Bone Changer: Dragon Supreme/C8 Pestilence
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Bone Changer: Dragon Supreme/C8 Pestilence
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C8 Pestilence

When Jiang Shuo and Li Zicheng entered the room, Yu Han was immersed in a thick medical book. He didn't even look up as he said, "The medicine I just gave your friend was only used to disinfect his wounds. It's not dangerous at all." "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

According to the spots on the corpse's arms, the victim was infected with the plague and had blisters on her body. The blind crushing of the dead resulted in a worsening of the condition and exacerbated the process of death. And the irritating disinfection method was very effective in eliminating the infection and preventing the prying.

"As a doctor, you should understand the danger of an epidemic. When did you discover the sign of an epidemic?" Jiang Shuo asked, the plague was no small matter, and he had to be careful.

"I found this body on the way from the capital. It's been quite some time since I've found it." Jiang Shuo came back, unlike the others who ran away when they saw the body parts. This softened Yu Han's attitude towards him.

Jiang Shuo frowned. "The victims gathered outside our city..."

"At least I didn't notice it when I first came here, but the plague is more dangerous than a tiger. It's only a matter of time before it reaches Yulin, so we have to take chances."

"Why didn't you report such an important matter to the county?" Li Zi Cheng said anxiously. The calamity combined with the plague was like adding frost to the snow, there was no way for the victims to survive.

"I've already said that Yulin has yet to find the disease. He has no proof, so why should he believe me?" With that, as if he couldn't find any useful information, the agitated Yu Han pushed the book on the table away and dropped it onto the floor. She stood up, picked up her backpack, and said to Jiang Shuo, "You two, take the basket over there, let's go outside the city."

Jiang Shuo and Li Zicheng turned around and saw two half-a-man tall linen baskets beside the door covered with a thin piece of cotton cloth. He took off the cotton cloth and found that there was a large basket of pastries inside. It emitted an alluring fragrance, causing people to feel hungry. The two of them looked at each other, vaguely guessing the use of this biscuit. Their impression of Yu Han had further improved. Although the hemp baskets were heavy and cumbersome, when they thought of the hungry victims, the two of them gritted their teeth and carried them out of the city.

They ran into the soldiers guarding the gate again. The security outside was very chaotic. Very few residents left the city, and even if they did, they had to register. However, when the soldier saw Yu Yuhan, he waved his hand to signal her to come over. It seemed that Yu Yuhan had done similar things many times before, and the soldier was already familiar with her.

Following the appearance of Yu Han, the throats of the victims surrounding the city gate started to move up and down as their eyes started to shine brightly.

When they reached the hillside, Yu Yuhan instructed, "Alright, leave these two baskets here."

The two put down the basket, and Jiang Shuo asked curiously, "Is there no need to call the victims?" As soon as his voice fell, the sound of strange noises could be heard from afar. Jiang Shuo turned his head and saw a scene that he would never forget – a black mass of victims scrambling towards him like a pack of wolves, many of them falling and being trampled on alive by the people behind them. The cave in the mine displayed an astonishing amount of capacity, spitting out torrents that covered an entire hillside. A strange howl of either pain or excitement filled the entire space.

In the blink of an eye, the victims were right in front of them. Jiang Shuo and Li Zicheng took a few steps back in fear.

"Everyone, take your time. Don't be anxious …" Yu Han tried his best to maintain order, but a person's voice was drowned out by the sound waves.

One after another, dirty, bone-like hands grabbed at the pastries in the basket. The first thing they did was to stuff them into their mouths. Those who were too hungry to climb up on their knees, even if they had to drag themselves along, they still had to get close. The sound of ravenously devouring food gnawed at everyone's nerves. Some of the victims swallowed their food without chewing it properly, choking in their throats and unable to get up. The chaotic flow of people made it difficult for Yu Yuhan and the others to get close to him. When they finally managed to squeeze in, their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, and their faces were as purple as rotten eggplants.

The basket was torn to shreds and the pastries were scattered all over the ground. Some people caught a lump of dirt while grabbing the pastries and ate it without a care in the world. Their mouths were completely ashen yellow. Weak women and children were crying loudly because they couldn't get their hands on the bread. There were even more people who were fighting for it. They were too lazy to take any action anymore. A piece of bread had been snatched away, which could very well be their own lives. The cries were especially mournful under the influence of the blood. Jiang Shuo, who had witnessed everything, felt a chill run down his spine, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

Nearby, the soldiers who had been watching the whole scene coldly sneered. To them, who had never experienced hunger before, the victims' behavior was very much like the animals they had raised at home, "How can the little girl from the capital be so silly? Half of the world is suffering from famine during these years of drought, can you save her by yourself?"

Jiang Shuo felt that this period of time was exceptionally long, but in reality, it didn't take long for the bread to be divided up. The victims also returned to the mountains, their heads hanging down, their expressions sluggish, and compared to their "agile hands", it was like the difference between clouds and mud. The ground in front of Jiang Shuo was a mess, the baskets of bread had long since been turned to mush, and there were even more than ten miserable corpses. The only thing left was the pasta. Even if it was a small piece of flour that fell to the ground, it would still be eaten by someone with a handful of dirt in their mouth.

The soldiers were right. Yu Yuhan had prepared a lot of bread, but it wasn't enough in front of the huge number of victims. Many of the victims did not manage to snatch the bread, and without food to satisfy their hunger, their chances of success were much lower. Jiang Shuo had no choice but to admit this vicious circle.

