C8 Xiewangmu

Not only did the Queen Mother of the West took in the Mystic Maiden as her disciple, she also took in the Nine Heavens Dark Daughter as her adopted daughter along with the Jade Emperor. This Mystic Daughter was also the adopted daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, so her status was also extremely respected.

However, all female disciples were not of the same type to achieve Immortal Ascension. The head of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Maiden would be the one with the greatest achievements in the future. She would become the Queen of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Maiden, also known as the Holy Mother of the Nine Heavens.

As for the rest, they had always been the most caring maids to the Western Queen Mother and had even taken care of the seven fairies she gave birth to. As for the rest, their accomplishments were not as great as that of the Mysterious Maiden.

The head of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Maiden was Bi Jian`er, and after her, there was also Qing Lian, Hong Lian, Rong'er, Bi Ye'er, Bi carp, Lily'er, Hong Gui'er, and Xiang Lian. She was a total of nine maids, known as the Nine Profound Maiden, and this was the origin of the term "Nine Profound Maiden." The reason was that the Queen Mother of the West had a total of nine female disciples, known as the Nine Profound Maiden, after she became Immortal, her nine female disciples were known as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Maiden.

Therefore, the Nine Heavens Profound Maiden did not only refer to the nine fairies; originally, she referred to the nine fairies as well.

These nine mysterious women were mostly plant spirits. They were elves from the Jade Pool who had come under the command of the Western Queen Mother.

Since the Nine Heavens Profound Maiden was a maid of the Western Queen Mother and also her disciple, Feng Ling'er was a sister of the Western Queen Mother, so her status was naturally very high. When these nine Profound Maiden saw Feng Ling'er, they would naturally pay their respects to her.

Feng Ling'er was very pleased with herself. She said to Bai Jie'er, "Jie'er, go inform my sister and my brother-in-law and have them come out to welcome the distinguished guests. If they arrive, go quickly."

Long Nu quickly said, "No …"

Long Nu was about to say, "No need, it's very rude."

In fact, in the heart of the Dragon Lady, not only is it excessive for you to meet the West Queen Mother, but no one would believe you even if you told them to, because it was simply too preposterous.

However, Feng Ling'er interrupted Long Lin. One was that Feng Ling'er wanted to show her face, and the other was that she wanted to let Long Lin know that her position was no worse than the West King's Mother.

Feng Ling'er smiled and said, "Big Sister Long, this is only natural. You are here as an honored guest, so of course I have to bring you in."

"Yes sir!" Bi Jie'er agreed and flew to the Emerald Pavilion to report to him.

As Bi Jian`er walked, she still couldn't figure out what kind of person was so noble as to have her master, Western Queen Mother, and her master's husband come out to greet them?

However, since Feng Ling'er had spoken, she didn't dare to disobey. Thus, she hurried to make the announcement.

Feng Ling'er smiled. "Big Sister, let's go down."

Feng Ling'er landed on the ground, and the group of eagles also landed. Feng Ling'er got off the Blue Luan, personally coming over to help support Long Nu down the Red Luan, and said with a smile: "Big Sister Long, are you a little dizzy? As long as you get used to it, it's good that you've just gotten used to it. "

The dragon girl smiled. "It's alright, it's fine."

The nine maids of the Dragon Lady were all dizzy and their steps were weak. Each of them supported each other, unable to believe that they were flying from the sky. It was as if they were in a dream.

Feng Ling'er had just landed on the ground. Among the flowers, there were four fairies holding flower baskets and collecting petals. Because the Queen Mother of the West wanted to take a bath, and the Queen Mother of the West took a bath, these four fairies were also collecting petals.

This was four out of the nine female disciples of the Western Queen Mother.

These four fairies all had banana leaves wrapped around their waists and their upper bodies were completely naked. A pair of jade-like breasts was exposed, and they were trembling with an extremely alluring aura. Truly beautiful beyond compare.

Long Xian`er watched on the side and smiled in her heart. She whispered in Long Qing`er's ear, "Qing`er, tell me, the husband of the Western Queen Mother is a man. When he sees so many female fairies without clothes on, can he really control them?"

Long Qing`er glared at her and whispered in her ear, "Don't speak nonsense. This isn't a place for nonsense, do you understand?"

Long Xian`er replied softly, "Of course I know. I'm talking about that."

Long Qing`er giggled and whispered in her ear, "If I were a man, I wouldn't be able to control myself, hehe …"

Long Xian`er whispered in her ear, "I'm guessing those nine girls must have had some affair with the Emperor. Do you believe it?"

Long Qing`er smiled as she added, "I don't believe you. I have the Western Queen Mother by his side, how dare he?"

As the saying goes, the flowers at home are not as fragrant as the wild flowers, and that cat doesn't like to fish. If I were a man and there were so many naked beauties every day, I would steal from them. Even a holy man like me would do those things, not to mention … "

Long Qing`er covered her mouth as she giggled, pushing Long Xian`er aside as she scolded, "Fuck you! You're talking nonsense! How shameless! How shameless!"

