Broken Reincarnation/C4 Yellow Finch
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Broken Reincarnation/C4 Yellow Finch
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C4 Yellow Finch

A burst of white smoke was emitted from the muzzle of the gun.

The python seemed to be aware of the gun's threat. The moment Lei Jun pointed the gun at its head, its huge head swayed and dodged to the side. However, the bullet still hit its body, leaving a bloody scratch on the side of its head.

"Hold it back! I'll load the ammunition! "

Lei Jun shouted and took a few steps back. He leaned his back against a big rock and took out a bottle gourd gunpowder bag and a palm-sized bag from his pocket. From the bag, he poured out a few steel balls and quickly filled them up.

Just as Lei Jun finished his sentence, the person holding the crossbow aimed at the python and pulled the trigger. With a swoosh, the arrow shot straight into the python's abdomen, causing it to scream in pain.

"Are you f * cking stupid? Shoot him seven inches?" If it's no good, it's still okay to shoot at the eyes! " When the person at the side saw the person shooting at the python's abdomen, he immediately became furious and turned his head to scold the person beside him.

However, at this time, the python that was in pain suddenly seized this opportunity. It swung its head and rushed towards the person who spoke.

"Woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"

The person who was cursing at his companion a moment ago didn't even have time to react before he felt a vicious wind blowing against his face. Immediately, his vision turned black as the huge head of the snake opened its mouth and bit onto his head. He suddenly shook his head, and was ruthlessly flung away.

"Ahh!" "I …

Only then did that person let out a low scream and cry for help. After saying that, he twisted his neck and lost all signs of life.

The two of them were immediately stunned. A chill rose in their hearts as they quickly retreated.

However, at this moment, the huge body of the python, which was coiled up a moment ago, suddenly lashed its tail towards the person holding the crossbow arrow like a whip.

He had just shot an arrow and was in a hurry. He didn't even have time to refill the crossbow when he suddenly heard the sound of wind. He was frightened and lost his composure. He turned around and was about to escape.


With a dull thud, suddenly, before he could even turn around to flee, he felt as if his body was struck by a speeding car. Immediately, a crisp sound of bones breaking came from within his body, and his entire body bent in a distorted shape. He didn't even have the time to scream before his vision turned black and he landed on the rocky beach, black blood flowing out of his seven orifices.

"Get out of the way! "Let me do it!"

However, in the blink of an eye, two of his subordinates had died. His eyes were filled with grievances, and this would have cost him hundreds of thousands of gold coins to appease the monster, so if he did not kill this snake and take its gallbladder, he would have lost everything even if he had to capture all the Eight Treasures Chicken.

"Ah!" "Go to hell!" Lei Jun shouted and aimed at the python's shaking head and pulled the trigger.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

An intense flame came over. Lee Yue, who was hiding behind a big rock, felt his ear shake. A thick smell of smoke came over, followed by the shrill cry of the python.

He could not help but hold the crossbow tightly in his hand. He held his breath as his heart beat at a high speed.

Hearing the python's roar, Lei Jun was also happy. Luckily, he added an extra tube of gunpowder and used a steel ball to scatter the gunpowder, otherwise, he might not have been able to hit it. However, the head of the python was as big as a washbasin and was like a live target.

"Get out of the way, I'll deal with him!"

At the same time, Lei Jun shouted to his remaining subordinate.

The python was hit and twisted its body crazily. Its huge body swayed like a tornado, and sand and rocks were sent flying everywhere.

After Lei Jun shouted, he took this opportunity to retreat and quickly fill up the pill. His other subordinate took this opportunity to run to the side and hide behind a huge boulder. He was so scared that his face became pale and cold sweat ran down his back.

However, just as he turned around and hid behind a rock, he found a figure crouching there.

"You …"

Just as he was about to scream, Lee Yue, who was hiding behind a rock, suddenly heard the approaching footsteps. In the blink of an eye, a figure appeared in front of him.

In a split-second, the crossbow arrow stabbed into the man's throat without a sound.

CHI * Cluck, cluck … Hehe …

The man clutched his neck and was about to fall backwards. Lee Yue saw that the situation had gone awry, so he quickly pulled the man's clothes and dragged him behind the rock.

"Huff, puff ~ ~"

Lee Yue gasped for breath as he looked at the body in front of him. His face was pale. Even though he was used to seeing corpses in this era, it was still the first time he killed someone.

Before, he always felt that killing people was a difficult task and he couldn't do it no matter what. However, he didn't expect that under such circumstances, it would be so easy to kill a life.

It was not a chicken or a duck, nor was it a dog. It was a real human life!

However, no matter how many people there were, they were all dead. If he did not kill his opponent at that time, the other party would have let out a cry of alarm and exposed him, attracting Lei Jun and the python.

They would never allow a second team to target their prey. If they were to fight evenly with each other, perhaps they would discuss this with each other, but right now, they would not give them any time to explain. Even if they were to give up their prey, they would not hesitate to kill themselves.

This was a Wilderness Hunter!

If they died in the city, there would still be enforcement teams and police officers who would try to redress the grievances. But if they died outside the city, even if their family knew who killed them, unless they also killed their enemies in the wilderness, they would only be able to watch their enemies get away with impunity.

This was the truth!

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

At this moment, another gunshot rang out. The python once again twisted its body and let out a mournful roar from the rocky beach behind the boulder. However, this time, the movements slowly lessened.

Lee Yue knew, although the python was huge, it was not a Demonic Beast. Its defense couldn't even defend against ordinary blades and swords let alone a spear.

He quietly loaded the arrows onto the crossbow and pulled the string. He exhaled lightly and waited!

"Third brother! Come out and skin the snake! This time, he really made a f * cking profit! Snake gall should be worth a million dollars! Go back and celebrate! "

At this time, Lei Jun's shout came from outside. Lei Jun's face revealed a proud smile as he took out a bottle of gunpowder to fill the pill, his back was facing the rock that he saw his subordinate hide in.

At this moment, Lee Yue stood up and walked out from behind the rock. He raised the crossbow in his hand and aimed at the back of Lei Jun's head and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, Lei Jun did not hear his subordinate's response, so he felt uneasy. Years of hunting experience had taught him that there was danger, but she did not know where the danger came from. She almost immediately turned around and raised her gun without thinking!

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

However, he heard a sound of wind in his ear. He felt pain on his brow as a sharp arrow pierced through his forehead and stabbed into his skull!

"You … F * ck … "Yes …"

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

Lei Jun's body fell back heavily. The gun in his hand dropped to the ground at the same time. His mouth gave off the last bit of doubt, then his pupils disappeared lifeless.

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