Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C20 The lost friends
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Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C20 The lost friends
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C20 The lost friends

He imitated Ye Ling's actions and wanted to touch the coral, but the moment his hand made contact with the coral, the coral seemed to have suddenly become a monster. It opened up its large mouth, wanting to swallow Su Xi's hand.

Fortunately, Ye Ling had pulled her back in time, so Su Xi was able to escape. Otherwise, his right hand might have become a gift for the coral.

Su Xi Ran nodded to Ye Ling, indicating that he was fine. Only now did he feel a lingering fear. If he really didn't dodge, what should he do?

That scene was too terrifying, and even Su Xi didn't dare imagine it. However, this also told her that good things were not necessarily harmless.

That beautiful appearance was what was used to confuse the eyes of the opponent. As for the true nature of a vicious heart, that was that.

Dongfang JIu was shocked by the situation earlier, but when he saw that Su Xi was fine, he relaxed and looked at Su Xi with concern, only continuing the matter on his hands after he received the assured gaze from her.

Su XiangRan didn't dare casually touch the coral anymore now, and could only look on helplessly from a distance. She could only look on with envy at the ghosts passing through the pile of corals, as if this undersea world was her home in the first place.

For a moment, Su Xi even suspected that the ghost was the spirit of the drizzle in the sea. Otherwise, why would she be so carefree in the water?

However, this thought only lasted for a moment. Because in the next second, Su Chen was shocked by the sudden darkness.

Dongfang Jingyao arrived at Su Xi's side in time to allow her to calm down. Only after that did Su Xi Ran be able to clearly see that the darkness was actually the scene of tens of thousands of fish swimming past him.

It was as though a school of migrating fish had accidentally passed by, disrupting the tranquility of the sea. At the same time, it had also brought endless shock to those who were watching.

Su Xi had never seen such a black mass before. No matter who watched this massive battle formation, they would still be frightened by it.

However, to those fish, the people from the East were just passing by occasionally during their migration. It wasn't anything surprising at all.

Finally, the school of fish left, and the bottom of the sea returned to its previous tranquility. However, Su Xi Ran's heart was unable to calm down for a long time.

When tens of thousands of weak people gathered together, they would no longer be weak. Even sharks would probably flee from such a battle, right?

Ah? Shark? Could there be sharks in the sea? What if the shark suddenly appeared? The more Su XiangRan thought about it, the more afraid he became. He could only wave his hand at Dongfang Zexuan, indicating that he wanted to go up.

When he looked at the net at his waist, which was already full, Dongfang Zexuan nodded and pulled Su Xiuran along to swim upwards.

The sunlight shining on the surface of the sea was just like the predicted light. Su Xi Ran turned around, and the deep blue seawater behind him was like an endless mouth waiting to swallow those who didn't know how high the sky was and how deep the earth was.

In his heart, Mo Ming was suddenly afraid, as if he would sink into the deep blue sea forever, while the light above his head was getting further and further away.

Sensing his own panic, his feet moved even more. He wanted to swim out immediately, as if he would be devoured if he was a second too late.

Sensing her abnormality, Dongfang Jingyao was also somewhat anxious. He immediately increased his speed, and the two of them emerged from the sea within a few seconds.

After breathing in the fresh air and once again arriving under the warm sunlight, only now did Su Xi Ran heave a sigh of relief, and his nervous mood was slowly calming down.

"Are you all right? What just happened? Was it too long underwater? " Dongfang Zexuan asked with concern as soon as he arrived.

"It's nothing, just a sudden feeling of fear. "It's much better now. It must have been down there for a long time." Su Chen spoke truthfully.

It was because she didn't know why she suddenly had that kind of thought. At first, she thought she didn't have anything to fear, but now, she suddenly realized that in front of nature, humans were just too weak.

"Take a deep breath. The school of fish must have shocked you too much and made you feel repressed. It's okay, it's normal. Just don't think about it." As he spoke, Eastward Lonely Mountain brought Su Xi to swim towards the seaside.

Before they knew it, they had already left the seaside. It was not easy to get back to the beach, but everyone seemed to have been drained of their energy and no one wanted to move a muscle.

No wonder people often say that swimming can help you lose weight, it's really too tiring. After lying on the ground for a long while, Dongfang Zexuan finally had some strength left. He slowly stood up and took off the diving equipment on his body before assisting Su XiangRan in taking off her equipment.

After lying on the beach in a daze for a while, the two finally came to life. They looked at Night Spirit and the Ghost, but it seemed as if nothing had happened, so they did what they needed to do.

This was truly unfair. Why was it that while a person's stamina was so easily used up, there seemed to be no limit to the stamina of a spirit.

