Camellia Blossoms/C3 Riverside design
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Camellia Blossoms/C3 Riverside design
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C3 Riverside design

The next day, the chickens were crowing several times before I woke up. Last night in my dream, I had a solid fight with my sister-in-law. When I woke up, I found that my underwear was unbearable to look at, so I had to change out of my underwear and put on only a pair of shorts to go out to work.

When I went out the door, I saw my sister-in-law holding a basket and smiling shyly at me. "Brother, you're up. The rice is in the kitchen. I'm going to wash my clothes today." He walked into my room, probably to clean up my sheets.

My sinful underwear was still lying on my bed. I quivered and blocked the door. "Sister-in-law, I can wash my own clothes, so I won't trouble you."

A tempting fragrance wafted over from her sister-in-law, "Brother, what do you mean, you're busy farming every day, how do you have time to wash your clothes? I'll wash it for you while you're still alive."

As the sister-in-law said this, she walked into the room. I felt too embarrassed to stop her, did you think I was being polite? The sister-in-law took the towel from behind the door and put it in her basket. Then she casually stretched out her hand and picked up my underwear from the bed. In the end, she couldn't bear to look at it directly and stuck a hand to it.

Even a fool would know what it was, Shao Ying's face instantly turned as red as an apple. I hastily snatched it over and said embarrassedly, "Sister, it rained last night. I don't need to water the ground today. I'll wash my clothes."

I walked to the river with two people and a basket full of clothes. To avoid embarrassment, my sister-in-law walked in front of me. She wriggled and twisted in an attractive shape, and I got up without my underwear restraining me.

Sister-in-law sat by the river, spread her clothes on the stones, and beat them with a wooden mallet. An enchanting view squeezed out of the shirt, rippling up and down with the beating.

Shao Ying suddenly splashed a handful of water on my face. "Brother, you're so astringent, where are you looking?" Feeling somewhat ashamed, I lowered my head and started to wash my dirty underwear with great effort.

However, I was more honest than before for a moment, and then I secretly turned my head away. His legs were as smooth and white as flour. One could vaguely see blue veins. They were translucent and snow-white, smooth and jade-like, slim and elegant, dazzling like flowers.

Right when I was infatuated with Shao Ying's beautiful legs, Shao Ying coldly said with a straight face: "Brother, turn your head around, what do you have to say for yourself!" She had been discovered again! It was very annoying for a man to be interrupted frequently while looking at a beautiful woman!

I raised my head and stared at Shao Ying. Shao Ying, on the other hand, felt goosebumps all over her body. She lowered his head in embarrassment. I smiled mischievously as I whispered, "Sister-in-law, are you looking out for me? I've already seen you naked last night. Why aren't you looking at you this morning?"

Shao Ying was angry and embarrassed at the same time, she pushed me away and said, "You're so annoying, how dare you bring it up!" The moss on the rock where I squatted to wash my clothes was so slippery that I slipped out into the river. Growing up by the river, I knew how to swim, but I still wanted to take liberties with my sister-in-law.

At this time, Shao Ying, who was standing on the shore, was already completely terrified. When had the people of the city ever seen such a scene before?

Time passed bit by bit, and her sister-in-law became more and more anxious. She cried like the rain, but there weren't any villagers around, so she could only think of her own way.

The sister-in-law touched the tears on her face and stood up to take off her shirt, revealing her white and slender waist.

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