took the pen in my hand and placed it on the table.

I am a bit dumbfounded, is there any problem with this? She pulled me out without waiting for me to ask. I could clearly hear the soft sigh in her mouth. But I grabbed the pen as she pulled me away, thinking what if it still worked? By the way, I'd like to look into what's at stake here that I don't know about.

When I came out, Third Wife pulled me back to the village. I was a little puzzled, wondering why she had pulled me back. Along the way, everyone in the village greeted him, but they all had worried looks on their faces. It was not hard to imagine that everyone knew about what happened last night. After all, the village was only this big, so it was normal for everyone to have thoughts.

After coming to the Third Aunt's house, she rummaged through the house for a while and then took out two brushes. I carefully compared them and found that these two brushes were indeed different from the ones in my hands. The brushes had some lines on them, but the lines on the shaft of the brush were colorless.

However, these two newly found pens have lines with gold on them. The color is relatively light. Could it be that the pens in my hand originally have golden lines as well?

"Stop looking, that's a golden thread. It's specially used to open the path of ghosts!" When Third Aunt's words rang out, I was stunned. What kind of thing is driving a ghost road?

"Yu'er, you've grown up all these years. Thanks to your earnest studies, you managed to enter a university in the provincial capital and made a golden phoenix fly out of our village. But in the end, you couldn't escape this path …" She found a stool and sat down. She took my hand and sighed.

Third Madam is a famous Goddess in our village. She was invited to help people look at ghosts and connect Yin and Yang. I didn't believe that after last night, I knew that these things couldn't be explained with science.

It was said that when the Third Madam was young, she was also a great beauty. Now, looking at her hair flying in the wind and her thin face, she was also an old beauty.

"Third Aunt, what's going on? What did my grandfather teach me? Why draw those red orchids? "What happened last night …" I followed her and sat down next to her. In this village, besides my family, the closest person to me was Third Aunt, so naturally I sat next to her.

"Child, I didn't tell you before because I didn't want you to get involved in these things. This isn't a good thing for you, but the Ji Clan has been around for thousands of years and you're the only one who knows how to cook at the Ji Clan!" The third matron's words were a bit incoherent, but I understood the gist of it. It was that the Ji Clan had an exceptional skill, and I was the only one who could learn it now.

When I was young, my grandfather didn't just teach me alone, including the children from Uncle Shen and Uncle Four, and my brothers and sisters. But they didn't have much interest in that, the key point is that the shape of those words needs to be memorized, and the strokes needed a lot of flexibility, so they didn't want to learn at all.

They all wanted to let their brothers study properly so that they could pass the examination and enter the small mountain village. In the end, I was the only one who passed the exam and they had no choice but to go out to work after graduating from high school. I was speechless at the thought of this.

"What skills?" "The ones I learned when I was a kid?" I took over from the third woman.

"Don't underestimate what you learned. You must remember what you learned. From now on, Ji Village will depend on you. What you learned is the Yinsi brushwork, and those words belong to the Yinsi Judgement!" When the three women said this, their eyes were filled with worship and yearning.

But what Ji Village is relying on me now? Ji Village, why would such a large village like this depend on me?

"Third Aunt, can you explain yourself? I still don't understand! " I'm a bit anxious, I always say half the same thing.

When I was born, my grandfather strongly opposed my mother's birth. I know that, but he was afraid that my mother would never get married again. In fact, since that rainy night, no one had ever come to ask for my hand in marriage.

But according to the Third Aunt, it wasn't just because of that, but because I shouldn't have been born. My grandfather thought that I was the child of my mother and the ghosts. And this disaster began with my grandmother's death, which is why I see so many strange things.

Our Ji Clan has had one or two of the heirs of the Yin Division since a few hundred years ago, who are responsible for the affairs of the villages. Grandfather and the three women are responsible for painting and writing, the three women are responsible for the ceremony.

When it came to my previous generation, which was also Uncle Shen and the others, they came in contact with the outside world a lot. After all, we were poor here, and they all went out to work and earn money, so they had some knowledge, so they wouldn't learn this skill even if they were beaten to death. It looked like they were going to lose it all.

Grandfather saw hope, so the plan to send us away all these years was put off, and now it has come to this.

"Then how did my grandmother die? From my grandfather's tone, it seems like it's because of my relationship with my mother? " Even though I know all this, I still have a lot of things that I don't understand.

"Sigh …" Your grandfather saw that you finally passed the exam, so he let your mother go. But your eldest sister-in-law couldn't bear to part with your mother, so she insisted on not letting her go, and this lasted for two years. During these two years, a lot of things happened in the village, until a few days ago, your mother said that she dreamt of ghosts pressuring her.

Third Aunt's words revealed a huge amount of information. So, my grandmother was killed by a ghost? However, when I asked Uncle Shen last night, he said that there was a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and he was unable to rescue it.

"Third Aunt, are you home? "Another dog died in the east end of the village. Go take a look!" "At this time, a girl walked in from outside. This was a little girl, a pretty girl with a oval face and a ponytail tied behind her head. She blinked her big eyes as if she was ready to say something at any time.

"Brother Xiao Yu, you're back?" A few dogs have died in the village these days! " As soon as she walked in, she ignored the three women and grabbed my hand, chattering away.

"Alright, wait for Xiao Yu to rest. He hasn't rested much since last night, and he has to keep watch at night." After saying that, Third Aunt went to help me make the bed and then dragged the little girl away. When the little girl left, she even turned around and made a face at me.

Indeed, I was very tired. I fell asleep at the end. I didn't know if I was really asleep or if I was in a daze, but I felt that someone was leading the way. I followed him.

"So this is the new traitor?" A very loud voice sounds out and I notice a very tall person sitting in front of me. I don't know when he came to the middle of the hall, but this person is wearing ancient clothes and there is the word "Judgement" embroidered on his chest! I tried to see his face, but my eyes widened, and they were still blurry, as if they were covered with a thick layer of gauze.

"Yeah, I want to hand it over to him!" The man in front of me spoke. At this moment, I remembered that after following them for so long, I actually didn't say a single word. Rather than looking at the person sitting on top of me, I wanted to see who the person in front of me was. I wanted to walk forward, but I felt like I was trapped and couldn't even move.

"Have you decided?" The person's voice was full of seriousness, "Forget it, you've probably thought it through. The appointment this time is very important, and the fact that you took so much time to examine it before bringing such a person here means that you've thought it through. "Fine, I got it!"

"Thank you …" When I said those words, I felt the world spinning around me. The person in front of me turned his head to look at me, and my green face still had a weird smile on it.

I was scared out of my wits and broke out in a cold sweat. When I opened my eyes, the three women were sitting on the edge of the bed. She ruefully wiped my face with a towel.

"Third grandma, what exactly is a spy?" I was still a little shaken, but the scene just now was so clear that I couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality.

"Let's not talk about it for now. Go and guard the spirit. Your grandfather will tell you later, this is a very sacred thing …" He helped me to my feet, and I found myself powerless.

Seeing that the sky had already darkened, he asked, "Is Grandfather still not back yet?" I took a breath and finally came to my senses.

"Not yet, but I heard a message from the other side. I don't think your grandfather will be back tonight." What if something happened again tonight?

"Third Aunt, hurry up. Eldest Young Madam's coffin is shaking again." It was Big Brother's voice outside. I also got up and ran with the three women.

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