Bloody Adventure In Song/C16 Paper Inn
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Bloody Adventure In Song/C16 Paper Inn
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C16 Paper Inn

Yu Wenzhao snatched the dagger away from Diao Diao. He just watched, laughed, and even looked at it, extremely happy.

He walked up the mountain and went through the dense forest for several miles before he arrived at the halfway point of the mountain. The mountain was also densely packed with trees, and besides the leaves and branches, there were also branches and tree trunks.

It had been more than a year since he came here. Yu Wen looked after a small mound on the ground, which was barely visible.

Yu Wenzhao muttered to himself, "Is it actually sold so well here?" You can't even tell anymore? "

When he thought about his childhood experience, Yu Wenzhao couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood. His body went limp as he leaned against the pile of dirt and cried, "Dad, mom, I'm here to see you!" Why don't you come and see me? I didn't even dare to cry for the past ten years. Why didn't you all come out and hug me? You only have me, your only son! "

Yu Wenzhao thought back to the time when his family and the Gao brothers met with an ambush here in Mongolia, when both sides were evenly matched. The Gao brothers suddenly fell over their sword heads and helped the Mongols, and when their parents were killed, they couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood and slowly fainted.

Yu Wenzhao woke up with his eyes wide open. His body was covered by a yellow light and a patched blanket. The tung oil lamp was placed on a small, broken table. Under the light, a child was napping.

After some thought, he remembered that he had fainted. It was likely someone had brought him here.

Yu Wen looked over it and saw the hunting bow and beast skins on the wall. "Where am I?"

The child was startled awake by his mutterings and raised his head. "You're awake!"

Yu Wenzhao was at a loss. "Who are you?"

The child said, "I'm Ku'er."

Yu Wenzhao was stunned. "Bitter son?"

However, Ku'er called out towards the outside, "Grandfather, brother is awake!"

An old voice came from outside, "Is that so? I'll be right there!"

Yu Wenzhao asked Ku'er, "Did you bring me here?"

Ku'er nodded. "Yes. In the afternoon, I heard the howls of wolves at the foot of the mountain. I'm afraid that someone might have met a wolf. Grandfather and I were halfway down the mountain when we saw you fall to the ground. You really are in danger. Pappy killed one wolf with a knife and scared off the other two. That's why I brought you back. "

Yu Wenzhao jumped up in fright and knelt down towards the old man. "Please accept my respect for saving the old man's life!"

The old man bowed to him a few times and helped him up. "Sit down and talk. How did you faint there?"

Yu Wenzhao never imagined that his martial arts, which allowed him to roam the martial arts world, would almost eat himself up. Despite going through so many dangers over the years, he had never been this afraid. They died a long time ago.

The old man blanked out for a moment, and couldn't help but touch his head. "Poor child."

Ku'er said, "Brother, you have so much silver, why would you have such a hard time? I couldn't even carry her just now! "

The old man was stunned. "Ku'er, go and see if the wolf meat has been cooked."

Ku'er acknowledged and went out.

Yu Wenzhao replied, "Old man, Brother Ku'er is just young. You don't have to blame him."

The old man did not expect the youth in front of him to be so old, and was momentarily at a loss for words.

Yu Wenzhao continued, "Old man, don't think that I'm repaying you for saving my life by taking these things, but these things are useless to me. Carrying them on me makes me feel even worse. You can keep these three thousand taels of silver and three pieces of garlic. "From now on, I will send someone to bring you some money every year. It's just that the dynasty is changing now, so don't reveal it."

The old man was taken aback. "This is really too much. We, the grandfathers, and the grandsons don't need this much money. We can live by ourselves even if we have to hunt."

Yu Wenzhao said, "Take it as if it won't work on you and keep it properly. Brother Ku'er, you still need to get married in the future. It's better to have more money than less. You're being too polite." I am not boasting. If you want money, I can have ten thousand taels of silver at any time. This is not easy. I haven't asked for your name yet? "

As the old man cleaned up the mess, he said, "Our surname is Tie, and we just came here last year from outside the pass. We were supposed to be women, but now we are wearing Han's clothes. The Mongols did not look for trouble, so they let it go. However, after Song Jin exterminated Liao and Song Yuan, the Yuan Dynasty broke the Grand Logic and annihilated Song Dynasty, who knew what sort of changes would be needed! In the past, our ancestors told us that the Han Dynasty's Emperor Qin Shi Huang was cruel, but now, I know, if there was someone like the Emperor Qin Shi Huang who could calm the world down and not fight! "

Seeing the old man's slightly hunched back and the dejection on his face, Yu Wenzhao sighed.

After the meal, the old man called Yu Wenzhao to sleep. By midnight, Yu Wenzhao was woken up by the sound of a wolf howling.

Only when he got up did he see that the old man's face was deathly pale. Ku'er was so frightened that he cried. However, he was too frightened to even cry.

Yu Wenzhao immediately thought things through. The wolves must have suffered during the day and summoned helpers at night to take revenge. When he listened carefully, he noticed that thirty to forty wolves had already surrounded the thatched cottage.

Yu Wenzhao smiled and said to the old man, "Old man, don't be afraid. These wolves don't eat humans. They only eat cabbages. There are no cabbages here, so I'll go out and find some grass to feed them!"

The old man was shocked and wanted to say something, but the scene in front of him blurred. Yu Wenzhao had already flashed up, and rushed outside with the dagger that he had snatched from the goblins. The old man and Ku'er heard a hissing sound outside, and the sound circled around the thatched cottage.

The old man was quite shocked. Trembling, he took the lamp and walked out with his eyes wide open. Outside the house, there were actually dead wolves!