Long Qing'er mischievously rubbed Long Xia's face with her hands. The two girls were chatting and laughing with each other. They were whispering to each other and no one knew what they were talking about.

These two girls were the most speculative because Long Qing'er was also cheerful and lively, innocent and mischievous. However, she was more scheming than Long Xia'er, who was a clever and astute girl with ten faces. Long Xia'er was an innocent and naive girl, so these two girls were the most speculative.

The two girls talked about everything, even talking about how it felt to kiss their lover. Since they could study the matters of the heart at that time, it could be seen how the relationship between the two girls was.

Long Lin knitted her brows and glared at Long Qing'er and Long Xian`er. The two of them were so scared that they stuck out their tongues and didn't dare to say anything more.

When the four fairies saw that Miss Feng Ling'er had arrived, they did not dare to hesitate and hurriedly greeted her. They prostrated themselves in a graceful manner and said, "This servant greets esteemed phoenix saint. May esteemed phoenix live forever without borders and forever be beautiful and young."

Feng Ling'er chuckled and said, "There's no need to be so courteous. Come, greet my elder sister, Long Nu."

"Yes …" The four fairies didn't respond. They looked at each other and hurried over to the dragon girl. They didn't dare to look straight at her, so they lowered their heads and said together, "Greetings, Miss Long. May Miss Long live a long life."

Although these four fairies bowed to the dragon girl, they all began to wonder just what background this woman had for her to be able to become sisters with Feng Ling'er. It was simply too inconceivable.

It had to be known that Feng Ling'er was a high and mighty existence. With her status, she was already incomparably illustrious with just her identity as West King's Mother and Little Sister. There wasn't a single girl in this world that was qualified to be called a sister with her. Could she be the daughter of a dragon?

However, they knew that Feng Ling'er's elder sister was the Holy Lord, and they could not afford to offend her. This was because Feng Ling'er's status was not inferior to the Western Queen's. Her relationship with the Western Queen's mother lasted for a hundred years, and that was the same as their master's.

The four fairies had just finished paying their respects to the dragon girl, and immediately after, a pair of beautiful women came out from the Emerald Pavilion. They stood side by side, and under the escort of the five fairies, they hurried over.

Long Lin carefully examined them. Not only did she secretly praise them, she also admired them. This was because this couple was truly a match made in heaven.

The Jade Emperor had a jade-like face, without any flaws. He had long eyebrows, big eyes, and a mustache. He was over eight feet tall, was handsome, and had an elegant demeanor. He could truly be described as a beautiful man!

Long Nu secretly praised the Jade Emperor's handsome appearance. He was just like the man she loved, the Sage Emperor Lian. He was handsome and extraordinary, with the demeanor of a transcendent being.

In fact, the Jade Emperor's appearance was a fifth of the same as Yuxiao's in the future. He was a flawless and handsome figure. Because the Jade Emperor was made of Bodhi Fruit, he was also a fairy among plants, and so was Yuxiao.

Jade Emperor was handsome and extraordinary, and looking at Western Queen Mother, she looked like a celestial being!

He saw the Queen Mother of the West wearing a spotless layer of gauze. The Queen Mother of the West was about seven feet tall. Her graceful figure was exquisite and exquisite.

Under the weak white cicada wings of the muslin, it was so beautiful that it could captivate one's heart!

It wasn't wrong to say that Western Queen Mother was a great beauty. It wouldn't be too much to say that she had a beauty that could topple empires. A dragon girl was the most beautiful woman in the entire Yan Kingdom.

Feng Ling'er was also the most beautiful, but not as beautiful as West Wang-mu.

The Queen Mother of the West was not only beautiful, but also had an elegant temperament and mature charm that Long Nu and Feng Ling'er were far inferior to.

However, Long Nu and Feng Ling'er were not inferior to the beauty of the Queen Mother of the West. In reality, the three girls had their own talents and each had their own charisma.

The dragon girl had a kind of pride. That kind of elegance was something that no one could compare to.

Feng Ling'er's body had a kind of spirit energy. That kind of naive and adorable spirit energy was incomparable.

Western Queen Mother, on the other hand, had a mature and dignified aura, a majesty that no one could ever hope to match.

Seeing her husband, the Jade Emperor, floating over like the wind, the Queen Mother laughed from afar. "Was it that fragrant wind that brought my sister here?"

If they angered Feng Ling'er, they really couldn't afford to offend her. Therefore, all this time, even though Western Queen Mother seemed to be a good sister to Feng Ling'er on the surface, she was actually a little fearful of her, because Feng Ling'er was a Divine Phoenix Bird with millions of troops under her command. With such power, they couldn't afford to offend her.

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