Captain's Tale Of Glory/C1 I will Not be an Admiral for Three Thousand Years!
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Captain's Tale Of Glory/C1 I will Not be an Admiral for Three Thousand Years!
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C1 I will Not be an Admiral for Three Thousand Years!

In the summer of the 29th year of the New Era, in the Great Xia of the Nuspuenga, in the Shu Lands, at night.

In the red wall and pink walls of the school building, a young man with black hair and wearing a school uniform was talking on the podium of one of the third-year classes. His lecture had just reached the end.

"... The small destroyer, the HMS Glowworm, who is carrying the determination to die, launched an assault on the Deutschland Navy, the Sylphalan Navy, which was under the command of the main ship, the Sylphalan. After it crashed into the enemy's ship, the HMS Glowworm sunk. Such a fearless action shocked the captain of the Sylphalan, who was the enemy. He even applied to the British government through the International Red Cross Union to award the deceased captain of the HMS Glowworm with a medal. After the end of the Second World War, Alexander, who was once the First Minister of the Royal Navy of England, commented on the HMS Glowworm and its captain, 'The light of the Victoria Cross Medal is not as glorious as your fearless actions!'

The young man closed his notebook. The image projected behind him was on a ship.

On the grayish-black base of the disc, there was a three-position cylinder that could be adjusted in angle. Its introduction was like this:

[Smoke Cannon (Three-star Blue): Hit Rate - 5, Dodge Rate + 15.]

The Gynoid was equipped with a device that could produce magical smoke. The smoke could greatly increase his dodging rate, but it would also affect his accuracy in attacking.

[HMS Glowworm], [Hoe'er], [Johansson], and [Johansson] had a higher chance of being upgraded.

After the youth finished speaking, the middle-aged fatty, who was half bald, was the first to clap his hands, "Alright, let us thank Student Kai for his brilliant lecture."

The students below the stage started to clap. Most of them were girls. The girls from the liberal arts class were mainly giving face to the pretty Kian.

Happiness was justice. The aesthetic orientation of the human race had not changed for thousands of years.

Kian carried his notebook and walked to the teacher's side. He smiled brightly and said, "Then teacher, I'll be going back first."

The bald teacher patted his elbow and smiled in approval. "Alright, then you can go back first."

Kian was in the third-year science class. Logically speaking, he should be in the middle of writing his paper.

However, the bald teacher had picked out the best students from the two classes that he taught. They exchanged their opinions on the test and Kai was one of them. Because he was familiar with the history of the old world, especially the history of World War II, he was chosen.

Perhaps humans had never been so interested in a particular historical event.

Kian shook his head as he walked out of the classroom. The girls were still trying to persuade him to stay.


The night breeze was gentle, like the hair of a lover brushing against his face.

On the corridor, a beautiful girl with black hair walked out of the classroom and quickly rushed to Kian's side. She slowed down her footsteps, straightened her hair, put her hands behind her back, and said softly, "Is the destroyer really just cannon fodder? Miss Willy, who came to the school last time to teach, was so powerful that she could even catch a nuclear bomb."

Kian glanced at her and grinned. "Lee Bai, do you know the other name of the ship, the William D. Potter?"

The girl pouted and shook her head.

"Although it was an inconspicuous ship among hundreds of Fletcher Class destroyers, William D. Potter unexpectedly had a dramatic life. She was the one who struck the president with a lightning strike, killed the division leader, and was eventually sunk by a shipboard aircraft that she had shot down. She was the jinx."

When he said this, the image of the little girl who had proudly announced that she had successfully detonated a nuclear bomb with a lighter flashed in his mind. The faces of the principal and the others turned green.

According to the little loli herself, she was overjoyed after obtaining the ring of her commander, who was also her commander. No matter how she thought about it, she could not fall asleep at night, so she decided to light a firecracker to celebrate.

With a muffled voice, she detonated a 10,000 tons nuclear bomb that was assigned to the Chinjufu, causing her own destruction. She even caused the frontlines to be in a state of panic, thinking that it was a surprise attack from the deep sea flagship.