When the wind blew, the old man turned out the lamp in his hand, and went back to his room, touching the flint stone, his hands trembling as he waited for the light to come on. When the light came on, his face turned pale, but he held on to Ku'er and said: "Ku'er is not afraid, big brother will kill the wolf, not afraid!"

He had said that he wasn't afraid, but he had never imagined that this youth would be able to kill forty wolves in such a short amount of time. His face was pale.

Yu Wenzhao said, "Old man, it's fine now. I'm afraid there are too many wolves here. How about you take some silver and live in the city?"

The old man shook his head, and said after a long while, "There are still ways to deal with the wolves here, but if there's a war in the city, then there's really no other way."

When Ku'er heard that all the wolves were dead, her small eyes were filled with curiosity. "Big brother, what method did you use to kill those wolves?"

Yu Wenzhao said, "My parents both practice martial arts, and a dozen years ago they were killed by someone —"

Yu Wenzhao's eyes suddenly lit up as his killing intent surged, "Those two bastards received great kindness from my parents to save them a few times, and they still want to get them killed. I've already killed them for revenge!"

The old man and his granddaughter looked at each other in shock.

Yu Wenzui threw his head back and laughed. His laughter reverberated through the mountains and spread far away, shaking the two ancestors in the room. They covered their ears and smiled as they walked out, saying, "Father, Mother, I have taken revenge for you. Are you happy? Are you happy? Speak! Why haven't you guys come to meet me? Look at me, I have so many scars on my body. If you two were still alive, would you have let them bully me like this? "

When the old man saw Yu Wenzhao walk out the door towards the darkness, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. He held Ku'er and stared blankly at the direction Yu Wenzhao had disappeared in.

Ku'er turned to the old man and said, "Grandfather, this brother is really pitiful!"

The old man was in a daze.

Yu Wenzhao started to run as fast as he could in the mountains. If anyone saw him, they would probably go find a mage to catch a ghost.

Yu Wenzhao ran for who knows how long and faintly heard a burst of crowing before he suddenly woke up. He then stopped and sat on a rock.

As soon as he sat down, he heard a rustle of the wind. He was also a night walker.

Yu Wenzhao thought for a moment, then also followed. Although he was young, his lightness skills were much higher than that person's. Even though he didn't run into any leaves in the dense forest, that person didn't even notice that there was someone behind him.

After following them for more than 10 miles, they saw the lights from before. Upon closer inspection, it was a few lanterns that were about to burst from the wind. However, to suddenly see such an imposing light in such a deep forest appeared extremely strange.

The night walker descended under the light. Yu Wenzhao also got closer and saw that it was actually an attic. He circled the attic and went to the east, only to see that the person had actually risen to the second floor and gone straight in through the window. The window opened and then closed. There was no light coming out from inside, and when it was opened, there was no light coming out!

Yu Wenzhao jumped in fright. He had followed that person for a while, and he already knew that although that person's lightness skills weren't bad, he wouldn't be able to catch up to sixty percent of his strength for the rest of his life. When he looked again, the lantern in the east was shining down on a pretense. The four words on the pretense were "Yellow Springs Inn"!

Yu Wenzhao was dazed for a moment. He actually strutted to the front of the building, and just as he was about to pull the knocker, he saw that the building was clearly made of paper!

Yu Wenzhao thought for a moment, then patted the hard paper door and said, "The one holding the cabinet, open the door, I'm going to stay in!"

A gloomy voice came from behind him, "This is not a inn, you can leave."

Yu Wenzhao was so scared that he jumped forward and turned around. "Do you think I can't read? The Huang Family Inn!" Hurry up and open the door, get some water, and come to this daddy here to take a bath. After finishing his sentence, he saw the person's appearance clearly. That person's long tongue stuck out his mouth and took a step forward, with a soul luring flag in his left hand and paper money used to kill people in his right hand. He had a tall white hat on his head and a ghastly aura all over his body.

Yu Wenzhao looked at him pitifully. "Brother, have you eaten yet?"

That person's eyes rolled back in their sockets. "Leave."

On the other hand, Yu Wenzhao stared at him as if he were a child looking at an interesting toy. "Bro, your tongue is so long, yet you're speaking so clearly. What kind of change is this trick?"

The man's voice was muffled as he said: "Did you see my mouth move?"

Yu Wenzhao was shocked. "Why don't you use your mouth when you're speaking?" Are you a human or a ghost! "

"Anyway, we are not human! If you don't leave now, I'll kill you! "

Yu Wenzhao was so scared that he squatted on the ground and trembled. "Ghost, ghost, ghost brother, you, you … don't hurt me." I have money, can you give me something to eat first? I've been doing fine for days — I haven't eaten anything! "

That person suddenly grabbed Yu Wenzhao's collar, raised his hand, and threw him twenty or thirty feet away.

Yu Wenzhao landed on the ground screaming. That person's actions were precise, but Yu Wenzhao's feet touched something on the ground. He grabbed it and saw that it was a skull. He was shocked and threw it far away, "Oh my god, a ghost, a ghost!" However, his feet seemed to have been nailed there, not moving at all. As if he was terrified, the person flashed and entered the paper block again.

However, Yu Wenzhao suddenly shouted, "That's right, you guys are playing tricks on us! You opened a black shop!" F * ck, everyone has a share, yet you dare to take it for yourselves even if you don't want to share with me? Is laozi easy to bully! "

At the same time, he held out a paper bag for him to grab. A cloud of dust fell straight onto the paper wall, and most of it fell to the ground as he stretched out his hand to shake it again, and a fire piston appeared in his hand: "I, your father, will burn you bastards to death! I told you to harm someone! "

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