Broken Conceited Soldier King/C19 Occipitogaudan(4)
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Broken Conceited Soldier King/C19 Occipitogaudan(4)
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C19 Occipitogaudan(4)

"I'll solve this problem!"

Ding immediately stood up and confidently said, "This time, I brought us 82-mm mortar, 92-mm infantry cannon and a new type of artillery raw material and semi-finished parts.

With the processing capability of our armoury, producing twenty to thirty such weapons in three days should not be a problem! "

"That's great, Mr. Dink!"

Yang Jingyu was extremely excited: "This time, the cannonballs that we have stored up for so many years finally have a good use. Let's let this little devil have a taste of our resistance against the heavy firepower of the Alliance! "

Wei Liangmin was also overjoyed. "This time, we must let the Pharaoh fascists have a taste of the righteous anger of the people!"

"Thousands of rounds. I can't use them even if they're hidden in my hands. The dozens of gunners in our team are nagging by my ear every day!"

Cao Yafan joked happily, "Now that we have enough cannons, I want to see just how good their cooking skills are!"

At the end of the meeting, Ding had arrived at the armory without stopping.

At this time, Zhao Guangcai had already brought a few of the military equipment factory's technical experts to study the steel pipes Ding had brought with him.

"The craftsmanship is quite exquisite. It's just that the pipe wall is too thin. I'm afraid it won't be able to hold on for long!"

Old Master Xu, who had come from a mortar factory, examined the steel tube before shaking his head regretfully.

"Old Master Xu, don't just look at it, it's very thin. It's very strong!"

Ding Chengfeng smiled as he squeezed through. He casually picked up a brand-new drill bit, circulated his energy, and fiercely stabbed down towards the steel pipe!

A high-pitched sound of grinding metal could be heard.

Old Master Xu cried out in heartache, "What are you doing, Mr. D?! Hurry up and stop! "

Ding Chengfeng ignored him and continued to ruthlessly slash a few more times.

After the line was made, the seemingly light, high-pressure, seamless steel pipe was only slightly scratched by Ding successfully.

If one did not look closely, one would not be able to see it at all!

"Mr. Ding, what kind of steel is this? It's so hard!"

Old Master Xu immediately widened his curious eyes!

"This is an ultra-high pressure alloy steel tube specially used in high pressure boilers!"

Ding Chengfeng laughed, "This is a 'unscrupulous national product' that I've specially bought for you!"

"If that's the case, I can give it a try!"

Old Master Xu thought for a moment before shaking his head, "I still can't do it. "The material of this steel pipe is too hard. It would be difficult for us knives to process it!"

"I've also bought a special tool, and I don't lack a special electrode either!"

Ding successfully said in a serious tone, "Master Xu, do you think we can build a cannon?"

Old Master Xu thought for a moment before nodding his head seriously, "Then it's settled. Let's pull out some rifled wire from the inside of the pipe. We'll use a round steel axle to hit the needle and solder the joint to death. Then it'll be complete!"

Ding Cheng nodded his head in approval. He took out a thick pile of blueprints from his military satchel and presented it in front of Master Xu.

"Is this the detailed blueprint of the little devil's 92 infantry cannon?"

The moment Master Xu saw the detailed blueprints, he was immediately shocked!

As he was reading carefully, he raised his head and asked incredulously, "This is a set of equipment that the little bastard Republic of China has only learned about for twenty years. No one has ever heard of it being copied in the country.

"Mr. Ding, how did you get such a confidential blueprint?"

Ding Dai, of course, wouldn't tell him that he had bought and printed this in modern space and time from the Military Fever Forum.

"I have my ways!"

Ding Chengfeng smiled and passed the question over. He then asked earnestly, "Master Xu, based on your many years of experience, I have to provide you with the information and raw materials and parts. Can we manufacture this cannon as soon as possible? "

"This type of cannon is much more complicated than 82 mortars. It has 24 right-handed rifled barrels, a length of 770 mm and a diameter of 11. It is a short-barrel cannon. The lower part of the body tube has a skateboard groove, which is compatible with the skateboard on the shaking frame. "The rear of the body tube is the gun latch, the left and right arc surfaces are engraved with internal threads corresponding to the body of the bolt, and the lower part is a smooth arc surface..."

Master Xu continued to explain the various data on the blueprint. He did not notice the impatience on Ding Gongcai and Zhao Guangcai's faces.

Finally, his little disciple lightly touched his shoulder and pouted to remind him. Only then did he understand and hurriedly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dink. "I should be the one who forgets everything the moment I come into contact with a technical problem. After talking so much nonsense, I can't do anything about it!"

"It's nothing, Master Xu!"

Ding Chengfeng smiled without the slightest bit of hesitation and asked seriously, "Then tell me, what do you think about the production of this cannon?"

"Although he has a simple structure compared to other howitzers, it's still too complicated for us. There are more than 120 parts. Machining is difficult, time-consuming, although most of the parts you have already processed, but just body processing is enough for us to drink a pot. "It's really not suitable for us small businesses to mess around with."

Master Xu did not continue to be polite and bluntly suggested, "If you have the skill, you might as well focus on producing a few more mortars!"

Listening to Master Xu's words, Ding successfully thought of the reason why the Type 92 Infantry Gun was eliminated after the second world war. He could not help but have a whole new level of respect for this unassuming worker's technician!

"Alright, then we'll listen to Master. We won't be building this cannon for now!"

Ding Chengfeng nodded his head and took out the famous 40 rocket launcher blueprint. He handed it over and said, "Then, I'll have to trouble you to take a look at this!"

"That's simple. As long as we can ensure the cleanliness of the inner wall, the processing requirements are not high. Even our acolytes would be able to do it!"

Carefully looking at the blueprint, Master Xu smiled confidently and asked, "This is a new type of cannon, right?"

"Right, this is a new type of cannon! I call him the 40th rocket launcher! "

Ding Geng earnestly nodded his head and said, "As long as we can successfully build it, we won't have any problems even if we can blow up the fort and attack the tanks in the future. Even if we meet a little ghost's armored train, don't even think of stopping us! "

With the materials and blueprints that Ding had brought with her, these skilled workers became excited at the thought of how they would soon be able to build a real cannon.

After obtaining Yang Jingyu's approval, Zhao Guangcang suspended the production of more than enough handguns. He then led the skilled workers to produce the 82 mm mortar and 40% rocket launchers with all his might.

Ding Chengfeng, who was very familiar with the 40th rocket launcher, took the initiative to stay at the military factory. He gave his all to guide the workers in developing the killing machine, the rocket launcher!

The entire weapon factory was immediately filled with anxiety and bustling with work!

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