"Young master!" You're back? Dinner is ready. Come back and eat! The freshest fish! " Aunt Wang's voice came from the door of the villa. Dongfang Zexuan climbed up from the sand and waved at Aunt Wang.

The moment he entered the room, he smelled a fragrance, and only then did Su Chen hear his own stomach growl at the right moment. Haha, Miss Su, are you hungry? Sit down and eat! " Aunt Wang happily greeted them.

"Thank you, Aunt Wang, then I won't be polite!" Su Xi Ran gazed at the table full of delicacies and didn't have the slightest ability to defend against them.

"Uncle Zhang, you actually fished so much, you're really amazing!" It seems like he will be able to become the world champion! " Dongfang Jiexi praised Uncle Zhang as he ate.

Uncle Zhang laughed, "As long as Young Master likes it, that's good. That's all we can do for you! Young Master, please eat more! "

Seeing the two of them eating so sweetly, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang's faces were blooming with happiness. To the childless couple, Dongfang Jingyao was just like their child.

The meal ended in a gulping down the food, then Dongfang Zexuan leaned behind Su Xi while hugging his bulging stomach. He didn't want to move at all.

However, Su Xi was slightly curious, and he took advantage of the time that Aunt Wang and Uncle Zhang were packing up to quietly ask, "Where's Ye Ling and the ghost?" Can't the two of them eat? Do you know how to cause trouble? "

"They are? It's okay, I've already promised to make it up to them later. If they sit here and eat while Aunt Wang and Uncle Zhang eat too little and don't see anyone, wouldn't they be scared to death? "Don't worry!" Dongfang Zexuan was full of confidence.

Su Chen was relieved when he heard him say so. Dongfang Ju Yao was their master, so he would naturally take good care of them. Looks like I'm just a meddler, I'm just meddling in other people's business.

After dinner, he rested in the living room for a while before Dongfang Jingyao brought Su Xi out. They had a beautiful name and enjoyed the beautiful night scenery.

Although he didn't know what tricks Duan Ling Tian had up his sleeve, Su Chen still obediently followed him out. The two of them made many turns and arrived at a sea disaster that was far away from the villa.

The rocks that had been washed into strange shapes by the waves were standing there like a natural castle. In the slowly descending dark night sky, there was a sacred feeling.

"Friends! Long time no see, what have I brought? " As soon as Dongfang Zexuan walked behind the rock, he began to shout.

Su Xi didn't know what was happening, nor did he know who Dongfang Zexuan was calling out to. He only watched from there and admired the night scenery.

"Master, are you calling us? What delicious food are you bringing? " The sudden appearance of the specter startled the focused silence of the East.

"It's not you guys, it's my friends. You've never seen each other before, Ye Ling has! But why don't they come out? " Dongfang Jingyao felt a bit strange. He used to come out whenever he was called, but why hadn't he come out for so long today?

"Is your friend a spirit?" Su Chen couldn't help but ask. Dongfang Jingyuan nodded, but he was still very puzzled.

However, no matter how they called him, his friends still did not show up. There was no helping it, Dongfang Jingyao could only give up, pick up some branches, set a fire, and roast all the fresh seafood he caught today.

The hungry ghost stared at the slowly ripening food as saliva dripped from its mouth. Although Ye Ling was not as straightforward as she appeared, her stomach was still rumbling non-stop.

Su Chen couldn't help but burst into laughter when he saw their expressions, but Eastward Lonely still cared deeply about his friends that didn't appear, and his expression was rather serious.

"Did something happen to them and they left?" Su Hong Ran said to Dongfang Jingyuan.

"Maybe. I haven't been here in two years, so maybe they thought I wouldn't come, so they left. " Dongfang Jingyao was still slightly uncomfortable, because he originally wanted to introduce Su Xiangran and the ghosts to them.

They even brought their favorite food. However, since they were not coming out, it could only mean that they were no longer here.

But what made them leave? Dongfang Zexuan couldn't help but think. Spirit was a kind of floating state. It was home wherever it went, but some high level spirit would choose to stay for a long time in a place that was filled with spirit energy, suitable for its cultivation.

Moreover, it would form a comrade-like relationship with the other spirits and would not easily leave unless something happened that forced them to leave.

However, this kind of thing could also be classified as natural disaster or human disaster, so Dongfang Jingyao didn't know how to analyze it. Wow, it's really delicious, it's so hot! " The hungry ghost couldn't wait to turn cold, so it grabbed it and stuffed it into its mouth, screaming out loud as it was burned.

Su Xi couldn't stop laughing when he saw this, and he pulled Dongfang Zexuan, who was in the middle of a spiritual journey, back to reality as well. Looking at the three beauties in front of him, Dongfang Zexuan could only throw the thoughts in his head to the side.

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