Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C3 The cruelty of childhood
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Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C3 The cruelty of childhood
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C3 The cruelty of childhood

The smell of earth, mixed with the sap of flowers and plants, and the fresh scent of broken branches … The smell of blood...

Dongfang Zexuan felt a slight discomfort in his throat, but he immediately suppressed it.

This was because it was already used to the smell. In the past, he would always spit it out when he smelled it, but now, he could control it well.

Walking forward one step at a time, Dongfang Jianxue knew that if he went any further, he would reach the place where the evil spirit resided. Thus, he reminded Night Spirit to pay full attention.

The refreshing smell of the soil and vegetation became fainter and fainter. Replacing it was the thick smell of blood, which became sweeter and sweeter.

Suddenly, he heard a voice saying, "You liar, go away, go away!"

This voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it before. Dongfang Zexuan felt a little dizzy, and then he suddenly recalled his own childhood.

Hehe, they are calling themselves a swindler again, what a group of foolish children. Looking at the children who were pointing fingers at him, the young Dongfang Jiexi couldn't help but bite his lips.

Ever since he could remember, Dongfang Jingyao had been scolded as a liar or a liar by the children around him. All of this was because he could see things that other children couldn't. Those spirits.

In the eyes of the young Dongfang Zexuan, besides the people who looked like him, there were also things that were different from humans.

Sometimes it was kind, sometimes it was fierce, sometimes it was disgusting. Therefore, the unworldly Dongfang Jianxue believed that others could see those spirits as well.

When he was with the kids, when he saw the spirit beside him, Dongfang Jiexi would involuntarily say, "Look at that person, he's so ugly!"

But the children all said there was nothing there, there was no ugly person at all. Then, they would say that Dongfang Zexuan was lying.

In order to prove that he was not lying, Dongfang Jingyao described how he looked like when he saw the spirit. However, the more detailed he explained, the more scared the children became.

Because the way he described it was something that the children had never seen before. And when it comes to the joyous and joyous East, it becomes an unusual one.

The children would run home and tell their mother that Dongfang Jieyu was a lying child, so their mother wouldn't let them play with him anymore.

Dongfang Jingyao didn't know what he had done wrong. When he got home, he stubbornly refused to say anything.

Later on, after going to school, Dongfang Jiayuan would tell his classmates about the appearance of the Spirit that he had seen. But just like before, his classmates also treated him as a swindler.

At the beginning, everyone thought Dongfang Jingyao was just playing with them, which was why they lied. However, after everyone got tired of Dongfang Jingyao's words, they no longer approached him.

Now that Dongfang Jingyao had become sensible, he started to realize if what he had said was wrong and shouldn't have been said. Thus, he stopped mentioning the matter of seeing the spirit.

However, what he did not expect was that some of the spirits would start attacking him. Because he could see the spirits, he would often meet them eye to eye.

Upon discovering humans that were able to see themselves, those spirits seemed to have found a toy. They embraced a playful or intimidating attitude and began to play with the silence of the east.

Sometimes, when he was walking properly, a spirit would suddenly appear to block his path, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws at him.

Sometimes, there would be spirits that would silently follow behind him, neither approaching nor leaving, making Dongfang Jingyao feel very uncomfortable.

Sometimes, there would be people who would attack him without any reason, chase after him, making Dongfang Zexuan run on the broken road and in the classroom.

"You liar, you're playing us again, right?"

"Liar, scram! We won't fall for your trick! "

"Scram!" You liar! I'm going to tell the teacher! I don't want to sit with you anymore! "

The students' voices rang in his ears, one by one. It was so clear, so cold. There was also the feeling of pain and humiliation when the stone book landed on his body.

Dongfang Zexuan didn't understand. He clearly wasn't lying, so why did everyone say that he was lying? Why didn't anyone believe what he saw?

The school could not stay any longer, and the only thing left to do was to transfer schools. However, he never answered his family's questions. Because he didn't want his family to worry about him.

Therefore, he would only be able to stay in school for a month at most. Even if Dongfang Jingyao didn't speak up, the spirits would still chase after him, making him suddenly resist and run away for no reason at all.

In the eyes of others, such actions were akin to those of the beast race. Therefore, over and over again, Dongfang Jingyao chose to quietly transfer to another school.

Finally, when there was nowhere left to go in the East, his mother finally discovered his secret. After that, he told him the truth.

In fact, Dongfang Zexuan's father, as well as his grandfather and great-grandfather, could all see spirits. However, when they could see the spirit, they were already in their youth.

