Blue-Eyed Girl in Nightclub/C16 Li zi hao's alcohol tolerance
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Blue-Eyed Girl in Nightclub/C16 Li zi hao's alcohol tolerance
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C16 Li zi hao's alcohol tolerance

Shi Ke was instantly enraged when he heard that, and spoke with a hint of anger, "How can you be like this? Didn't we already discuss this? "Today's decision, I've already thought about it pretty well these few days. I know that although there's still a difference in status between the two of us, but I think it would be nice if the two of us could be together."

"But I still don't think it's appropriate. I don't know where to say it." I continue to defend myself here.

"Anyway, I don't think I can make it clear on the phone, so I'll go and find you right now."

After saying that, Shi Ke directly hung up the phone. He didn't have time for me to explain because I wasn't in KTV right now, but was out drinking with Li Zi Hao.

So I called Shi Ke in a hurry, but there was no one to answer my phone, which really made me anxious.

I don't know why, but after what Shi Ke said, my heart started to waver. Previously, I had never yearned for love, and I didn't know what that thing was, but after hearing what he said, it made me feel as if everyone needed to achieve greater perfection. I also needed the love of others, and also needed the care of others.

"I need to go back to KTV. Someone is looking for me."

"Who is it?" It was clear that he wasn't too concerned about my affairs. He could feel it just by asking.

"A former friend. He knew I was working here and came looking for me." And I made up a lie.

Hearing this, Li Zi Hao nodded, but just when he turned around and was about to leave, he was stopped by Li Zi Hao.

"Wait for me, I want to go back with you."

The moment I heard what Li Zi Hao said, I was stunned. I had no idea what he wanted to do when he went back.

"What is it? You want to go back now? " I asked.

"Of course, if you go back by yourself, leaving me here would be meaningless, so when you go back, I'll go back with you."

Listening to this, I was really afraid that something might happen later. It was also good to go back with me, after all, if he drank too much here, he would definitely cause trouble, there was no doubt about it.

I don't know why Li Zi Hao's alcohol tolerance is so low, he only drank two bottles of wine, but he is already a little unsteady. If I wasn't there to support him, he would have definitely bumped into someone.

"No need to help me. I'm fine now, I only drank two bottles of wine. How could I get drunk? Just relax." Li Zi Hao said this with a smile on his face. Looking at him acting like this, I really can't put my mind at ease.

"Forget it, I really didn't realize that your alcohol tolerance was so low. It was only two bottles of beer, how did you suddenly increase so much?" You made it seem like you drank ten bottles eight times, even if you have the alcohol capacity, don't find me for a drink next time. "

I then complained about it. To be honest, it was just a joke, and I think he could understand it.

"Actually, the reason I wanted to drink with you is to go out and talk to you about the things that happened before, things that you don't even know about. Although I'm the boss in this KTV, there are a lot of things you don't know. Wait here for a while, I'll tell you. "I really have a feeling of surging dark waves. My heart is also feeling quite bitter."

After Li Zi Hao said this, he seemed to become even more dispirited. It was unknown what exactly he thought of or what kind of difficulties he had.

In the past, if others didn't want to say it, he definitely couldn't ask them. In the future, when he wanted to say it, he would definitely reveal everything.

Luckily, the bar isn't too far away from our KTV, otherwise I really wouldn't know how to explain how he ended up like this. Although Li Zi Hao looked quite thin, his entire body was filled with meat.

We walked for more than half an hour on a few hundred meters. Actually, I couldn't be blamed for that, it was just that Li Zi Hao's walking was S-shaped. You couldn't figure out where he was going to go next, so I was protecting her from all angles.

When we arrived at the entrance of the KTV, the security guard saw that the situation was lonely, so he helped Li Zi Hao up, and I told them to bring Li Zi Hao back to the office, which was the end of the matter. To be honest, Li Zi Hao's alcohol tolerance really made me feel a little dissatisfied.

As Shi Ke was about to arrive, I didn't intend to go in. I found a place to sit down at the entrance and waited for him quietly.

At the moment, my heart is anxious. I don't know what to say the moment we meet, whether I want to reject him or to find a suitable partner for myself, I feel that Shi Ke is really not bad. Since he doesn't dislike me, then what reason do I have to despise him? There are a lot of good girls, but why do they like me?

Thus, I continued to ponder on what to do. I didn't know what to do, nor did I know what to choose next.

Just then, Shiko drove up to us, and when he got out of the car he saw me and smiled.

"How is it? How did the decision turn out? To be honest, I think it's really good that we're together. You have to believe this, you know what I am like, at least I won't be outside with flowers and grass, and I have my heart set on you. "

"I know that, but there are some things I need to make clear. If we were to be together, would I still be able to continue working here? I don't want to freeload with you."

This is also the truth of my words, because I know what sort of person I am in such circumstances that I cannot depend on others to support me.

"If the two of us are really together, I really don't want you to come out and work, especially in a place like this."

I didn't know what to say to her. In the face of such a situation, he must still have some prejudice against my current job, and I knew that for anyone else, there would definitely be prejudice, not just him.

If that's the case, then why did you look for me? I feel that my own job is pretty good, and not as dirty as you think it is. If you feel that we're not suitable, then forget it.

He seemed a little irritated by what I had said. I don't know what to say now that things have developed to this point.

Thus, I turned around and left. I didn't intend to pay any attention to him. I met a person that looked down on the fruits of my labour. There was no need to continue our conversation.

At first, he was sulking, but after a while, as if he were a different person, he spoke kindly to me and then he did the same thing again. In a moment, my heart softened again.

I really want to find someone to rely on. If not, I would be too tired to work alone in society, especially with my current job, I might be able to meet any person, and it would be very dangerous for me at any time.

The moment that Shi Ke said those words to me, I almost treated her as my boyfriend, because I felt that this person was still very good. Now that I had caused such a ruckus, I believed that he would treat me even better in the future.

Shi Ke held my hand and said, "I know my temper may not be very good, but to you, as long as you want me to change it, I'll definitely change it as soon as possible."

Shi Ke was so obedient right now. I didn't know how to face all of this. He took my hand and felt his heart warm.

"I still have the same request. No matter what happens in the future, I will continue with this job."

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