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"Yue!" "You're finally back!"

As soon as he reached the city gates, Rio heard a familiar voice, with a sense of relief in it.

Lee Yue looked up and saw his good buddy and classmate Xiao Xiong waving at him from the entrance of the base as he ran towards him.

Lee Yue slowly lost the tricycle towards Xiao Xiong, moved away a position, and let Xiao Xiong get on the tricycle which originally didn't carry much weight. Immediately, the tricycle already had two to three hundred pounds of pythons and Eight Treasures Chicken.

"Grandpa Li and Uncle Li, I've come over to ask you a few times. Where did you run off to? You didn't even say anything and you secretly left the city by yourself. It's very dangerous!"

Xiao Xiong said as soon as they got on the car.

Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong were born in the same year, but Xiao Xiong was a few months older, and Xiao Xiong, as he was known, was tall and sturdy, about two meters tall and a foot tall. He weighed about 120 kilograms, but he didn't know what to eat.

"We've made a trip outside the city, and we've had some gains. Let's talk about it when we get back!" Hearing this bro's words, Lee Yue replied with a calm expression. Then, he suddenly sped up and headed east along the base's wall.

He knew Lee Yue very well. Normally, if Lee Yue had any gains, he would probably boast to Xiao Xiong. However, today, he seemed so calm that it was as if something had happened. There were too many people here and too many people coming and going, so Xiao Xiong didn't ask.

The castle of Chang An took up an area of over 10,000 square kilometers and covered the entire city area. The exterior of the castle was made of reinforced concrete and iron-watered city walls, while the center was made of alloy with an iron wall that was over half a meter thick.

The base was divided into two parts, inside and outside the city were the ancient city walls, inside and out were the alloy steel plates that were half a meter thick, and in addition to the molten iron, the inner area was the military base and the government encampment, the outer area was also divided into East, South, West, and North.

In other words, those who lived close to the inner district were the rich and the upper class. Some powerful warriors were gathered there, or some of the people in charge of the factories, while those who lived outside the city relied on the people like them, who were responsible for farming or entering the factories, and who went out to hunt.

Fortunately, Chang'an was the largest city in the city back then, and there were a few large granaries in the surroundings. For the past ten years, there had not been a lack of food, and with Chang'an City, it was relatively safe and self-sufficient.

However, the grain trade was still under the control of the government, and it was only through the government. According to the amount of food and the limited supply of people every month, it was unlike how families could buy as much as they wanted.

After mutation, most of the domestic animals would flee, and a few years ago, they would luckily be able to catch and kill some domestic animals in the outskirts of the city. In addition to the meat stored in the cold storage of strategic resources in advance, eating meat was an extravagant luxury for normal people these years.

Therefore, only powerful warriors could afford to eat meat. For the two families, Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong, it was considered good to eat meat twice a month.

In two small courtyards next to Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong's. However, after the great change, they had to move the people from the outside in. So, the demolition houses that were originally meant for them no longer existed, so they could only continue to stay here. However, compared to the 100 square meters commercial buildings, the 200 square meters courtyard around them was much more spacious.

"Little Yue is back!"

"Yo — what are you pulling at the back of the car for? It seems like you've reaped quite a harvest …"

Lee Yue greeted them with a smile. He didn't say what he had gained nor did he ask about the others, since this area had many strangers and old neighbors who had known each other for dozens of years.

After all, even though their home was here, most of the time Lee Yue still lived with his grandfather in the mountain village deep in Qin Mountain. There were a lot of wild herbs on the mountain, which were beneficial for collecting herbs, and normally only his parents lived here.

Although the neighborhood leader knew that Lee Yue and Xiao Xiong would often go out of the city to pick herbs or to hunt, most of the time, they would return empty-handed. They would either pick two herbs that didn't have much use or get lucky and hunt a wild rabbit or mountain rat.

The neighborhood wouldn't turn green with envy.

However, today, it was different. A Eight Treasures Chicken's body could be sold for at least a million while alive, and after dying, these few tens of kilograms of meat could be worth a hundred and eighty thousand. Needless to say, that python could use the energy contained in its snake gall to feed medicine, giving some effects to ordinary warriors of the first or second rank.

From a distance, Lee Yue saw his father and grandfather hunched over at the entrance of the yard when they heard movement. The gate of the next yard also opened, and when Xiao Xiong's father, Xiao Hua, mother, and ten-year-old sister heard the noise, they stood at the entrance and watched the two driving back.

"Dad, mom, why did you guys come out!" Xiao Xiong jumped down from the car and greeted his parents at the entrance of his yard. As he walked towards his little sister, he pinched his less-than-smiling face, turned around and said to Lee Yue, "Yue, you go in first. I'll come and play with you later!"

Lee Yue nodded and greeted Xiao Hua and his wife, "Hello, Uncle and Auntie!"

"Hurry up and enter the house. Your dad and the others have been waiting for you for a long time. Come over after dinner later to chat with you!" Xiao Hua waved with a kind smile.

Lee Yue nodded and turned around to look at his father and grandpa at the door. His face was sickly pale and bloodless. His eyes reddened and his heart twitched as he called out softly, "Dad, grandpa."

The two of them nodded, turned around and opened the gate. Lee Yue drove the tricycle into the yard and closed the gate.

"Don't go out of the city anymore, it's getting more and more dangerous outside. Today, I heard that several small groups in the south of the city were attacked by wild beasts and killed quite a number of people outside the city, and there's also some famous hoodlums on our side, called Thunder Fire Hall s, one of their deputy chiefs died, and several members also died. It's said that they met some kind of a gangster who was killed by their own kind, and they were searched in the city in the afternoon.

As soon as they entered the room, both father and grandfather spoke to him with a worried look on their faces.

It seemed like Lei Jun's corpse had already been discovered by his other subordinates. However, it seemed like he did not know who had done it yet, but according to the situation at the scene, it was not hard for them to find him. In particular, the corpses of the Eight Treasures Chicken and the python could not be leaked.

Thinking of this, Lee Yue's heart became heavy!

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