Bug Master In Doomsday/C1 Ten Days Later Apocalypse
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Bug Master In Doomsday/C1 Ten Days Later Apocalypse
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C1 Ten Days Later Apocalypse

"Is he dead?"

"He should be dead. No matter how strong his physique is, his intestines have already spilled all over the ground. There's no reason for him to not die."

"Alright then. Pack up and return to the city. Dig out the Demon Core of the Poison Horn Dragon Scorpion and take away the weapons and equipment of the corpse. "

"Dead body." Wang Mang opened his eyes imperceptibly. He didn't need to look at the wound to know that he was going to die. A hole had been pierced through his stomach by the scorpion.

His intestines were rotten. How could he still be alive? Why? Why! Why didn't the bug king die!!

There was no time to sigh, no time to regret. Wang Mang's slightly opened eyes slowly closed. He was dead.

"Everyone, look at the fourth question on the multiple choice question. Which one is the correct one to use when adding points? Choice A is definitely wrong. Then who can tell us why this phrase is not suitable here?" The short and fat language teacher pushed up his glasses. His eyes were as big as soybeans.

He looked around the fifty students like a flashlight.

When his eyes landed on the back row, he was shocked. He suddenly realized, Genius, Wang Mang is a genius. He can even sleep by standing against the wall. What is he holding in his hand? English book! Yes, he was.

It's decided, Wang Mang!

"Student Wang Mang, please answer this question. Wang Mang? The students in the back, please call him. "

The teacher waved his hand helplessly. "Wang Mang, wake up. The teacher asked you to answer the question." The fifty students turned around to watch the show. Some of them even ran to the back wall to shake Wang Mang's shoulders.

"Hm, why are you so noisy? Why did you go to hell so soon?" Wang Mang opened his eyes while letting his thoughts run wild. The scorching sun stung his eyes, and he heard the noises of cicadas "I know, I know." He rubbed his eyes to get used to it.

He was shocked. Fifty, sixty pairs of eyes were staring at him at the same time. Wasn't he dead? What kind of place was this? Who were these people? No matter how I look at it, they don't seem to be the ones seeking death.

They look a bit like his high school classmates.

When the short and fat literature teacher saw Wang Mang still staring blankly with his eyes wide open, he angrily threw his textbook away. The short and thick finger pointed at Wang Mang and shouted, "Wang Mang, what are you doing!? Why are you in a daze? I'm asking you a question. Where is the wrong choice A for this question? "

After being shouted at by the teacher, all the students turned their heads away. They no longer dared to continue watching Wang Mang.

Wang Mang's current feelings could not be expressed with words. He did not expect himself to be reborn. In his previous life, his arrogant and arrogant brother had died early because of his arrogance. If he had missed many opportunities, he wouldn't have died so aggrievedly.

"I'm asking you a question." Wang Mang shivered at such a shout. He was a little angry in his heart. He looked up at the pig-like teacher on the podium and frowned. He threw the book in his hand and pointed his middle finger in the direction of the podium. "I don't know." After saying that, he kicked open the back door and left.

The short and fat teacher on the podium picked up the chalk in his hand and threw it on the floor. The fat on his face jumped.

Wang Mang didn't have time to care about this. He hurriedly went down the stairs. He muttered, "I don't have those three missions in my mind. It should not be 4 PM on the tenth day. No, if he wasn't a Chosen One after he was reborn, then the time would be uncertain. I have to go and confirm it as soon as possible "

As they walked, their footsteps became faster. Eventually, they ran up in one breath. The security guards at the door didn't even have the time to stop them while drinking tea.

"If you remember correctly, there is a big stall across the school gate with an electronic calendar. Yes, it is this one."

Wang Mang did not stop. His body changed direction and rushed straight into the big stall. He looked up at the date and smiled.

As expected, he did not guess wrong. Date: May 12, 2020, 3.37 minutes.

"Boss, give me a plate of hand-shredded vegetables, stir-fried pork with green pepper, and a rib soup. Also, get me two bottles of beer."

"Okay. Beer will be here soon. Please wait for a moment while you stir-fry vegetables."

Wang Mang sat down slowly and leaned against the wall. He looked at the calendar again worriedly. He took a breath and relaxed his mind. He could not help but sigh, "God really treats me well."

Although Wang Mang had burped at the fourth step in his previous life, he was the lucky one among millions of people. The Chosen One. The Chosen One was the Chosen One who had created the end of the world. It could be said that other than a few trash like Wang Mang, the rest of the people really did deserve this title.

Wang Mang took a sip of beer and occasionally picked up a few dishes and put them into his mouth. His mind was a little difficult to calm down.

Just now, he was only focused on confirming the time, and now he was drinking. Only by eating would he have the brain to think about such an incredible thing as rebirth. He didn't care anymore. Since he had come, he would be safe. The heavens had given him such a great opportunity. If I still can't grasp it, then I'll be too sorry to the old man. Just as he was thinking about it,

the electronic calendar on the wall made a beeping sound. It was already four o'clock. "It's about time..." Wang Mang drank the remaining wine in his cup and looked up at the bloody setting sun.

"Do you feel like the sky is getting darker and the sun is not that bright anymore?"

"It seems to be true. It's only 4 o'clock now. It's not the time for the sky to turn dark."

"Look, look, it's an all-nighter. An all-nighter has appeared in the sky!"

The pedestrians stopped one after another and looked up at the sky. A small black spot had appeared on the setting sun, which was emitting a bright glow. The black spot was getting bigger and bigger. In just half a minute, it was about to cover the entire sun.

On the road, whether they were driving or walking, they raised their mobile phones to record and take pictures. Some even laughed and talked about how rare and rare an all-nighter was.

Wang Mang shook his head. He raised his glass and took a sip of wine. It was indeed rare to have a full meal on this day, but who knew that it was the prelude to the end of the world?

Seeing these people pointing at the sun and talking about it happily, Wang Mang sighed and felt emotional.

"Hehe, hello, lucky ones chosen by me. I'm a 'wonder'. Ten days later, this world will welcome a brand new era. At that time, no matter what profession you are or your identity, hehe... It doesn't work. And I, 'Qi', will give you a chance. Whether you can grasp it or not is up to you. After completing my last mission, I have a surprise. Hehe. "

A strange mumbling sound came from his mind. A trace of excitement and surprise appeared on Wang Mang's calm face. In this life, he was still the Chosen One.

As for the mission mentioned by 'Strange', Wang Mang did not take it to heart. The last mission in his previous life was not very difficult.

It was only to do 1,000 push-ups within ten days.

Unfortunately, he was too young back then and did not take the mission seriously. It caused him to be crippled and on the verge of death due to the punishment of the mission. Later on, he learned that it was because he didn't complete the mission back then that he was left behind by the other God's Chosen Ones.

If his guess was correct, his mission should be the same as the one in his previous life. Wang Mang simply flipped through the mission in his mind and looked at it. The chopsticks in Wang Mang's hand fell onto the table. His face was full of shock. "Damn, this... How is this different from my previous life?" Wang Mang couldn't help but be shocked.

In this life, he actually had three missions.

Three missions appeared in his mind. Each mission was fiercer than the last, and each mission was more violent than the last.

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