Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C8 Deadly Qi Injuring
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Blood Brush, Judge the Life and Death/C8 Deadly Qi Injuring
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C8 Deadly Qi Injuring

I didn't have enough time to think about what that golden light was. I struggled to get out, but my hands were in so much pain that I subconsciously wanted to touch it. However, I touched a pair of hands …

"How is Yu'er …"

"He should be waking up soon. There's not much of a problem. Just a moment ago, a baleful aura rushed towards him. It's just that this …"

I opened my eyes and looked around blankly. Is this where my grandmother's mourning hall is? I was lying on a makeshift bed, and the hand I touched belonged to Ninth Uncle.

"You're awake?" The Third Wife helped me up behind me. I was confused. Was what I saw true? If so, how did he get pregnant with me?

As for the matter of my mother getting pregnant with me, I had checked on it many times when I was still in school. There were several instances of pregnancy before going to bed in the history of mankind, of course, the legends about the reincarnation of a deity couldn't be counted as anything, as there wasn't any scientific basis for it.

There's a picture, there's also a scientific basis for saying that the mother's egg cells didn't split completely, and then a human cell carrying the complete gene chain began to develop after entering the mother's womb. The child that was born was exactly the same as the mother, which, to put it simply, was an unexpected process for the mother to clone her daughter." Therefore, all the children that were born were female, and definitely wouldn't be a boy like me.

As far as science was concerned, I didn't believe that my mother could have given birth to me without a proper home, especially after what had just happened. I didn't believe what my mother had said, because I could see that she was a little out of her mind at the time, and she couldn't be sure if something had happened to that person.

"What's wrong, Yu'er …" Third Grandma was worriedly looking at me while I was in a daze. Ninth Uncle's eyebrows were also knit together, "This child isn't scared silly right?"

"I'm fine. I made you guys worry. What happened to me just now?" At this moment, I came back to my senses and looked gratefully at the Third Madam. This old man had been following me ever since I returned. I had my complaints about her previously. If she hadn't saved me every time, I wouldn't know how many times I would have been in trouble.

Only then did I realize how painful my palm was. I lowered my head to look, my hand was holding onto the brush, my fingernail had dug into the flesh of my palm, but there was no blood.

I quickly picked it up. At that moment, the three women also saw my hand. Their eyes relaxed a little. Even the wrinkles on their brows relaxed a little. However, I didn't know if it was just my imagination.

At this moment, I discovered that the originally somewhat worn out brush gave off a completely new feeling, even the places where it was worn out seemed as though it was about to disappear. It was just that the hair on the tip of the brush had become red, and this red color was rather faint, but when I looked at it, I felt that this color was gradually deepening.

At this moment, the Third Grandma took out a Band-Aid and carefully placed it on my palm. Then, she patted my hand and looked at it with satisfaction. Then, she stood up and picked up the pen on the ground.

"Take this pen carefully. This pen is very important to you and our Ji Clan, so there can't be a next time!" I knew what she meant. I had to carry the pen. Was it that important? What was the use of this?

I put aside the fear in my heart and carefully studied the brush. It was actually still changing, and I saw some lines slowly appearing on the pen shaft. There was also a faint golden color, and the hair on the pen tip had actually turned blood-red, bright and glistening.

Isn't this what I looked like when I was painting the orchids yesterday? It's really quite similar. I gently stroke the red brush hair with my hand. It's very soft. This kind of hair is comparable to the best wolf hair. It's definitely a good brush.

I've always loved magic since I was young, so my requirements for brushes are very high. Ordinary brushes aren't even worth mentioning in my eyes. Last semester, I went to participate in the provincial competitions on behalf of the Calligraphy Association and got a first prize. You can see how good the pen is in my hand.

"Third Aunt, can you tell me what kind of brush this is?" I asked her, hoping she would tell me. I didn't expect her to look at me and only smile. She didn't say anything and only told me to rest well. I don't need to go to tonight's training hall.

