Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C6 Resort endorsement
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Carefree Genius In Spiritual World/C6 Resort endorsement
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C6 Resort endorsement

The director nodded in satisfaction. To be honest, he was a little happy because most celebrities wouldn't be willing to make such a movie. He didn't expect the two of them to take the initiative and shoot it, not bad, not bad, it saved me a lot of trouble.

"Women are too proactive, so there's no point …" Dongfang Zexuan whispered into Wang Annie's ear. Then, with a sly smile, he stood up and walked away.

"You!" Wang Annie did not expect that after being premeditated for a long time, she would suddenly hear such a sentence and immediately sat up in anger. However, when she saw the camera she was filming, her expression immediately changed and she feigned weakness.

"Ka!" "Once is over. Today's show has also finished filming. I really didn't expect the two of them to perform so well. Everyone can end their work early!" The director was very happy, so he left work early.

"Hmph, bastard!" You just wait and see. I'll definitely hold you in my hands and convince you wholeheartedly! " Wang Annie looked at the background of Dongfang's departing figure and stomped her feet in hatred.

This was because only she knew that Dongfang Zexuan didn't even touch her, but from the camera's perspective, it was a fierce kissing scene.

She took the initiative. Hmph, this kind of thing is the greatest humiliation to Wang Annie. It makes her want to trample all over Dongfang Jingyao.

Dongfang Jingyao, on the other hand, laughed it off. He didn't take this matter to heart because he was already used to the many women who wanted to "take advantage of him".

It was just that he did not expect that Wang Annie would take the initiative to seduce him under the lens of the camera. However, with his experience, how could he allow her to do as she pleased?

"Dongfang Jingyao, I've given you another endorsement. Go back and prepare, we'll shoot tomorrow." The manager stopped Dongfang Zexuan in time and handed him a few photos.

"This is a vacation home. You just need to go live here for a day and take some handsome photos. It won't be difficult and the owner's offer is very high …"

The broker kept talking nonstop. Dongfang Jingyao casually flipped through the photos and then threw them to the broker, leaving behind a "No problem" and then left.

Actually, Dongfang Zexuan didn't really want to go. After all, he didn't like going to a place he was unfamiliar with for a night.

This was because if he slept on another bed, he would not be able to sleep at all. However, just as he was about to refuse, when he heard that the price was very high, he couldn't help but swallow his words.

For some reason, money had a fatal attraction to Dongfang Jingyao, as if it was even more attractive to him than women.

Forget it, looking at the photo, it seemed to be a pretty good place. Even if he was out on vacation, after filming for such a long time, he still didn't have time to relax. He would just treat it as going out to play.

Thinking about this, his heart felt much better. Then Dongfang Jingyao decided to walk home. He walked into the dressing room and casually picked up a hat to wear on his head. He then took a look at himself in the mirror and praised, "Tsk! Tsk! He's so handsome that he doesn't have any sense of justice. He can't even disguise himself if he wants to …"

However, nothing could affect his good mood. He looked at his reflection in the mirror again, hummed a song, and walked out.

As they walked along the moat, the shade of the road was filled with the mottled rays of the sun. Breathing in the river's fishy smell of air, Dongfang's heart hadn't felt this light in a long time.

It was unknown if it was because he hadn't been like this on the streets for too long, but every blade of grass and every tree on the way, even every inch of floor, all seemed extremely strange to Dongfang Jingyuan.

"Look, look! Is that Dongfang Jingyao?" Ah? "Which East side is quiet?" "Aiya, of course, it's that most famous celebrity, Dongfang Jingyao!"

Hearing the whispers of the girls by the roadside, Dongfang Jingyao smiled, took off his hat, then winked at the girls, "That's right, I'm the shining star Dongfang Jingyao. Beautiful ladies, goodbye!"

"Wah …" So handsome! Did you see that!? He's talking to me! " "What? He's talking to me!"

Leaving a few girls with eyes full of peach blossoms behind, Dongfang Jianlong elegantly turned around, very satisfied with his popularity.

He didn't know if it was because he had been isolated from a young age, but he was enjoying the feeling of being the center of attention and even going crazy for it.

As he sat on the side of the road, he looked at the passing pedestrians. A grey figure could not help but appear in front of him. Those stubborn little eyes were really interesting.

Dongfang Zexuan couldn't help but think of that female student. He also didn't know where she lived or what her name was. He really hoped that he would have a chance to see her again in the future.

In the past, Dongfang Jingyao didn't believe in fate and fate, but now, he believed in fate and fate. Not long after he arrived at the resort.