Some of the victims had left, while others remained where they were. They faced Yu Han with tears in their eyes, unable to express their gratitude with words. In the end, they could only bow deeply and slowly disperse.

With a sorrowful expression, Yu Yuhan started walking up the hill. She had only taken a few steps when her keen intuition told her to turn her head to the side. She saw a man staring at her with his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he furiously swallowed his saliva.

Yu Han's movements froze as the man dashed towards him, reaching for the medicine chest beside his crotch. Yu Han didn't move, and Jiang Shuo and Li Zicheng were also shocked, not knowing what to do. However, before the man could reach him, a kick that was kicked out diagonally had knocked him over and caused him to tumble to the ground.

"Doctor Yu, are you alright?" The mountainous figure stood in front of Yu Yuhan and asked with concern.

The man held his stomach with one hand and supported himself on the ground with the other. He slowly moved to the side and didn't even dare to raise his head.

Yu Yuhan glanced at the man and sighed lightly, saying, "It's alright. Chen Han, bring us in."

"Alright, Doctor Wu." Chen Han led Jiang Shuo and the group into a cave. The cave was connected in all directions and was very spacious. The foul smell of mud and sweat and the smell of excrement was very pungent. The group of people turned into a separate cave. There were both men and women, old and young, and it was very crowded. They nodded and greeted Yu Yuhan. The only light in the cave was from the small square window above his head. It was very dim. Fortunately, there were no puddles of dirty food on the surface, which made Jiang Shuo's frown relax a little.

"Doctor Wu, please come and see my Er'zi." Yu Yuhan followed her without a word. By the time he reached his destination, he was already surrounded by groups of two or three. Jiang Shuo squeezed through them and saw a victim rolling around on the ground. His skin was puffy and reddish and purple, and pustules were spreading all over his body like continuous hills. Yellow pus flowed out of his fingers at the slightest touch. Both his hands were clawing wildly from top to bottom. The more he clawed, the more itchy it became. The broken wounds on his body caused him to grind blood on the ground. It was a horrible sight to behold.

The surrounding victims' eyes were somewhat numb. The victims were piled up in a small space. It was already dirty and messy, and without a timely method to clean up the corpses, it was common for them to get sick.

"Chen Han, help me hold him down!"

A short, forceful voice rang out. Yu Han placed a foot on the shoulder of the victim, took out a piece of rag from the medicine box, and stuffed it into the victim's mouth. He pointed a sharp knife at a pustule and forcefully cut it open. "Chi!" Dense yellow water sprayed out, scaring the rest of the victims into jumping back. Xue Yu Han only stopped when he saw that something was wrong and turned his head to cut open another pustule. The victims' mouths made "wu wu" sounds as rags were stuffed into them. They choked on their tears. As more and more pustules were cut open by Yu Yuhan, the victims' reactions became smaller and smaller. In the end, they seemed to be tired and could only gasp for breath.

Extruding the last pustule, Yu Yuhan heaved a sigh of relief. In the entire process, Yu Yuhan was skillful, and did not seem to despise him at all. The refugees felt their itch lessen. They subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch the wound, but she stopped them. "Do not touch the wound with your hands. Use a cloth to cover yourself these few days. You will recover soon."

At this moment, someone cautiously asked, "Doctor Yu, my mother broke her leg yesterday. Could you take a look?"

"Let's go." Yu Han's actions were swift and decisive, he took two steps forward and turned to Jiang Shuo and Jiang Shu, "What are you two doing there? If you want to help, stay. If you don't want to help, leave, lest you get in my way."

Only after being scolded by Yu Yuhan did the two of them react. They rolled up their sleeves and joined in the healing team.

The majority of the victims were skin wounds and skin disease. Occasionally they had cold and fever, and Jiang Shuo could also treat them according to what he had learned. Li Zicheng helped on the side, helping to learn while doing so.

The three of them busied themselves from morning till night, as an endless stream of victims came to seek treatment. It was also Chen Han who was worried about Yu Yuhan's health and politely refused.

"Let's sleep here tonight." Yu Han's words made the two of them frown. They had never slept in such a dirty and chaotic environment. However, thinking that even a girl like Yu Yuhan could do it, he no longer hesitated.

The night was the hardest time for him to endure. There wasn't even a hint of food filling his intestines. He couldn't make any gurgling sounds. Instead, he could hear the weird sound of his skin rubbing against each other. The sound of snoring and murmuring rose and fell, Jiang Shuo finally fell asleep, and was soon awoken by Yu Han: "Stop sleeping, let's get to work."

Over the next few days, Jiang Shuo accompanied Yu Han in the cave, treating the victims.

Yu Shuo couldn't help but admire her cultivation level. In the constant practice, Li Zi Cheng's medical skills also increased a lot, and he was already able to deal with normal injuries.

This situation continued all the way until the morning of the fourth day.

On this day, the exhausted Jiang Shuo was ripped apart by Yu Yuhan.

In front of him, there was a naked arm, as well as a serious looking Yu Han.

When he saw the red patch on the victim's forearm, Jiang Shuo was startled, and his sleepiness immediately disappeared. He didn't dare to be sure, and turned his head to look at Yu Yuhan with questioning eyes.

"Let's go back to the city!" When Yu Han returned to the city with Jiang Shuo and Li Zicheng, he saw that there were twice as many soldiers in front of the city gates. Yu Yuhan didn't think too much about it and rushed in, but was stopped just as she was about to enter, "You're not allowed to enter."

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