Broken Conceited Soldier King/C10 Help from a Rich Man in an Antique City
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Broken Conceited Soldier King/C10 Help from a Rich Man in an Antique City
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C10 Help from a Rich Man in an Antique City

It was two o'clock in the morning when he finished his statement at the police station.

The moment Ding was about to push his 28 "permanent residence" after leaving the police station, he was stopped by Li Xiufen.

"Mr. Ding, it's already so late, why are you riding your bike home alone?"

Seeing Ding was about to ride his bicycle home, Li Xiufeng called out to him softly, "I just happened to pass by the tractor factory when I got home. How about I drive you home?"

"How do you know I live in a tractor factory?"

Ding Geng asked curiously.

"I overheard it when I was making my statement at the police station."

Li Xiufeng smiled and walked towards a Mercedes-Benz S300.

The lean driver, who had been waiting in the car for a long time, quickly got off and opened the door respectfully.

Noticing Li Xiufeng's signal, the chauffeur rushed to Ding Chengfeng, smiled and nodded his head. Then, he carried his yellow pear case and walked towards the car.

It was only then that Li Xiufen noticed the box, and she was greatly surprised!

Once inside, Li Xiufen asked curiously, "Mr. Ding, is this box passed down from your ancestors?"

Ding's successful ancestors were well-known merchants in Yongcheng. Their assets were abundant, and before liberation, they were genuine big capitalists!

Although in the new society, his family didn't leave Ding Cheng with anything valuable, valuable, or valuable, but it could also leave a reasonable explanation for the silver and antique Ding Cheng brought back!

"That's right, this is something left behind by our family's ancestors. It makes Director Li feel like laughing!"

Ding Chengsheng smiled, then carried his heavy travel bag and got into the soft and comfortable seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

"I am very interested in the collection of antique literature. From what I see, this yellow rosewood chest of yours should be made by the court during the Yongzheng era of the Qing Dynasty."

Li Xiufen examined the exquisite yellow rosewood chest carefully and said to Ding Chengsheng seriously, "The current price is at least 10,000 yuan. "If you can get an auction in the official overseas antiques market, you might even be able to sell it for a high price of over ten thousand dollars!"

"So these things are actually this valuable?"

The moment he heard those words, Ding Cheng was immediately taken aback!

Ever since he graduated from the military academy, Ding successfully devoted all of his attention to military life. In the special forces army's high-intensity training life, he did not have much time and energy to pay attention to matters outside the military camp.

He didn't realize that since entering the new century, with the rapid development of economy and the constant change of social situation, the market of antique collection has become more and more popular, and it has become as hot as real estate investment!

"If you are interested in antique collection, I can introduce you to a few well-known antique collection merchants and powerful buyers!"

"As long as you have good stuff, you won't have to worry about not being able to sell it for a good price!"

Ding Cheng immediately had a thought.

Of course he knew. As the Chairman of the Green Island Group, the famous provincial capital of Yongcheng, Li Xiufen had the ability to do so!

After getting her ride on this ride, the silver taels and antiques that Ding Chengfeng had in his hands were naturally easy to deal with. They could be sold for a high price!

But in that case, wouldn't Ding successfully become a villain who needed to be paid for saving others?

He had saved her in the name of justice, yet he still wanted to take her reward for his actions. Ding Geng, who had a straightforward character, could not do it!

The hot-blooded Battle-King had his own pride and perseverance!

Having thought of this, Ding Chengfeng decisively rejected Li Xiufeng's good intentions and said, "Director Li, thank you for your kind intentions.

It's just that this is something my ancestors left behind, and I finally found it after so much difficulty, so I wanted to stay at home and think about it. I don't have any plans to sell it for the time being! "

"Is that so? I was rude, sorry about that!"

Li Xiufen, who was very meticulous, saw through Ding Chengfeng's true intention. She did not reveal it, and instead gave a faint smile as she stopped talking about the topic.

In the blink of an eye, the car arrived at the entrance to the home of the city's tractor factory.

In order not to disturb the rest of the neighbors' rest in the middle of the night, Ding successfully refused Li Xiufeng's kind offer to see her to the door. She got off the car at the door, carrying her backpack and her own yellow pear wood case, and quietly walked into the shabby old residential area.

Watching Ding successfully leave, Li Xiufeng actually had a feeling that she hadn't felt in her heart for a long time.

After some careful consideration, Li Xiufen instructed her chauffeur, Old Chen, in a serious tone, "Old Chen, please arrange for our store in the antique city when you get back.

As long as you meet this Mr. Ding who is here to sell antiques tomorrow, you will immediately find him and buy the antiques at the highest price on the market! "

"Alright, Director Li!"

Old Chen agreed calmly, then asked curiously, "But Director Li, didn't Mr. Ding just say that he wouldn't sell the antiques that were passed down. Why are you still arranging this?"

"He will definitely go to the antiques market tomorrow!"

