Captain's Tale Of Glory/C9 The Red-bellied Carp
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Captain's Tale Of Glory/C9 The Red-bellied Carp
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C9 The Red-bellied Carp

Ben grinned and sneered, "There are 13 more reserve officers than last year, and only you, Old Wu, are qualified to say that."

As the saying goes, when people are familiar with each other, they will always point out their shortcomings.

Derek could not stand it anymore. His face immediately flushed red as he argued that the black in front of him was not black, and that the golden skin exorcism was equivalent to the blue skin exorcism.

At this time, the construction of the plaza outside had basically finished, and the preparatory Admirals who had completed the construction also came in with the Gynoids.

The most eye-catching person was the female Admiral who was carrying a young girl. The Admiral was dressed in a soldier's aura and was obviously a graduate from the military. Judging from her expression, she seemed to be drunk.

She was not as light as she was when she won the five million yuan prize. It was as if she was walking on cotton.

The little girl in her arms was petite and exquisite. She was wearing a tight black diving suit, and it was obvious that she was Derek.

The submarine was the weakest of the Gynoids, and it could sink at any moment. At the critical moment, it had to take on the most dangerous task: to assassinate the deep sea flagship in the midst of a million soldiers.

Generally speaking, the deep sea flagship did not have a strong anti-sniping ability. The submarine could approach it from underwater and launch a fatal torpedo attack at the weakest spot of the deep sea flagship at night.

Thinking of this, Kian suddenly remembered that he had completed a mission to attack Derek. He wanted to ask Derek about it, but Derek waved his hand and went to the stage.

Ben leaned over and stared at the submarine with envy and jealousy, "Do you know that the toilet fish has awakened a 533mm magnetic torpedo, a golden equipment, +12 lightning equipment, and a weapon that can hit +12 times? It is more than anything you can imagine."

Kian shrugged, "That's a submarine torpedo, and a destroyer doesn't need it. Speaking of which, did she bring her toilet with her?"

"She has been out for so long. She asked about everything. She also has a toilet. The toilet of the National Navy of Country G, which is lucky +5, is purple."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, revealing wicked smiles.

Lucky +5 equipment was a curse in fantasy novels, let alone a toilet that was a bit unlucky.

When a Gynoid Awakened, there was a high chance that they would awaken some special equipment. Generally, the equipment that a Gynoid Awakened could control was between 1 to 4, and most of the equipment that they brought with them was only one or two pieces.

The reason why the toilet fish was called a toilet fish was because in history, the submarine number U-1206 was equipped with a new type of 'Deep Sea High-Pressure Toilet'. The original intention of this system was to reduce the probability of the submarine being discovered, but the system was too complicated, and even required special people to train and control the valve. The sinking of U-1206 was because the valve of the toilet was wrong, causing the waste water to rush into the submarine. The passengers had no choice but to abandon the ship and escape. Three crew members had died in the waves of the sea. This was also the origin of the name of the toilet fish. It could be imagined that the luck of U-1206 was not high. In the history of the Gynoid Awakened, it had a low value of 5 points.

Perhaps it was because this incident left a deep impression on people, but when the toilet fish awakened, there was a certain probability that it would bring along a purple G Nation navy toilet ship. Of course, this was a brand-new and unused one, but it was enough for people to talk about it.

In fact, although the U-1206 was a Gynoid, it was still very cute. The purple toilet ship was a valuable resource, and many collectors were willing to pay a huge sum for it.

After the ceremony was over, it was time for the leaders to speak. The leader spoke passionately, "You are the chosen ones, you are the main characters of this era …"

The subordinate Admirals were all very happy and satisfied. One percent of the selection for the Holy Founding Day was indeed a chosen one.

Of course, they would never admit that it was luck. It was clearly them who had obtained it with their own abilities.

Kian was not interested in this kind of flattery. He turned his attention to something else.

The so-called golden quality 533mm magnetic torpedo was actually a kind of unreliable magnetic torpedo used by the submarines in the Second World War. Until now, any country could develop a product ten times more advanced than this torpedo.

However, technology could no longer be the protagonist of this era. The Gynoid dominated the vast sea, and because of their extraordinary elements, all kinds of ships were able to deal more damage to Deep Sea Gynoid and other monsters. As the Gynoid matured, these equipment could also unleash greater power.

Speaking of which, he remembered that his own Gynoid equipment was not bad. Because of the six submarine fleet's salvage, the colorful bomber B25 and colorful torpedo were all fully equipped.

Thinking of this, Kian patted the HMS Glowworm's head, "Girl, what equipment are you wearing?"

HMS Glowworm's face turned bitter, "The commander even said that I should not use my head to hit people. If I become bald in the future, it will be all your fault!"

Kian's face was filled with question marks. What did equipment have to do with balding? Ah, no way. He remembered!


After a long speech, it was time to give the Admiral's identity identification card and military rank. After that, it was time to sign a contract with the Admiral Academy.

Kian followed behind Ben and walked up to the stage. Meanwhile, HMS Glowworm held onto Kian's pants and followed behind him.

Although the title sounded very solemn, there didn't seem to be that much of a solemn atmosphere here. This was mainly because the newborn Gynoid girls were more lively.

The thirteen people pulled the Gynoid into a line. Ben and Kian were at the end of the line. This guy was still whispering.

"When we start, we will be given the title of an Admiral. With this badge, ordinary laws won't be able to touch you, let alone many privileges. Wahaha, I, Old Cui, am also a privileged class."

Admiral and the Gynoid were the guardians of the human civilization, so they naturally received preferential treatment. Kian's gaze swept across the tray of the lady beside the governor. On it was a silver-grey, 5 x 7 cm blank inscription plate and a shining badge.

The governor bowed slightly to the girl who was carrying the toilet fish and handed her the badge. He smiled and shook hands with her. The camera below him was so bright that it blinded people.

The number of new Admirals that appeared on the Holy Day of Creation every year was something worth writing about.

Ben was a little intoxicated. "This badge is really beautiful."

All the new people who built the Gynoid would receive the award from the local government. No one would reject this honor and privilege. Although the rank system of the Admirals was different from that of the ordinary army, the treatment they received was still quite similar.

Some Vagabond Gynoid had made outstanding contributions and would also be awarded. The Gynoid that the Admirals belonged to would not be awarded, but only a medal that rewarded them for their contributions.

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