Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C2 Haunted
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Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C2 Haunted
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C2 Haunted

The camera took the opportunity to give Dongfang Zexuan a close-up. As it closed in on his face, a sad expression appeared on it once again. His sad eyes became even more focused, causing the fans who were watching to feel their hearts ache.

The camera turned once again to Wang Annie. Unknowingly, she had tears all over her face and she looked cute and charming.

As expected of the Eye Potion, it was a god-like existence. Dongfang Zexuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. That should be said. Three parts for acting, seven parts for playing, right?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we can't be together. You should have forgotten the past. "I'm sorry …"

This soft tone, coupled with the "tears" all over his face, made the director nod repeatedly. It seemed like this woman had a professional side to her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so angry.

Wang Annie who was in the camera turned around and left. The camera switched to the dejected Dongfang Jingyao. Then, it focused on the ring that fell to the ground.

Ka!" "Not The director was very satisfied with the shoot, so he immediately announced that he was off duty.

Dongfang Jiayuan stood up from the ground, greeted the staff members, and then walked to his resting place.

Once he walked over, the already impatient fans immediately surrounded him, all of them scrambling for the autograph.

"Everyone, don't be in such a hurry. Take your time! Everyone has a share! " Dongfang Zexuan signed on the books in front of him as he spoke to his fans.

"Wow, Master, you were so handsome just now! Those sad eyes, looking at me to the heartache. Master, can I take a picture with you? "

Some of the fans were still in the movie, staring at Dongfang Jingyao with infatuation. Dongfang Jingyao smiled slightly, "Of course you can. As long as you like it, I'm willing to do anything."

"Wa ~ ~ ~ Master!" I love you! " His words caused another wave of infatuation to rise in the crowd. These fans called him master to express their love for him.

Since Dongfang Jingyao's fans were mostly the young girls who had committed adultery, Dongfang Jingyao was quite pleased with the name of his master.

"Hurry up!" Do you want to do it? And you, can't you hurry? Can you afford to be late for a date later? One by one. Truly useless. "

Wang Annie's voice could faintly be heard again. Dongfang Jiexi gave a faint smile and let out a cold snort. What a foolish woman.

"Everyone has a share. Take your time. Who wants a photo? " In the next second, Dongfang Jingyuan withdrew his thoughts and called for his fans.

"Thank you, Master! Master must continue to work hard! " It wasn't easy for him to get rid of the fans who were surrounding him. He smiled and waved to them before sitting down weakly on a chair.

It was tiring to deal with these fanatics, but Dongfang Jingyao seemed to like it a lot and enjoy it a lot. Drinking the ice water the agent brought, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

An actor who shines in the eyes of others is actually a very tiring job. However, for an energetic person like Dongfang Jingyao, this kind of work was also very enjoyable.

Moreover, the identity of an actor was only a representation of Dongfang Jingyao's image in front of everyone. Actually, Dongfang Zexuan's true identity was a Spirit Master.

However, there were very few people who knew of his identity. Other than his family members and his subordinates, Ye Ling, no one else knew.

Just as Dongfang Jingyao was resting with his eyes closed and thinking about where he was going to play, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a beautiful woman in a kimono style.

"Master, there are spirits in the forest to the east of the city. "Furthermore, his Spiritual Energy is extremely strong. The forest has already been turned upside down by him."

Ye Ling opened her mouth and spoke with a cold voice. There was not a trace of emotion in her voice. However, her actions and expression revealed her respect for Dongfang Jingyao.

Dongfang Jiexi opened his eyes and a light flashed in his eyes. He then stood up and headed towards the east side of the city. Only the manager was left behind, screaming and screaming about what had happened.

Because the Night Spirit was also a spirit, it could only be seen from the east. The others couldn't see it. Thus, the manager just saw Dongfang Zexuan sleeping soundly and immediately ran off without a trace. He was very puzzled.

With the help of the Night Spirit, Dongfang Zexuan gained a portion of the Night Spirit's power and speed. He was traveling toward the forest outside of the city with a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye.

If he had a strong spiritual power, he might even be able to use it as a servant. Dongfang Zexuan couldn't help but plan in his mind.

Spirit referred to the creatures that were left behind after the death of a human or an animal.

That sort of thing, similar to the soul that people often said, was a type of existence that would not disappear on its own. And they exist around us, in every corner of the world.

However, most spirits did not have their own consciousness. They were just like the air, always wandering around. They had no purpose, no reason.

