Carefree Forensic Doctor/C11 Encircling Block
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Carefree Forensic Doctor/C11 Encircling Block
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C11 Encircling Block

Being selected by the city police made Thaksa extremely excited.

After all, she had been striving for so long for this goal. Although she had yet to become an official medical examiner, this crucial step had been taken.

With regards to this result, Jiang Chao appeared to be relatively calm.

Since Jiang Chao had been selected, based on his performance in the forensic examination room, he should be selected as well.

"Thaksa, let's lower our voices and not disturb the movie. Actually, it was Professor Qiu who called just now, she said I was selected too."

"Looks like our group laugh till the end, Jiang Chao is really yours, Xiong Wenhui that self-righteous fellow, this time he was slapped in the face by you." When his dream came true, Thaksa did not care about how others thought of her, and said excitedly.

Thaksa paused for a moment before asking impatiently, "Then who is the other person who entered the city police station? Did Professor Qiu say it? "

"It should be that girl from the outer class. The best performers in the group will be the three of us. " Jiang Chao said.

"Then let's celebrate together tomorrow afternoon after work. I'll treat everyone." Thaksa said passionately.

"AA, I'm so sorry to keep making you treat me, Thaksa." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

Actually, wanted to say that he was going to treat her, but when he remembered that he only had about 200 yuan left over for his living expenses this month, and that he had no money in his pockets, Jiang Chao did not have the nerve to say it out loud.

"How can that be? Speaking of entering the city, it's all thanks to you, Jiang Chao. I'll treat you to this meal." Thaksa said in disobedience.

The ending of "Demon Catcher" was quite touching. Only after more than two hours did the audience in the broadcast hall disperse.

As for Jiang Chao, after he saw Thaksa off on the bus, he did not immediately return home. Instead, he walked for around fifteen minutes before arriving at Ha City and Peace Park.

The Peace Park didn't take up too much space, but it was quite green and was an open park. There were no tickets, and every morning and evening, there were many citizens taking a walk in the Peace Park.

Inside the peaceful park, Jiang Chao found a secluded and secluded place.

According to the beautiful figure, the < Nine Suns True Spell > was a method to train one step at a time.

The Nine Suns True Spell placed great importance on both internal cultivation and external training.

Other than spending time meditating every day, Jiang Chao would find a place to cultivate his martial arts. His hard work over the past few months had already been reflected in teaching Jiang Shengnan and the others a lesson.

The beautiful figure had said that cultivation was a persistent matter. If one wanted to change their body's behavior of going against the flow, they had to persevere every day. Only by doing this could they improve.

Standing properly on the grass, even though it was evening, Jiang Chao did not feel hungry.

He picked up two incomplete bricks and placed them on his left and right shoulders.

It was as though if he wanted to build a tall building, he would first have to lay a good foundation. The beautiful figure did not let Jiang Chao advance recklessly, but instead, she pointed out to him that he should first practice the basic stance step by step, before fighting the basic punching routine.

Only after he had completely mastered the 'Stabilized Pile Steps' would the brick not fall down in two hours. Only then would he be considered qualified and be able to proceed with the next step.

Jiang Chao arranged the stakes properly and started to cultivate.

After around ten minutes, Jiang Chao's face was covered in cold sweat.

He couldn't hold on for more than half a minute when he first stood on the stake, and now he has a record of fifteen minutes.

"I must break through, I must break through!" A gust of wind blew, causing Jiang Chao's body to tremble, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

"No matter what happens, your body and heart must not be moved by it!" Her beautiful words were still fresh in his mind.

When he had almost broken through fifteen minutes, Jiang Chao's face revealed a joyous expression.

The ancient people divided the day into twelve hours, and one hour was equivalent to two hours.

Every time he broke through, he would move closer to his goal of standing still for two hours. This kind of training was akin to climbing a mountain bit by bit until he finally reached a high point.

However, the joy on Jiang Chao's face didn't last for long before it was broken by hurried footsteps from afar.

A woman appeared in Jiang Chao's field of vision.

The woman covered her face with her headscarf, making it impossible for her to explain the strangeness of the situation.

"I've borrowed it!" The woman only said that one word, before she ran towards Jiang Chao.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao's face changed, the lady was charging too fiercely, in order not to crash into the car, Jiang Chao had to avoid the lady.

After the woman rushed over, she hid behind a tree.

Jiang Chao frowned.

But when he focused his sight in front of him, Jiang Chao's hearing was much better than before.

It was unknown what had happened to this woman. Judging from the sound of her hurried footsteps, there were more than ten people chasing her.

"Don't let Tian Xin run away! If we can't find her today, everyone will have to pay for their entire month of work! " There were a dozen or so people running over, men and women, and two of them were big and bulky.

The rest were all in uniform. The leader was a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses. He didn't even remove the stethoscope from his neck.

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