Li Xiufeng thought back to Ding Chengfeng's tall and straight body, his handsome and handsome face, and could not help but smile. "This kid is quite interesting. Just do as I say!"

Early the next morning, Ding successfully brought the two thousand silver taels he had picked out to the North District of the city, which was also known as the Antique City.

As soon as he arrived at the Ancient Game City, Ding successfully followed the information he had gathered and went straight to the most prestigious and well-funded antique shop in the Treasure House.

When they were about ten meters away from the Treasure House, the waiter who was in charge of receiving guests at the entrance noticed this young man with outstanding stature. He hurriedly ran into the store and anxiously walked in front of the manager on duty.

At this moment, the manager on duty was chatting happily with the head instructor in charge of appraisal.

Seeing that the waiter had hurried over, he impatiently said: "Xiao Zhang, if you don't go to the entrance to greet the guests, what are you doing here? "Look at how flustered you are!"

"Manager Hu, Assistant Chen specifically told us last night that the important guest whom we have to take special care of has arrived at Ancient Game City and is less than ten meters away from our store!"

The waitress ignored the manager's unsightly expression and anxiously said, "He even has a bulging handbag. It's obvious that he's here to sell antiques!"

"Assistant Chen is someone close to Director Li. What he ordered must be the orders of the big boss himself! This customer is definitely a big boss' important contact! "

Manager Hu immediately became nervous and instructed the waiter: "Immediately go to the door and invite the guest in!"

The waiter complied. He turned around and left, but was stopped by Manager Hu!

"Be careful, we must not let him see that we are specially taking care of him!"

Manager Hu repeatedly reminded him, "It must be done well! Otherwise, we won't even be able to keep our jobs! "

The waiter earnestly replied and ran to the door. Coincidentally, he met Ding successfully.

"Hello, sir. "Our store has just opened a collection of valuable military collections from the Second World War. Why don't you come and take a look?"

After successfully welcoming Ding into the store, the waiter began to enthusiastically entertain her and enthusiastically introduce the military collections.

"Thank you. I'm not here to buy something."

Ding Geng smiled lightly and said, "I'm here to sell some literature and play."

"Then you have come to the right place. Our Treasure House is famous for its fair price, and we are honest and honest!"

The waiter smiled and greeted, "If you want to sell literature and games, you have to join us here. This way, please! "

As he spoke, the waiter brought the plainly dressed Ding to the head master.

"Sir, I wonder what treasures are being sold?"

After a careful examination, he discovered that Ding Chengfeng was just an ordinary young man from a military background. Having seen so many people, he was sure that this kid would not be able to take out anything of value.

Normally, he wouldn't be interested in receiving such guests. He could just throw them to his new disciple and practice as long as he wanted!

However, knowing that this handsome young man was the big boss's relative, he could only temporarily put away his poverty-stricken face and pretend to be cordial and sincere to receive the guests.

"I have some inherited silver coins that I need to sell. Old mister, can you take a look first?"

He had originally thought that the antique shop would think of him as a rich and poor person, but he hadn't expected that he would be received so warmly. He hurriedly took out a large bag of silver coins and handed it over.

The old gentleman did not think that Ding's success could bring out anything good.

Out of concern for his big boss's relationship, he let his disciple take the bag. He took out a silver coin and put on his reading glasses, pretending to look carefully.

Only when he looked carefully did he realize that the silver in his hand was not simple!

Surprised, he took out the magnifying glass that he had never used before. He brought his eyes closer to the silver coin and carefully examined it!

"This is the Dragon Yuan produced by Jilin during the Qing Guangxu era!"

Only after carefully observing for a while did the old man take out his magnifying glass and excitedly said to Ding Chengji, "Young man, you've really found a treasure! This piece of silver reached 2 million on the market! How much silver do you have? "

"There's still the young and the old!"

Ding Geng didn't expect his silver taels to be so valuable. He said happily, "Old sir, you can even eat them?"

"This kind of silver, how much you have and how much I want, will all be priced according to the highest market price!"

The old man didn't expect that he had really picked up a treasure. He let his disciple make a pot of tea for Ding. After waiting for a while, he personally went to the manager on duty to explain the situation.

"This guy really has something good?"

The manager was in disbelief.

"All of his silver coins are good quality goods. There is no lack of rare treasure in there, it's a rare species! "

The old man confidently said, "Our purchase is definitely worth it. We can even make a huge profit!"

"Old mister said that's good. You can decide on this matter!"

The manager thought for a moment and then agreed.

Soon enough, Ding's two thousand dollars from the Republic of China were all bought by the Treasure House.

His personal capital had increased by a huge amount by almost 60 million yuan in an instant!

Remembering the heavy responsibility of collecting supplies for the anti-alliance troops, Ding Chengfeng did not waste any more time. He left the antique city and returned to the City Supply and Marketing Union together with the huge amount of money he had just received.

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