Broken Reincarnation/C17 Angry Spirit Eating Kinship
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Broken Reincarnation/C17 Angry Spirit Eating Kinship
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C17 Angry Spirit Eating Kinship

At this moment, Du Zhenjiang was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. The murderous aura that had been brewing on him for a long time swept out uncontrollably.

They were angry about the government's actions. In these 10 years, since the beginning of the war, the entire world almost fell. If they didn't react quickly, it would be hard to say what China's current situation is.

Who had maintained the peace of the moment all these years? If someone said it was those warriors, they would spit on his face. All these years, their army didn't dare to say that they were the ones protecting everyone. However, without their army, this wasn't the situation they were in.

Air force fighter jets were deployed from all the major fortresses throughout the country. It could be said that for the past ten years, most of the battles occurred in the air, in the air! Most of the casualties were from the air force, so there was a shortage of air base pilots throughout the country.

A good pilot would have at least a few years of flying experience, especially a fighter pilot, and the last ten years of war had nearly destroyed all the pilots in storage.

If this continues, in less than two years, no one in the country will be able to fly a fighter jet. There will be no air battles, and all the battles will be on the ground, and the losses at that time will be unbearable.

However, no one understood. The pilots were indeed the fastest to die, but without them, how could they be as calm as they were now?

Therefore, the government and the army had expelled a sky-high amount of benefits to recruit students. Even after the death of the pilot, the benefits were more than five times more than that of the soldiers on the ground, but they were still unable to recruit anyone.

Now that he heard Wang Renjian's words, he suspected that the reason why everyone was so against becoming a pilot was because the government officials had deducted the grant. Even though the pilots were dangerous, there was no lack of righteous people in China. It was because they did not do well that the people below were afraid of them.

He is the founder of Military Martial Hall, what is his goal? Other than managing the random fighters, the biggest goal is to absorb and nurture some creative materials, whether it's pilots or powerful individual soldiers, because at this point, all the higher-ups have predicted that the future battles will not always be in the sky, but will ultimately still be on the ground. This time is not up to the aliens, it's up to us.

After all these years in the sky, they had been holding off the aliens using a barrier that none of the other countries had understood. If they were to lose all their pilots, even if there was a barrier, they wouldn't be able to defend against the invasion from the ground. No one knew how long that barrier could hold them off.

The higher-ups had been studying him for years and had obtained some information which they knew was not too far away. Although it couldn't change the general situation of the future, he wouldn't allow the collapse of the game because of his selfishness.

Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong were standing not far behind Du Zhenjiang. The aura from Du Zhenjiang's body made them feel as if they had fallen into a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. The two of them were like ants, swaying in the wind and rain.

This kind of baleful aura was not something that could be formed just by someone who had been in a position of power or someone who had killed several people. It was an aura that required someone who had experienced the slaughter of blood and fire and who had used countless lives to accumulate this kind of aura. One could only imagine that this general in front of them was not a person who only knew how to eat corpses.

In their eyes, the qi and blood on Du Zhenjiang's body was like a small sun, dazzling to the eye as if he was in a oven.

After a long while, Du Zhenjiang retracted his imposing manner. He instructed the people beside him and then turned to look at Wang Renjian.

"Don't worry, we will investigate this matter thoroughly. All these years, we have been fighting, and it was due to our negligence that some rats were born. We will never forgive this incident, and after we investigate it thoroughly, we will pay back all the credits that the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the people deserved!"

Du Zhenjiang said loudly. It could be seen that he was indeed angry. This time, he was going to punish the corrupt insider.

Everyone's heart sank, but they felt like they were suddenly enlightened and could finally see the blue sky.

They believed General Du's promise. In the past, military affairs were separated and troops never interfered with the administration of the government, but during this period, it seemed like the government was still managing the army, but most of the decisions were made by the army.

After a while, a staff came with a plate of food. It was not much, only a piece of meat from an unknown beast and a small bowl of rice. It looked simple, but when the staff brought it out, a sweet fragrance wafted over.

Even the people who had eaten their fill, including Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong, felt a little hungry after smelling this fragrance.

"Eat it and continue the test!" Du Zhenjiang said to Wang Renjian.

Wang Renjian touched his head, looked at the rice and meat, and said with a slightly flushed face, "That's not enough!"

People around him burst into laughter as soon as his words left his mouth. However, Lee Yue noticed that only those people in the dojo didn't laugh. Instead, they looked at the piece of meat and rice with a bit of solemnity and envy.

"Yo, young man, you don't sound so arrogant. Do you know what kind of rice this bowl is? This is not the rice grown outside the city, this is the spirit rice, and you also know that ten years ago, there was a great change in the world, and in the past, I only heard about the changes in the world's spirit energy in novels on TV, but now it is all true. In these ten years, the spirit energy of the world has recovered, and some places become extremely rich, and some high quality rice can only grow in places where the spirit energy has recovered.

And this piece of meat, this is the meat of a second tier Demonic Beast wild boar's leg, normal people would not even be able to see it, much less eat it. Eating it is enough for you to last a month without fighting, do you dare say you can't eat enough now? I was still afraid of killing you! "

Du Zhenjiang said with a smile, but the surrounding people were all shocked when they heard it, Liu Tie and Xiao Xiong were also like that, they really could not even see such things, let alone eat them, especially the spirit rice, Liu Tie had never heard of it, only he had heard of graded Demonic Beast, but had never seen it before.

This kind of Demonic Beast could only be found when a third stage warrior or an army of experts went deep into the mountains. The outer perimeter were mostly filled with normal wild beasts or first stage Demonic Beast, and there were very few of them.

He picked up the rice and finished it in two or three bites. He burped and felt full of energy. He looked at the piece of meat and said embarrassedly: "Can I bring this back to my mother and sister? They haven't eaten any meat in over half a year! "

Immediately, Wang Renjian's words made everyone around cry!

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