Bone Changer: Dragon Supreme/C10 Use poison against poison
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Bone Changer: Dragon Supreme/C10 Use poison against poison
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C10 Use poison against poison

As the City Lord of Yulin City, Chen Bingyu had a hand in covering the sky, and Yu Yuhan and Jiang Shuo rushed out of the city.

Outside the city, under the urging of the soldiers, there were almost no traces of the victims. When the two of them fled to the cave, they discovered that most of the victims were hiding inside, causing the cave to be overcrowded for a while.

"This place is not far from Yulin City, but the soldiers do not care. "What is there to be afraid of that will affect the security of the city? Most likely, some important figures have come down to patrol. They're just afraid to see a large number of victims that will affect their political achievements." Yu Yuhan was furious, "Come, let's go take a look at the person infected with the plague."

The one who was infected was a man who was over a hundred years old. He was curled up with his limbs in a corner of the cave. His eyes were cloudy and his willpower was low. Before entering the city, Yu Han had instructed the other victims not to come near him. If not for the conditions, he would have preferred to stay alone in a cave. The victims not far away all looked at them with a stiff expression. Although Yu Han declared that the disease was harmful, but for them who had one foot in the door of hell, it wasn't that scary.

Jiang Shuo stepped forward and carefully opened the man's sleeve. As the disease worsened, the red patch on his forearm turned into a papule with faint signs of pus. "Lady Yu, do you have any leads?"

"It was recorded in the Han Dynasty's Gehong's Posterior Elbow, but there is no effective way to prevent it. The only information we know is that it is highly contagious, and even without direct contact, there is a possibility of infection. " Yu Yuhan frowned as she stared at the victims of the disease, "When I was in the capital, I studied this disease. I only knew that there was a chance that the patient could survive after the fire was dispelled and the poison was taken care of. This is related to my constitution, but it isn't a breakthrough in my medical skills. The problem now is that we are severely understaffed with herbs. Such a large number of victims cannot be taken care of. "

"I must find a way to notify the Hundred Flowers Sect." Jiang Shuo's brow suddenly had a tinge of worry, "I wonder how Li Zicheng is doing."

"Don't worry about that, no matter what, he's still a member of the Hundred Blossom Sect." A little suffering was inevitable, but life was not at stake. "As for the Hundred Flowers Sect …" Yu Yuhan pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Chen Bingbing did not hesitate to drive away the victims and incite the anger of the people. We must ensure that the security of Yulin City is very strong. The only thing he could think of was to wait and see. If I don't go back for a long time, the Hundred Flowers Sect will definitely make its move. "

Yu Han had a mature and wise look that didn't match her age. While talking, she waved her hand and said, "It's still too early to talk about this. The most important thing right now is to get things done."

Ultimate qi invades the body through the mouth and nose, expelling it, and taking medicine inside is most effective. However, the capacity of Yu Yuhan's medicine chest was limited. She didn't have the tools to make medicine, and she even lacked clean water. The two of them were in a difficult situation despite their medical skills. There was no other way. They could only try their best to alleviate the patient's pain through external application and massage.

The next day, Jiang Shuo woke Yu Han from her nap, his expression serious. Yu Yuhan immediately understood. Despite her best efforts, the patient was still unavoidable.

The disease did not disappear with the death of the patient.

On the third day, during the examination, Jiang Shuo discovered a newly infected patient. On the fourth day, the number of patients increased to four. The fifth day, tenth place …

The disease was getting worse and worse. Jiang Shuo and Yu Yuhan were very busy, and the number of patients was increasing. Every day, there would be more patients dying.

During this time, Yu Han never gave up hope of curing the plague. According to what she had learned, she tried all kinds of combinations, but they all ended in failure.

When the medicine was used up, Yu Yuhan and Jiang Shuo did the most, watching the patients die one by one.

The plague was like a surging torrent. The human wall formed by the two of them was extremely small and insignificant.

After that, Chen Han, who had a good relationship with Yu Yuhan, was also infected by the plague. Since he had been by Yu Yuhan's side for a long time, his illness became even more severe when he became infected.

On this day, Chen Han fell ill. His body was like a boiling hot fireball, his four limbs twitching violently, his eyes turning white and the corners of his lips oozing white foam. Yu Yuhan and Jiang Shuo, one on the left and one on the right, loosened the patient's collar and belt, pried open his teeth, and stuffed a rag wrapped with a wooden stick into his mouth to prevent his tongue from getting bitten. Yu Han took out his personal silver needles, and pierced them into the meridians of Bai Hui, He Gu, and other acupoints of the inner sect. After a while, Chen Han's convulsion stopped.

Yu Han took out the silver needles and examined Chen Han's body before letting out a sigh of relief. Although his breathing was unstable, it was mainly because he had used too much strength previously. He had now fallen into a deep sleep.

In the face of the high mortality rate of the epidemic, Chen Han was undoubtedly very lucky — he had successfully recovered, and the pustules on his body had gradually shriveled into thick scabs, leaving behind stains after shedding.

