Carefree Forensic Doctor/C10 Good Things Come in Pairs
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Carefree Forensic Doctor/C10 Good Things Come in Pairs
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C10 Good Things Come in Pairs

Looking at Thaksa's face which was turned 360 degrees away, Jiang Chao's heart was beating erratically.

In the morning, Thaksa said that if she could enter Criminal Investigation Technology Section and obtain the Intern Forensic Pathologist's placing.

Then she would satisfy all her needs.

What if he brought that up himself? Would this hybrid flower agree?

However, after drinking such a good thing, Jiang Chao felt that he was very despicable. had entered the city as a medical examiner to clear up the grievances for his mother, and wasn't he taking advantage of her when she was in danger?

When the movie started, Jiang Chao put on his 3D glasses and started thinking.

And thousands of miles away, in the Chuan Shu area, hidden in a cave of the dead.

In the flickering candle light, a man in black was staring at a broken bead with a bad expression.

Behind him stood a sickly looking East Ocean Blademaster.

"Nine Tails has already escaped for a few months. A few days ago, I used this Soul Suppressing Orb to divine his aura and discovered that the last time Nine Tails' aura appeared was at the place where Heiloongjiang Province was the most densely populated, which is Ha City."

"Nameless Peak, I'll leave the matter of the Nine Tails to you. If you can kill her, then Redsnow's ten grip will be on you." The black-clothed man's face darkened.

"Rumor has it that that woman was an existence that was once able to fight against Master Toad. Can you be at ease if you let me pass?" the sickly looking Eastern Ocean swordsman behind the man asked.

"Even if she was powerful back then, she's only a remnant soul now. Without the protection of her physical body, she would only appear in the form of a soul. Once her soul becomes weaker, even sunlight would not be able to resist her, much less when you personally make a move." The black clothed man scoffed.

"Also, the bet between you and that person is coming soon. Without Red Snow holding such a sharp weapon, will you be able to take revenge for what happened ten years ago?" The corners of the man in black's mouth curled up into a playful smile.

"Then look forward to my good news." The expression on Nameless' Blade Zhai's face changed when he heard this. He indifferently left behind these words before turning around and leaving.

"Nameless Solitary Slash, you better not disappoint me. If you lose your life in her hands, then I can only reassess her battle prowess as an abandoned child." After Nameless' Solitary Blade had left, the black-clothed man let out a sinister laugh.

To be honest, this "Demon Catch" didn't look too bad. It was already past the 1 billion mark, so it really wasn't something out of the ordinary.

On the other hand, Jiang Chao gradually entered into the play.

Thaksa, who was sitting beside him, looked at him with her bewitching big eyes.

Thaksa was very curious, Jiang Chao was originally someone who had the lowest results in his class, but why did he suddenly display such strength in today's assessment, making her feel as if he had become a completely different person.

And what Thaksa said to Jiang Chao before the second assessment was not a lie.

Her mother was indeed murdered. At that time, in the mortuary of the funeral parlor, the moment she pulled open the freezer, she saw her mother lying in the freezer, covered in blood. Thaksa, who was still young at that time, almost collapsed.

But because there were so few leads to the case at the time, and because the DNA fingerprinting technology was not well-developed, the cause of her mother's death was a mystery.

On the other hand, Thaksa wanted to personally solve the mystery of the past and find out the real mastermind behind the murder of her mother.

And only by becoming a medical examiner at the city police station's Criminal Investigation Technology Section would she be able to achieve such a wish.

"Jiang Chao, what do you think are the chances of our group winning?" Thaksa probed.

"Possibly... Half is half, right? " Jiang Chao said.

In the morning, Jiang Chao closed his eyes outside the appraisal room for the legal doctors. He looked to be in a daze, but he was actually listening attentively to the other members of the group who were trying to appraise the corpse pieces.

Ever since he had cultivated the《 Nine Suns True Spell》, in these few months, Jiang Chao's five senses had become sharper than before.

In the first round, many groups were eliminated. When it was Jiang Chao's turn to be in the same group as Thaksa, Jiang Chao had basically gotten a good understanding of the situation in the Forensic Identification Room from others.

And because he had grasped accurate information beforehand, Jiang Chao didn't take a detour after entering the forensic examination room, so he quickly found the features on the corpse that he had missed.

And right now, the only team that they were competing with, the self-assuming and smart team members, when they tried to seduce Chen Cong and Xiong Wenhui, Jiang Chao had already understood everything that they had gathered from the Forensic Laboratory.

With this foundation and Jiang Chao's keen observation skills, it was only then that he could come to a conclusion.

Hearing Jiang Chao say that the result could be fifty percent, Thaksa's heart tensed up.

"Amitabha, please bless our team, Buddha." Thaksa prayed.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chao felt that it was kind of funny: "Thaksa, aren't all mixed bloods like you believers? How do you believe in Buddha now?"

"That stinking man left me after my mother passed away. I grew up in my maternal grandma's house, and my grandma believed in Buddhism. Of course, I followed his lead." Thaksa explained.

Just as Thaksa finished her explanation, her and Jiang Chao's phone both rang.

Now that the movie is at its climax, the sound of the cell phone is clearly going to affect other people's viewing.

However, Thaksa only received a text message, while Jiang Chao had someone call him.

"Thaksa, I'll go out first." When Jiang Chao saw that it was Qiu Ning, he immediately stood up.

"Alright." Thaksa nodded.

Only when Jiang Chao walked out of the broadcasting hall did he press the answer button.

On the other side of the phone, Qiu Ning was beaming with joy as she congratulated Jiang Chao. "Jiang Chao, congratulations, I never thought you would be able to perform exceptionally well this morning.

"Sister Qiu... You're not trying to trick me, are you? " It was almost against the odds of that, but Jiang Chao still felt that it was a bit of a dream that a failure student who had once been looked down upon by others could become the biggest dark horse in the department's recruitment.

"When did I trick you? Rest well this afternoon. Report to Criminal Investigation Technology Section at eight in the morning. " Qiu Ning said.

"Alright, Sister Qiu." After Jiang Chao hung up the phone, an indescribable feeling arose in his heart.

This taste was somewhat sweet, but also somewhat bitter.

After becoming the Intern Forensic Pathologist, he was finally able to vent his anger. But to be honest, in order to overcome the fear towards corpses in his heart, Jiang Chao had to put in a lot of effort in the few months he had spent on returning from Jiamusi.

Returning to the Broadcasting Hall, when Jiang Chao sat back down on his seat, he was surprised to find that Thaksa had also become quite excited.

"Jiang Chao, thank you so much!" Thaksa couldn't hold back his excited emotions anymore and immediately hugged Jiang Chao.

Thaksa's sudden action really made Jiang Chao feel a little 'overwhelmed' by the unexpected favor.

Jiang Chao's face immediately became hot as he looked around.

Someone in the back row coughed intentionally because of Thaksa's loud voice.

But Thaksa seemed to have no time to care about that.

"Jiang Chao, I have been chosen. I will be able to report to the city police tomorrow!"

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