Since the agent happened to have something to do that day, Dongfang Jiayuan went to his own vacation home. According to the agent, the staff responsible for filming would not arrive until an hour later.

Thus, Dongfang Jingyao was bored to death as he strolled around the villa. Although it was a villa, it could already be considered a small manor.

Because the manor was built deep in the mountains, it was surrounded by mountains on all four sides and the air was extremely good. There was a deep ravine in front of the villa, and only a suspension bridge could be passed through it.

The trees were shady, flowers bloomed, and the chirping of birds mixed with the chirping of cicadas, like a symphony in the mountains.

The main building of the manor was a three-storey wooden villa. It had a European style and was simple and generous, giving people a comfortable and refreshing feeling. The first floor was the living room, kitchen, and the second floor was the guest room, while the third floor was a small attic. It was said that there was a study upstairs.

Behind the villa, there was a small garden. It was unknown if it was the owner's special love, since there were all sorts of roses blooming in the garden and it was very beautiful. No wonder this villa was called 'Rose Villa'.

The one who came to welcome him was the housekeeper of the villa, an old woman in her sixties. He must have lived here alone for a long time. He was very happy to see someone coming.

Although they did not converse much, Dongfang Jianxue could tell that the roses must have come from this woman, because this woman was as enthusiastic as a blooming rose.

After a while, Dongfang Jingyao was on a tour of the entire villa. He was sitting in the living room in a daze as he tried to taste the rose cookie made by the steward.

Don't say it, it's quite tasty." The fragrance of the roses was not lost in the slightest. Along with the faint fragrance of the milk and the crispy texture, Dongfang Jingyao, who had always been picky with his food, couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

While he was lamenting, he suddenly heard the doorbell. He thought it was the staff member in charge of filming, so he disapproved.

However, the noise coming from the door made him involuntarily look over. Wow, what a beautiful villa! Our luck is really too good! "

"That's right, that's right. Just by hearing the name, I know that this must be a warm and cozy place!" "Hmph, just a little girl. She's inexperienced."

The noise continued until they saw Dongfang Jingyue sitting in the living room. They were stunned for a moment, then they increased the decibels.

"Oh my god!" Could you be that famous celebrity Dongfang Jingyao? " A woman dressed in thick clothing charged over towards Dongfang Jingyao with excitement.

It seemed like she was a fan of his own. Dongfang Jingyao immediately assumed his most handsome posture and smiled confidently, "That's right, I'm the shining star Dongfang Jingyao!"

"Oh my god!" I'm so happy! Could it be that you also drew the one day trip prize for the Manor? Wow, that's great! It's a real person! I... Can I take a picture with you? "

The woman immediately sat down beside Dongfang Jingyao. She held her phone in one hand and her other hand had already tenderly climbed up Dongfang Jingyao's waist.

Dongfang Jingyao didn't get angry. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a charming smile. He happily took a photo with a woman.

"Hey, don't just stand there. This is the superstar Dongfang Jingyao!" Do you want to take a picture? I'll take pictures for you guys? " The woman called out to the three people standing by the door as she moved her hands up and down Dongfang Jiexi's body.

"Hmph, what big star? He's just a pretty boy who relies on his looks to earn a living." A man with glasses snorted, then walked coldly to a sofa on the other side and sat down.

"You don't have to say that. His handsome appearance is the truth." A fat man with long white hair said in a silly manner. He then smiled at Dongfang Zexuan in an embarrassed manner and followed the bespectacled man to sit down.

Dongfang Zexuan's eyes lit up when he saw a petite figure behind him. She was none other than the female student who had helped Dongfang Zexuan in the forest that day.

The female student also saw Dongfang Jingyuan. However, she only gave him an indifferent glance before sitting down on the other side.

Dongfang Jingyao smiled internally. She really was an interesting girl. It seemed like fate really existed.

"Guests, I am the butler here. Welcome to the first batch of guests to come here on vacation. Please do not be restrained and enjoy this day's time comfortably. Everyone's rooms are already prepared. Please follow me up. "

The housekeeper walked over enthusiastically before bringing the four to the room on the second floor. The woman with thick makeup left Dongfang Jingyao's side unwillingly and even threw him a coquettish look. "Wait for me, I'll be right down."

Dongfang Jingyao smiled helplessly, but his eyes never left the girl's side. This girl was also talking and laughing with the three of them. Why was her gaze so cold when she saw him?

No matter what, he had never offended her before. He really made people want to ask him about it. He put another piece of rose cookie into his mouth, feeling the wonderful sensation of melting in his mouth, Dongfang Jiexi couldn't help but laugh.

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