There was no harm, of course, because people couldn't see them at all. Although they could see humans, they did not have any feelings for them.

However, some spirits were different. Those that died with great resentment did not disappear, but instead became even more stubborn.

Such a spirit would constantly absorb the grudges of the outside world. It would absorb all of the spirits, all of the human beings, into itself. Gradually, it would produce its own thoughts and thoughts.

Then, as they grow stronger, they will consciously or unconsciously attack the people and things around them. He would destroy everything he met with a certain amount of vengeance.

These spirits were called evil spirits by the silence of the east. Because they were the representatives of evil, of destruction and killing.

Facing this kind of evil spirit, Lonely Spirit from the East would scatter their spirits and cause them to disappear from the world forever.

There was also another type of spirit. Dongfang Zexuan called them demon spirits and they also had their own thoughts. However, that will wouldn't let them harm anyone.

This kind of person was a rather powerful existence in his lifetime. After dying, he turned into a spirit and also possessed a portion of the power from his lifetime. Furthermore, he continuously absorbed the positive energy in his surroundings and slowly evolved into a high-level demon spirit.

Dongfang Zexuan wouldn't care about these kinds of demon spirits, and he would even be friends with them at times. This was because they did not have any offensive capabilities towards others. They were a harmless existence.

Regardless of whether it was an ordinary demon spirit or an evil spirit, as long as they grew and evolved to a certain stage, they could transform into their living forms and become high level spirits.

This kind of existence's spirit could be seen by humans if they encountered a human with a relatively strong Spiritual Qi, mistaking them for ordinary people.

Just like the night spirit, it's a high level demon spirit. This kind of high-level demon spirit could use their own thoughts to make a contract with a human and form a common agreement with them.

Ye Ling was saved by Dongfang Jingyao, so she signed a contract with Dongfang Jingyao. She was willing to work for Dongfang Jingyao.

As for Dongfang Zexuan and Night Spirit, they had arrived in the forest to the east of the city but didn't feel any spiritual energy fluctuations. He was a bit surprised, but he still carefully observed.

Since Ye Ling said there was one, it couldn't be wrong. It seemed that this spirit had hidden somewhere, and it was also hiding his own spirit energy.

Did it know that he would come to capture it? Is this spirit's spiritual energy so strong? He had already been discovered by it?

It was also because he was too anxious that he didn't retract the spiritual power he released. Looks like the opponent this time couldn't be underestimated.

Ye Ling was also doing her best to sense the other party's Spiritual Qi, but it seemed that there was, but also seemed to be, a vague feeling.

Furthermore, he had to be careful to protect his master, as he did not want her to take advantage of him and injure him.

Just like that, the two of them continued to travel through the forest. They had already reached a place with dense foliage, but they still didn't sense the presence of strong spiritual energy.

This won't do. If this goes on, I won't be able to find that Evil Spirit. Dongfang Jianxue wanted to grab a few spirits and ask them, as it would be better than running around like a headless fly.

However, after looking around, he did not find a single spirit. Just as he was puzzled, he heard Night Spirit say, "Master, that evil spirit must have an extremely strong destructive power to kill all the spirits in the forest."

"That's the only possibility." Dongfang Jingyuan nodded. He didn't feel good about this. Although for most people, life and death were no different, in his eyes, it was different.

No matter if it was human or spirit, life was life, and death was death. It was completely different.

"Master!" What do you think this is? " cried the night spirit at the front. Dongfang Jingyao quickly went over to check. It turned out that there was a fresh scratch on the tree trunk, and on the ground, there were mottled blood stains.

However, there were only two or three marks on the blood trail. If one didn't look carefully, it would be hard to find. Dongfang Jingyuan's eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed across them.

Since the demon spirit had already evolved to its original state, there would naturally be flesh and blood. Since there's blood here, it means that a high level demon spirit has already been killed.

If it was an ordinary spirit, it would be directly absorbed by the evil spirit. There wouldn't be any flesh and blood left behind, but a demon spirit is different.

"Humph, he is indeed a strong opponent, let's go!" Dongfang Zexuan coldly snorted. Someone who could eat a demon spirit was definitely not an ordinary evil spirit.

He followed the direction of the blood trail and found even more traces. So it turned out that the Evil Spirit was attacking the Demonic Spirit here, and the entire forest was destroyed into pieces.

The tree trunk had been scratched into pieces, and most of the ground had been turned over as well. The ground was littered with scattered branches of trees and overturned grass.

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