Carefree Forensic Doctor/C20 Fathers
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Carefree Forensic Doctor/C20 Fathers
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C20 Fathers

City Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division interrogation room.

Shi Shubing and the short man sat face to face.

The short man's identity had been verified. His name was Solo Tian Jun.

He was a former employee of Ha City and Meat Association, but now he had come out to do a small business on his own in the market.

The Solo Army has admitted the murder of Yao Lili, a female student at Hanseatisches University.

But admitting it or not, there were still a lot of things that Shi Shubing couldn't understand about Yao Li's body slicing case.

"Solitary Tian Jun, since you have already admitted that you are the murderer, then what is your relationship with the deceased? Why did you kill her?" Shi Shubing said as she picked up her pen.

However, Solitary Tian Jun was very calm.

His calm did not make him look like a murderer at all, but a storyteller.

"She's my daughter." Dan Tian said.

"Is she your daughter?" Shi Shubing was just about to write it down, but she raised her head with the tip of her brush and found it hard to believe.

"Yes, she's the child of my ex-wife and I. I've always treated her like my own daughter. Before she was eight years old, I accompanied her as she grew up, but one day …" Solitary Tian Jun wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. He seemed to have mentioned a past that he did not want to recall.

"What happened one day?" Shi Shubing, however, could not help but ask.

Originally, Shi Shubing had defined this case as a rape and murder case, but if what Dan Tian said was true, then the personality of this case would be reversed.

"One day, I found out that my ex-wife was having an affair with her old boyfriend, and it wasn't just once or twice. Later, I took my child to do a DNA test and found out that I was being kept secret for eight years, and this child wasn't mine at all." Dan Tian said those words with disappointment and anger.

"So this is your motive for killing Yao Lili?" Shi Shubing led the way to the crux of the problem.

However, when Dan Tian heard this, he shook his head.

Dan Tian Jun hesitated for a long time before saying, "After the divorce, the ex-wife took the child to follow her surname and cohabiting with that man."

"My ex-wife told me to my face that I was impotent, that I had a problem with my heart in front of that man and his family and friends, and that my hard-earned child, knowing that her real father was not me, also made sarcastic remarks to me."

"Later on, the child went to college, and she went to college in Ha Gong University. Originally, it was a good thing because I raised her since childhood, and she was too close to me, so she secretly asked me for pocket money, which I did every time. However, the day before I attacked her, she asked me for money again, and I was just about to get into the meat, so I couldn't open my mouth for a moment, and I had an argument with her, but she humiliated me again." Dan Tian said.

"And this time she not only said I was impotent, but that I was a pervert, like her mother had said. I questioned her then. She said I wasn't her father. I was just a man who made her feel humiliated. "

"Perhaps I was too angry back then, and on impulse, I killed her." Dan Tian said as if he was relieved of a burden.

The child was not his own, and his wife also ran off with the others.

Because of his ex-wife and daughter, he had even become the laughingstock of the neighborhood.

"Then why did you dismember Yao Lili? She used to be your daughter. Is it right for you to treat her like this? " Behind every murder was a sad story.

Poor people must have something to hate. These words were often vividly expressed in cases.

However, when Dan Tian Jun heard Shi Shubing's words, he asked Shi Shubing in a very calm manner, "She shouldn't have existed in the first place, Captain Shi, change positions and think about it. If your husband cheated and you had a child with your former girlfriend that hid you from the world, what would you do?"

Although Dan Tian Jun's words were not overly harsh, Shi Shubing could clearly feel his anger.

This anger was the result of a long period of depression. This anger was like a time bomb hidden deep within the heart of people. When touched, its power was hard to imagine.

Furthermore, Shi Shubing also stopped in her tracks. What would she do if she met with such a situation? Perhaps the anger in her heart was not less than that of the Solitary Tian Army.

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