After recovering, Chen Han was still doing his best to surround the diseased victims. Yu Han had stressed the dangers of the plague to him more than once, but Chen Han was extremely stubborn and continued to fight on the front lines. Some dirty work, Chen Han took the initiative to carry the body, the distance and number of times he came in contact with the patient, far surpassed that of Yu Han and Jiang Shuo. However, he didn't get any more pimples, which caught Yu Yuhan's attention. She found the victims who had been infected with the rash and then recovered, and found that they were similar to Chen Han, with no further infections. She immediately called over Jiang Shuo and asked, "How did you know about this plague from the first glance?"

"I've read about it in books. Besides, I had to read it when I was a kid." Jiang Shuo told him the truth. All he remembered was that when he was young, the Great Elder gave him a bowl of medicine and he had the pox the next day. However, the pimple was not serious at that time. The Great Elder seemed to have a lot of experience dealing with this disease, and in less than a month, he had completely recovered.

"So it's like that." This was in line with his own guess, and Yu Han told Jiang Shuo about his discovery.

"Use poison to make poison!" Jiang Shuo's eyes lit up, he couldn't help but admire Yu Yuhan's talent in the medical field. Immediately, doubts arose in his mind, "But, even if we find this rule, so what? We have no way of grasping the severity of the infection, and even if we were just a tiniest bit more, rescuing people could turn into harming. "

"This, I already have a plan." Yu Yuhan's tone suddenly turned serious, as if she had made up her mind.

Jiang Shuo stared at him, his brain violently shaking. Although there were many victims of the disease, with Yu Han's personality, he would definitely not test them out. He had already acquired it, and the only possibility was …

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuo said loudly, "No, this is too dangerous!"

"We still have a chance before the epidemic breaks out. You know very well that there's no other way." Yu Yuhan's eyes were filled with determination, as though she was ready to die at any moment.

Jiang Shuo stood there like a log on the spot, not expecting Yu Han to do this for someone who was unrelated to the disaster. He couldn't help but feel deeply shocked.

Yu Yuhan was right. Under their efforts, the disease had yet to fully erupt. However, they could only try their best to delay the situation. An outbreak was only a matter of time, unless a miracle happened.

As for Yu Yuhan, she was planning to create a miracle.

"Fine." Jiang Shuo nodded his head, and in that instant, he felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

After some discussion, the two finally decided to grind and mince the patient's acne scab before sucking it into their noses. Chen Han's hands were trembling as he handed the fine scab powder over to Yu Yuhan.

Yu Han took a deep breath and sucked in the powder. Looking at Chen Han and Jiang Shuo beside him, he said calmly, "They won't get infected so soon, you don't have to worry about me. Go and take care of the other victims."

After being chased away by Yu Han over and over again, Jiang Shuo and Chen Han finally left.

The next day, Yu Yuhan succeeds in catching the pimple.

Worse, everyone had underestimated the power of the pimple. Yu Yuhan began to have a headache and a fever, her limbs were weak, and pustules began to appear on her skin. Later, her body developed a severe toxic state. Her limbs twitched and convulsed when her temperature rose sharply, and she sometimes fainted two or three times a day.

Her condition was getting worse and worse, with dark circles around her eyes and messy hair. She looked very haggard, which made Jiang Shuo's heart ache.

Finally, after a near death convulsion, the unconscious Yu Han lost her confidence in recovering. "Jiang Shuo, go to the city and find Feng En. I have some words I want him to pass on to my family." After a moment, he grabbed Jiang Shuo's arm and shook his head. "No, you can't go. Yulin City is too dangerous."

"Alright, I won't go, I won't go." Jiang Shuo clapped Yu Han's hands, his eyes moist.

After a while, Yu Han who was suffering from the illness fell asleep. Jiang Shuo instructed Chen Han to take care of Yu Han and prepare to enter Yulin City.

In the short span of a few days, Jiang Shuo had admired Yu Han's character from the bottom of his heart. This was most likely Yu Han's last words, and Jiang Shuo swore in his heart that he would help her accomplish it even if it cost him his life.

Jiang Shuo walked out of the cave, hiding behind a withered tree and looking towards the city gate.

The number of soldiers in charge of guarding the gate increased again, making Jiang Shuo frown. "It seems that the security in Yulin City is even stricter, there has been no news from Hundred Flowers Sect, they are most likely being held up here."

After observing for a while, he still couldn't find any loopholes. Thinking of Yu Han who was on the verge of death, Jiang Shuo gritted his teeth and stepped out from behind the dead tree, striding towards the direction of the city gate.

"I have no choice but to forcefully break through. At that time, I'll wholeheartedly break through. With my movement technique, I should have a slight chance." Jiang Shuo had just walked a distance when the soldiers in front of the city gate suddenly moved. All of them knelt down on one knee, as though bowing to someone.

Doubtful, Jiang Shuo looked up and saw that the people at the city gate were gathered around a beautiful carriage, slowly walking out.

While Jiang Shuo was curious about the identity of this person, the soldiers had already found him, and there was a sudden commotion.

"Who is it!"

"Protect the king! Protect the king!"

The soldiers were shouting as they rushed over. Jiang Shuo clenched his fists. At this point, he could only fight with all his might.

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