Carefree Forensic Doctor/C6 Shocking
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Carefree Forensic Doctor/C6 Shocking
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C6 Shocking

The others looked at Jiang Chao's intoxicated expression as he observed his small broken leg, and seemed like he was about to 'kiss' it.

The girl with the pockmarked face immediately displayed a disgusting symptom.

Meanwhile, the male student who was always in a sour mood cursed in a low voice, "Shameless, what a pervert!"

Seeing Jiang Chao like that, Thaksa's face showed some doubt.

While Jiang Chao was waiting outside, he looked absent-minded and at the same time, he looked extremely serious when he entered. Thaksa's impression of him, like everyone else, had also stopped at the academy, but now, it seemed as if Jiang Chao had become a completely different person.

"What are you doing!?" Is the corpse something that you can move whenever you want!? " Originally, Hai Dafu did not pay much attention to this side, but when he turned his head and saw that Jiang Chao wanted to cut off the dead person's toenails, he became extremely angry.

"Teacher, this part of the toenail was originally cut off. And the suspect, in order to hide it, had smeared nail polish on the victim's nails." Facing Hai Dafu's anger, Jiang Chao actually said something that caused everyone present to be stunned.

Without waiting for Hai Dafu to stop it, Jiang Chao cut off a section of his fingernail first.

When Jiang Chao cut off this fingernail, it immediately split into two halves, only that the top was covered with a layer of nail polish.

"Let me see. If you dare to speak nonsense, the city police will never hire you!" Hai Dafu took the fingernail that Jiang Chao passed to him, and carefully sized it up.

However, what Jiang Chao said seemed to be true.

"Teacher, take a look. This fingernail and this fingernail are both split open." Jiang Chao pointed to a few toes of the deceased's broken foot.

Hai Dafu put on a set of gloves and carefully pried open the fingernails that Jiang Chao was pointing at. Sure enough, they had all been broken.

In order to cover up the broken nails, they were covered with a layer of blue nail polish.

"What else did you find?" Hai Dafu glanced at Jiang Chao with some surprise.

This somewhat handsome and skinny boy was the only student who had provided different clues so far.

"The victim should have been strangled to death, and the time of death should be around four to five days according to the current weather temperature. And the killer's job should be related to being a chef." Jiang Chao said again.

"Chef? "Why do you think the murderer might be a chef?" The students present, including Thaksa, all felt that the corpse's knife's edge was extremely messy.

However, Hai Dafu was an experienced old medical examiner.

Facing Hai Dafu's questioning.

Jiang Chao's answer was even more surprising.

Jiang Chao pointed at the broken leg and the other broken arm.

The three fingers had disappeared.

"Teacher, look, this leg and this hand were both cut off by a sharp weapon. The cuts are quite neat, and this broken hand also has traces of being peeled off. I looked at the pieces. Some of the cuts were the same, others were completely different. Could there be so many tools for cutting meat and removing bones in a normal person's house? "And when I smelled this foot just now, apart from the nail polish, there was also a faint smell of pork. When criminals freeze corpses, it should be refrigerated along with a large amount of pork and other meat, and this kind of freezer is definitely not the kind that normal people use." Jiang Chao guessed.

Jiang Chao's observation could be said to be the most minute of details. The two boys who looked down on him a moment ago were immediately dumbfounded.

Hearing this, in front of all the students, Hai Dafu did not feel embarrassed at all.

He hesitated for a bit, but still held onto the broken foot. After smelling it, Hai Dafu indeed found a faint smell of rainbow meat between the gaps of the toes of the broken foot.

"Then why do you think the victim was strangled?" Hai Dafu asked again.

Jiang Chao's judgement had already made him have a whole new level of respect for Jiang Chao.

"This is just my deduction. If it was a sharp weapon or a blunt weapon that caused the death, the reaction shouldn't be that intense. Teacher, you see, the nails on the toes and the bruises on the hands should have fallen during the struggle."

After pausing for a moment, Jiang Chao continued, "In addition to that, if the victim was killed by a blunt weapon, the blood clot wouldn't be this red, and the color of the beef and sheep meat blood in the supermarket would be the same. I think teacher you know, the color of the blood clots is turning yellow red, which means that the victim didn't bleed too much during their lifetime."

"Did you find anything else?" Hai Dafu asked with interest.

"The time is too short. I have yet to discover anything else." Jiang Chao said.

When Jiang Chao and his group walked out of the Forensics Room.

Their group was not as depressed as the other groups.

Thaksa looked at Jiang Chao beside him with her big, watery eyes, as if she was thinking of something.

They did not go far. They waited outside the Forensics room.

On the other hand, Qiu Ning was called to the identification room.

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