Broken Reincarnation/C16 My Dad Is a Pilot!
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Broken Reincarnation/C16 My Dad Is a Pilot!
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C16 My Dad Is a Pilot!

"Let him eat it!"

A loud voice came from behind. Suddenly, everyone was startled. They looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a tall middle-aged man with a square face walking towards them. He was wearing a military uniform but didn't have any rank.

"General Du!"

Seeing this middle-aged man, a few middle-aged men immediately greeted him with respect. On the other side, the two middle-aged men from the dojo also greeted the general with respect.

Lee Yue and the others were a little surprised. They did not know this person, but they seemed to have heard them call him before.

Lee Yue remembered that the hall master of the Military Martial Hall was also surnamed Du, and was a general of the military department. He wondered what sort of relationship that had with the person in front of him.

"Kid, how long have you not eaten your fill?" Du Zhenjiang nodded to the people around him and asked Wang Renjian with a kind smile on his face.

Wang Renjian was a little dazed. Hearing the greetings from the people around him to Du Zhenjiang, he was a bit flustered. He did not expect that he would meet such a big shot today. He quickly calmed down and said awkwardly, "It has been half a year! "A year ago, my Qi and blood were like a river that completed its first tempering of the muscles and bones. At that time, there was originally a weight of more than 180 catties, and at first, I was only able to eat enough for dinner, but later on, I had to eat five bowls, and since there wasn't much food in my family, I only ate three bowls each time. Even so, every month's supply of food can only last ten days or so, and my family doesn't have any excess money to buy more food. This month, I've already asked the government to pick up the grains for next month and borrowed quite a bit.

"Hiding things from your family?" In this age, everyone can't wait to become a fighter, especially the ordinary people, and every family member can be called a fighter because of their high status as a warrior, and the benefits they receive are also very high. Even if they aren't a fighter of the system, as long as they go to the government for the record, there will be all kinds of benefits every month. How come from this kid's tone, there are actually people who don't want someone from the family to become a fighter?

"My father died in battle six years ago, and only my mother, me, and my sister, who was 5 years old, had to rely on my mother's farm to feed the two of us. In fact, I wanted to test them out a long time ago, but my mother refused to let me. I'm the only man in the family now, and my mother fears that I will never become an official fighter like my father …"

How could he not know that he was the only man in the family, with only half a year left, he would be an adult at the age of eighteen, and the dangers of becoming a martial artist was well-known. Every time the government issued a mission, there would be groups of martial artists leaving, but every time they came back, there would be fewer than half of them, half of them, never to come back. His father had also been sacrificed during the mission back then, so if something happened to him, just based on his mother and sister, he would lose the pillar of his family, who knew what would happen?

Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong's expressions were solemn. Previously, when Wang Renjian said that he was the only man in the family, the two of them didn't think much about it during the test and only now knew that Wang Renjian's family wasn't that good. The reason they dressed up like this was because they were afraid that others would look down on them.

"How did your father die? What was his name? "What was it before?" Du Zhenjiang asked with a serious expression. He had a rough understanding of the situation of Wang Renjian's family, and he sighed in his heart as he knew the difficulties Wang Renjian faced.

"My father was a pilot!" Speaking of his father's profession, Wang Renjian's eyes suddenly revealed a strong sense of pride. His whole body was exuding a strong sense of pride, but after a moment, his eyes became a bit sad and he said: "Six years ago, he participated in an aerial battle and never came back. He didn't even find a corpse!

Hearing Wang Renjian reveal his identity, everyone's expression froze. In an instant, they all revealed solemn and solemn expressions. All superfluous expressions disappeared from their eyes and faces, leaving only a deep sense of respect.

Even Du Zhenjiang's body trembled when he heard this. A bright light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Wang Renjian with a solemn expression and suddenly gave a grand military salute to Wang Renjian.

Everyone on the scene knew who earned this relatively peaceful environment for themselves. It was always the military that charged at the frontlines, warriors were always in the second line, and the ones who always charged in first were not the military warriors, nor the generals, but the pilots.

In this decade, in every large-scale battle, the first thing that broke out was aerial combat, always the fighter jets and pilots leading the charge, and always the fastest to die.

Only after they have gone through a fierce air battle will it be an army or fighter battle on the ground. Every time it is only after our fighter aircraft has shot down the enemy fighter aircraft, it will be the fight on the ground.

Only the air force pilots were always the rarest. The Changan Military Martial Academy had a special flying class, but very few people had ever applied to be a pilot, because everyone knew that it was very dangerous to be a pilot, and they could only take a mission once in their lives, but they would never be able to return. Therefore, countless parents would strongly oppose their children choosing a pilot class when their children entered the military academy.

There was a shortage of pilots, and there weren't enough pilots outside, so the army had to choose from the soldiers to train and learn.

"Child! I am proud of you! You have the father of a hero! " Du Zhenjiang said to Wang Renjian.

At this moment, Wang Renjian couldn't hold back his tears anymore and started rolling down his face!

"However, according to the rules of our army and government, the descendants of heroes will be given special care. Every month, there will be all kinds of subsidies, so that the descendants of heroes won't starve. Didn't the government give you those subsidies and pensions? "

Du Zhenjiang asked in confusion. Although he was asking, Du Zhenjiang's face was gradually filled with anger. Perhaps he had already thought of something and Wang Renjian's next words made the general furious.

There was a monthly allowance of 10 kilograms of food aid, but it was gone 4 years ago. My mother asked, saying that although my father was on a mission, he did not see the corpse, so it was not certain whether he was alive or dead. Therefore, we could only accept it for two years before we can continue to receive benefits!


Just as Wang Renjian finished his sentence, Du Zhenjiang let out an angry bellow. In an instant, a cold killing intent spread out from his body, pressing down on everyone and making it hard for them to breathe, as if they had fallen into hell!

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