Broken Reincarnation/C20 Life and Death Are in the Hands of Fortune and Fortune
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Broken Reincarnation/C20 Life and Death Are in the Hands of Fortune and Fortune
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C20 Life and Death Are in the Hands of Fortune and Fortune

After leaving Military Martial Hall and arriving at the car park, Lee Yue's mood had always been heavy. Looking at the calm face of Lee Yue, Xiao Xiong didn't know what Lee Yue was thinking, but he had many doubts in his heart.

"Lee Yue, why should I agree? Doesn't that mean we'll all be controlled by others in the future? " After a long while, Xiao Xiong still couldn't help but ask.

For him, today's result was already the best. From now on, he would not have to worry about not having enough food or cultivation resources, but when he thought about how he would face his mother when he returned, worry appeared on his face.

Hearing Xiao Xiong's words, Wang Renjian was also a bit curious and retracted his attention. He had some faint clues about Lee Yue's decision, but he wasn't sure about it at all.

Hearing Xiao Xiong's question, Lee Yue paused his footsteps and squatted beside the electric car. He looked up at the sky and let out a deep sigh. "We can't not agree. If we don't, we might all stay there today!"

"Is it that serious?" Xiao Xiong frowned, not believing him.

Lee Yue: "You think? Don't you understand what Du Zhenjiang said today? After the founding of the country, there was not a single force left, especially martial artists. Over the past hundred years, the government had been promoting traditional martial arts on the surface, so why had they not seen any real martial artists before the great change? There were only some martial arts performances that the public could watch? Logically, the government should be promoting martial arts more and more, but looking back, even at the time of the great change, there were still very few true warriors that were well-known by ordinary people.

In fact, the government had been secretly suppressing the real warriors of the people, so they didn't dare to show their strength in public. As he had said, all the martial artists of the martial world were very afraid of them, because there were airplane cannons and firearms in the past, so ordinary martial artists were not afraid of them at all, but with the development of these years, it was very possible for some of them to not be afraid of the existence of these weapons. Even if the firearms could crush the powerful martial artists, but the military couldn't directly use missiles and nuclear bombs to bombard them.

That was why they had the Military Martial Hall. And now, it was certain that some martial artists had other ideas, and whether or not the military had the time to deal with them, or perhaps did not want to use any more forceful methods, so they would use the methods that countless feudal empires would use.

If this news were to be leaked out, it will definitely cause a backlash among the people. When the time comes, the government will definitely do something that would endanger the safety of ordinary people, and this is definitely not something the government wants to see. Otherwise, the aliens would not defeat us, but rather, we would be killed by ourselves.

Since Du Zhenjiang told us about it, then he definitely has the confidence to not leak it out. If we don't agree, there are only two possibilities: either we are forcibly transferred to the military prison, or we will die silently due to Military Martial Hall loss.

So the only thing we can do is to agree to his terms! "

It was only then that Xiao Xiong and Wang Renjian understood the crux of the matter. Fear was written all over their faces; at that time, the two of them were already shocked by the other party's benefits and didn't expect the danger at all.

"Actually, it's not like there are no benefits! At the very least, we won't be short of resources for training in the future, and all we have to do is follow their plans. Once we have enough strength and are on the same level as the military, we will be absolutely safe! Rebel? How tiring it is to rebel! A lot of people are free, is managing a group of people fun? I don't think so! " At this time, Lee Yue exclaimed and his eyes flashed with a golden light. It wasn't because he thought of the potential in the future, but because he had an excellent chance to become strong.

"Since the three of us are tied together, in many ways, we can't act according to our own preferences, so it's best if we act together. Big Bear and I are neighbors, my childhood friend, Old Wang! What do you think? " Lee Yue suddenly said and looked at Wang Renjian beside him.

Hearing that, Wang Renjian's face showed a hint of hesitation, he scratched his head and said: "I'm fine, I used to be poor and have no friends, but I feel good about knowing you, but my mother isn't right, I still need to go back and talk to her! But no matter what, since things had come to this point, there was no way to retreat! I just want my mother and sister to live a better life, and I also have the strength to protect their safety. I don't want to live a life as an ordinary person, living a life as long as they live and die from sickness! "

Wang Renjian was a little disappointed, but his eyes revealed a firm look.

Lee Yue nodded: "Where do you live in the south side of the city? "Since we're going to be together in the future, let's go back together later. I have something for you!"

Lee Yue asked. Previously, Wang Renjian had some knowledge about Wang Renjian's family situation. If it was as he said, Wang Renjian didn't have a good life right now, so he decided to be able to help a little.

"Do you have a car?" "Follow behind us!" Lee Yue asked Wang Renjian. Unexpectedly, Wang Renjian said embarrassedly, "I took the bus here!"

The two were speechless. They looked at their electric car and felt a bit reluctant to bring Xiao Xiong. After all, the two of them weighed 300 pounds and Xiao Xiong alone occupied more than half of it. If they pulled Wang Renjian along, this car that wasn't good would probably be scrapped on the spot.

"Big Bear, you take him back on the bus. We'll split up and you take him to recognize the way back and gather up!" Finally, Lee Yue said to Xiao Xiong, who nodded and led Wang Renjian to the bus stop by the side of the road.

"Hide your things well, don't expose yourself just because you're showing off!" In the end, Lee Yue shouted at the two of them.

When the two of them got on the bus, Lee Yue touched the items in the small bag on his chest and let out a light breath as a glint flashed across his eyes.

It was a new type of pistol that had been developed in recent years. It was extremely powerful and could instantly kill any level three martial artist who used it. Although a martial artist was powerful, unless they were hit by bullets on the bones, as long as they passed through any gap, they would die.

With this protective talisman, he had some confidence, and since he was going to finish Du Zhenjiang's arrangements, even if Thunder Fire Hall did not find him, he would actively look for Thunder Fire Hall for trouble!

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