After all, Willy was just a little girl who was still in primary school. Her mentality was only that of an ordinary little loli. It was better to just throw her to the back and teach her some lessons. It would also let the people in the mainland gain some experience.

Unfortunately, Willy was still so unreliable. The people hoped that she would tell them how intense the war at the front line was and how difficult it was to live in peace. However, Willy was always bragging about how she was a strong warrior who had survived a nuclear explosion. People could only feel that this little girl was too much of a deathwish. Was it really okay to rely on a little girl like her to fight the enemy?

However, there was no other way. Even if she was an immature little loli, she had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the civilization of mankind. Only an extraordinary girl like her who was born from the memory of the warships of the old era and was called a Gynoid could have the ability to face off against the deep sea forces.

Lee Bai took a few steps forward and leaned against the railings. She turned her head and stared at Kian. "Speaking of which, you must have been thinking of becoming an Admiral since you are so interested in the history of the Old Era."

Kian nodded lightly. After thinking for a while, he shook his head. There was a hint of unexplainable emotion in his smile. "I just miss that old world a lot."

Lee Bai's big eyes blinked as if she was thinking about something. She stared at him until his heart started to beat fast.

Kian turned his head and leaned forward to look at the red moon in the night sky.

"You can't do that." Miss Lee Bai put her head in front of Kian's face and occupied his entire field of vision. Their breathing was so close that they could hear each other. The faint fragrance of the woman's body made Kian's nose itch. "It's said that the Admiral wants to fish for a ship. He has to rely on his mouth to persuade the Vagabond Gynoid to serve him. If you're so dull, how can you please girls?"

Kian pressed down on Lee Bai's head and straightened his body. "Maybe the Vagabond Gynoid likes me. I saw Old Wen waving at the door. Let's go, let's go."

Miss Lee Bai rubbed her head and snorted. She stuffed a card into Kian's arms and trotted away.

"You have to come on the Holy Day tomorrow!"

Watching the girl run back to the classroom, Kian picked up the rectangular metal card in his arms.

[One++ Standard Resource Card. With this card, you can get one++ resources from any city Vagabond Gynoid Department.]

[One++] was the 'black words' of the Admirals. After a long time, it became an official term. One++ contained oil, bullets, steel, and aluminum, four types of Vagabond Gynoid required resources. Each of them could be used to repair the Vagabond Gynoid's damage, replenish, develop equipment, and most importantly, build the Vagabond Gynoid.

Even if Lee Bai's family had the wealth and connections to get such a controlled military resource, it would still cost more than a million yuan in Cusmiura. It was likely that Lee Bai had spent all her savings to buy it.

This was a generous gift, and it was even too valuable.

Perhaps she was worried that the orphanage's Kian would not be able to take out a million yuan.

This was a very reasonable guess.

Kian weighed the resource card in his hand and smirked. He had guessed wrongly.

Because he was someone who had reincarnated from the old world.

Once a person knew why they lived, they would live with a purpose. This was the case for Kian. Even though his identity as an orphan and an immature child made it difficult for him to do anything, over the years, he had managed to gather a million yuan. He did not need Lee Bai to smash his small treasury to help him chase his dream.

However, since Lee Bai had given him a resource card, he had to remember this favor.

Kian put the resource card into his pocket and looked up at the vast Milky Way. It was different from the Milky Way in his memories. It seemed to be covered in a layer of ominous blood-red veil.

We have failed in the end. Otherwise, why would the threat of the Demonic Tide still exist?

The Demonic Tide had turned into the Birth of the Gynoid, and the new world had become too mystical.

The young man held the 1++ resource card in his pocket tightly, and suddenly remembered many, many years ago.

He was still alive even though the world had been destroyed and the civilization had been eradicated.

"Admiral, I used to be a salted fish commander." Kian sighed in his heart and turned around to walk into the dark corridor. "However, that was three thousand years ago."

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