I heard Ninth Uncle say that Grandmother's training hall must last for seven days, waiting for the infernal energy to completely dissipate. Otherwise, Grandmother's coffin would definitely be unstable, and when the time comes to climb the mountain, there would be a great deal of trouble. But just after the second day had passed, so many problems had occurred, and now the third day had arrived. I was a little irritated. When was such a time of fear and dread coming to an end?

"Third Madam, something has happened. Yao Family Bay has called to inform us that Eldest Grandpa has caught a cold and that widow's training hall can't be opened any longer …" The little girl ran in, but she was still dressed in her filial dress. That's right, she was the direct descendant of the old ancestor, this small mountain village has two training halls in a day, this is the first time I've been here.

Little sister's name is Ji Xi, so when they were young, they called her 'Little Yu' and didn't forget to call her 'Brook'. This also caused her to get close to me since she was young, and even call me 'Little Yu'. Seeing me get into bed, she got a shock, "Big brother Xiao Yu, what did you do now? You just got out of bed last night, and now you're lying down again? "

"Cut the crap. What did the other side say?" Can Big Grandpa hold on? Do you want us to go over? " The Third Aunt was a bit anxious, Ninth Uncle also came in from the room next door.

"Oh, the call was from Big Grandpa. He hung up after a few words. He told us to be careful. Something or other. Aiya, Uncle Shen picked up the call." The little sister was a bit impatient. She did not know the details, so she came to report.

I quickly pulled out the phone to call my grandfather, only to realize that my phone was no longer with me. I seriously thought about it, the phone must have been taken by my big brother after I dropped the manure pit and changed my clothes in the evening.

"Come on, your big brother asked me to give you a call. It's so smelly, and there's still no electricity!" I took out a cloth bag and gave it to me while covering my nose. This is awkward. This phone isn't like other things.

Actually, it wasn't as stinky as she said. It still had a bit of smell and could be switched on, but after giving a hint, it automatically shut down another 1% of its power.

"Use this. Ask what's the situation." Ninth Uncle fished out a stick machine from somewhere, and it was even from the mountain stronghold. I dialed my grandpa's number, and pressed speaker.

"What's going on? Why aren't you accepting it? " Ninth Uncle frowned. At this moment, someone shouted from outside, "Old Master Ji is back …"

This was his grandfather's nickname that was unique to him in the village. Everyone respected him, so he was used to it.

I hurriedly got off the bed and followed the rest out. Seeing that my grandfather was holding onto his chest, walking back with a pale face and unsteady steps, I rushed forward to support him. His turbid eyes looked at me as if he was relieved, suddenly bending over and spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

"Big Brother, Big Brother …" Don't scare me, what's going on? Heavens, this really isn't our Ji Clan's fault, why did you punish us? " The third matron's words were sorrowful and her spirit seemed to have collapsed. She knelt on the ground, prostrating herself on the ground.

"Third Aunt, what are you doing?" Get up, the ground is dirty, what are you doing kneeling on the ground? " At this time, Ninth Uncle and I could only help Grandfather in. The few Daoists at the door stood up and came over to help our Grandfather up, but no one wanted to help Third Aunt up.

I was in a bit of a predicament, but thinking about how my grandfather was still unknown, I followed him in. I asked Ninth Uncle for a phone call, but Ninth Uncle rejected me," "This is a baleful aura, a very strong baleful aura, it's useless to call a doctor …

I was a little dumbfounded. What in the world was this baleful aura? I just took a look at my mom, and now my grandpa's been hurt by the infernal energy...

Ninth Uncle was arranging the altar, he said he wanted to deal with the baleful aura, since I couldn't help him, I would come out to look at San Nu, she was still lying on the ground, her mouth saying Ji Family is innocent, I quickly went to pull her, but I couldn't. I raised my head to look at the sky which was getting brighter and brighter, I didn't know if it was an illusion or something, I saw that face again …

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