They originally thought that Dongfang Jingyao was still young and wouldn't be able to see him at all, but they didn't think that his spirit energy would be so strong that even when he was young, he would already be able to see his spirit.

In addition, the family of Dongfang Jingyao actually had another orthodox name, the Spirit Catcher. It was the first time Dongfang Jiexi had heard this word.

Later, the mother told the family about the matter of Dongfang Jiayuan, and the family members told Dongfang Jiayuan about the matter of the family.

From that moment on, Dongfang Jingyao realized that no one else could see spirits except for himself. No wonder when he told them how spirits looked, they would treat him like a liar.

Therefore, Dongfang Jingyao immediately forgave those students who had scolded him, because he had always been a kind-hearted child.

After knowing about Dongfang Jingyao's ability, everyone started to make plans to make Dongfang Jingyao the person in charge of the next generation, and started to train him strictly.

Because Dongfang Jingyao's spiritual energy was the strongest in the family after all these years, everyone treated him as a treasure.

From that time onwards, aside from attending school every day, Dongfang Zexuan began to learn to recognize all sorts of spirits, demon spirits, and evil spirits.

After which, he would have to learn how to draw formations, lay out spells, and chant incantations. Only the Spirit Catchers would know. Slowly, it all went into Dongfang Jingyue's head.

Everyone in the family was very pleased to see this kid with such astonishing reflexes and ability to react so easily. In the past, the loneliness and solitude of the East gradually became more open and bright.

Moreover, his family even brought him to attend the meeting of the Spirit Catcher, allowing him to get to know even more people who passed by like him.

When his father and the others went to catch a spirit, they would also take him with them so that he could learn from them. In order to help him gain a better experience and broaden his horizons.

Afterwards, Dongfang Jingyao quickly became the leader of the family. When he was thirteen, his first capture of the spirit was a success.

Although it was only a small demon spirit, it was still a great starting point for Dongfang Jingyao.

"Son, you will definitely bring glory to our family." This was what her mother often said to herself.

Thinking of her mother, thinking of her family, Dongfang's distant face was filled with happiness. It was because of his family's support that he was able to have such a day.

"Master!" "Master!" Night spirit's voice suddenly entered his ears. Dongfang Jingyao suddenly woke up. Looking at the nervous Ye Ling beside him, he realized that he had fallen into her trap.

"Master, be careful!" This Evil Spirit's Spiritual Energy is too strong. " Night Spirit said as he looked around.

Dongfang Zexuan nodded. He discovered that the evil spirit had unknowingly pricked his heart and he had entered an illusory realm.

No wonder he thought of the past. It seemed that the Evil Spirit's ability was to pry into one's heart, grasp onto the weakness of the dark side of the heart, and lure them into the illusion.

Because this ability was unknowingly activated, it didn't even have the chance to defend itself before being drawn into the fray.

Fortunately, there was Ye Ling. Otherwise, he would probably be stuck in the illusion and wouldn't be able to come out, right? However, if this was the ability of the Evil Spirit, then right now, it was also discovered by him. Then, wouldn't the Evil Spirit have no way of dealing with it?

However, he had been too careless. He had actually been spied on by the other party just like that. It seemed that his training was still lacking.

Moreover, even Dongfang Jingyao himself didn't know that in his heart, childhood was such a dark existence.

Loneliness, indifference, helplessness, shame, despair... So it turned out that the young him had experienced such a cruel process.

However, it was also that process that gave birth to the him of today. Every experience in life was not an illusion.

Since it has appeared, it definitely has its value. Whether that experience was happiness or hard work, it was an indispensable motivation on the road to growth.

There was a rustling sound in front of him. Dongfang Zexuan withdrew his spirit and walked forward again. This time, he wouldn't fall for that evil spirit's trap.

"You've already played for long enough. No matter who you are, I will subdue you today." Dongfang Jiexi mumbled to himself.

The rustling sound became louder and louder. As they got closer, they realized that it was the sound of the fur and leaves rubbing against each other. And, the sound of the evil spirit chewing on the demon spirit.

Right now, that Evil Spirit was right in front of his eyes. It had felt the approach of the Eastern Deity. Turning its head around to look at him, a red light flashed through its eyes.

What appeared before Dongfang Jingyuan's eyes was a five meter tall wolf-shaped evil spirit. Its gray body was filled with long, hard fur. A thick tail swung about, clearly enjoying the sight.

Feeling the spiritual power coming from Dongfang Zexuan's body, the wolf spirit swallowed the last demon spirit in its claws and breathed out towards Dongfang Zexuan.

The thick smell of blood made Dongfang Zexuan's stomach churn uncontrollably.

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