Blustering Immortalization Spell/C16 The Legend of Invincible in the Same Grade
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Blustering Immortalization Spell/C16 The Legend of Invincible in the Same Grade
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C16 The Legend of Invincible in the Same Grade

Ling Yan held up the large Devil Pig's corpse, as he gasped for air. Looking at Pu Jie Ren, he asked: "Is this alright?"

Pu Jie Ren's eyes flashed with a strange light, this youth had so much strength, he could easily lift a Devil Pig with a strength of over 300 jin above his head, the strength of his body was probably no less than 500 jin, at the age of 15 or 16 years old, without the strength of a true essence, he relied solely on his own strength to reach 500 jin, is he born with godly strength?

No wonder he was so confident!

Pu Jie Ren nodded towards Ling Yan, revealing a slight smile on his lips and said: "It's enough, you can continue to work here from now on."

"Bam!" With a loud sound, Ling Yan threw the Devil Pig's corpse onto the ground.

"About that, can I make it for a month? Four hours a day, pay close to the end." Ling Yan thought about it, then decided to tell her his request. Otherwise, if he wanted to sign the contract, he wouldn't be able to do it for a long period of time.

"Why?" Puddleglum asked.

"To be honest, one month from now, the Chixiao Martial School's entrance examination will begin. I've already registered. I usually take some time to go out and cultivate."

"You are the martial cultivator?" Pu Jie Ren widened his eyes and then immediately questioned, "That's not right, you obviously don't have any true essence in your body."

Ling Yan laughed and said: "I train the body."

Uhh, this time, a strange expression instantly appeared on Pu Jie Ren's face. He looked at Ling Yan once more, and carefully felt Ling Yan's body, and indeed, there was a powerful force of qi and blood that was different from normal people. Furthermore, just now, when Ling Yan was lifting the Devil Pig, the blood in his body had instantly erupted.

It had been a long time since he last saw a Body Refinement martial cultivator. He didn't expect that right now, there was actually someone who chose to refine their body!

A thousand years ago, it was the golden age of the Refinement martial cultivator, and one monster after another continuously explored the profoundness of the body, becoming a saint with their flesh! To be a soldier, to be a blood warrior, to rule the world!

Qi Refining martial cultivator of the same level, in front of the Body Refinement martial cultivator, were like weak little sheep.

Body refining martial cultivator, who was unrivalled at the same level, came to this conclusion just like that!

Ever since the arrival of a huge natural disaster on the contracting continent, the sea had turned, the continent had overturned, the lightning had struck. Countless martial cultivator had died because of this disaster, and even those peak Qi Refining martial cultivator had disappeared without a trace.

Many powerful cultivation technique Martial Skills s were destroyed in that disaster, especially the body refining technique and Martial Skills, they had heavy injuries, not even one in ten thousand. The body refining martial cultivator began to go downhill, and after the disaster, the true essence's power in the air was much denser than before, and thus, the era of Qi refining arrived!

Although there were some ancient refined body clans that were unwilling to let go of the legacy and wanted to recreate the glorious era of the refined body martial cultivator, they were all powerless and could only struggle upwards in some corners of the continent.

There was still a bit of a body refining martial cultivator on the continent. Other than the body refining families, there were also some rogue cultivators.

Right now, choosing to refine the body required a lot of courage. To put it bluntly, whether or not the brains of the martial cultivator s who chose to refine the body was being suppressed by someone's buttocks, there was no way out for the body.

Ling Yan did not understand so much. Seeing Pu Jie Ren staring at him with a weird expression, yet not saying a word, he had to ask again: "Hello, what did I say just now, is it okay?"

"No problem. One hundred and twenty silver taels a month, four silver taels a day, working hours, two hours. That's right, if you still want to work for us at the slaughterhouse in a month, you can look for me." Pu Jiaren shrugged and chuckled.

Fifteen or sixteen years old, body refining martial cultivator at the early mortal first stage of gestation. Even if they were invincible at the same level, had they thought about the Chixiao Martial School's examination? Pu Jie Ren shook his head in his heart and didn't want to attack Ling Yan anymore.

The price that Pu Jie Ren offered made the big sized men envious. They had worked so hard for only a hundred silver coins a month, but when they thought about Ling Yan's abnormal strength, they did not make a sound.

"Thank you!" Ling Yan saluted with his hands folded in front, then thanked Pu Jie Ren.

Therefore, Ling Yan decided to stay at the Nan Tong Slaughterer Workshop for the time being and began his body tempering journey.

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