Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C11 I'm Looking at My Badge
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Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C11 I'm Looking at My Badge
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C11 I'm Looking at My Badge

Speaking of which, after Chen Xiu had gotten this bank card, he hadn't been able to sleep well the entire night. His eyes constantly scanned the cracks between the doors and windows in his room.

He was afraid that some old geezer would come out of some incredible place and touch all the money on his body.

This wasn't because Chen Xiu was being too careful, but because the old man had left an indelible shadow in his heart over this motherland flower.

Back then, when Chen Xiu treated someone, he thought to himself that it would be ten yuan out of ten if he could buy a lollipop for Erya. Who knew if Erya would lock up her room so tightly when she took a bath?

But when Chen Xiu was still drooling in his dreams, an old man sneaked into his room from who knows where and quietly flipped through the entire room. He didn't even miss the underwear he was wearing.

It was too sad, too crazy.

Chen Xiu gripped the black card tightly in his hand. He had an urge to check if this was really an unlimited amount of money.

Life went up and down too quickly. A few days ago, he was a poor kid who was worried about food, but now, he had an inexhaustible sum of money.

However, Chen Xiu was soon caught up in another dilemma. This was used to buy medicine for the Lin family's old patriarch, so how much should he deduct from this?

Chen Xiu counted with his fingers. Sigh, he couldn't calculate it.

This little girl had given Chen Xiu a math problem that surpassed his ability.

The next day, Chen Xiu stared at the two big panda eyes.

"Chen Xiu, last night …" Didn't sleep well? Is your grandfather's illness making it too difficult for you? " Lin Ruoyi thought to herself.

Chen Xiu rubbed Lin Ruoyi's head and said with an embarrassed smile, "Not at all, not at all. I just …" It's just a bit of a bed. "

Since Lin Ruo Shuang had already gone to the company to settle some matters, only Chen Xiu and Lin Ruoyi were able to eat breakfast.

However, because of Chen Xiu's appetite from yesterday, the preparations for today were still unparalleled.

After a sumptuous breakfast, Chen Xiu felt that he was about to fall into depravity.

After breakfast, Chen Xiu gave a few more injections to the unconscious old man and then placed a piece of Sage Herb in his mouth.

Yesterday, the Vice Principal had proposed to send Master Lin to the VIP ward of the hospital to transport nutrition liquid to his body to recuperate.

However, he was rejected by Chen Xiu. If it was just a normal body nourishment, perhaps it would have been sufficient to keep the liquid. However, Lord Lin's essence energy had been depleted, so the Sage Herb's effect would be greater.

After doing all this, under Lin Ruoyi's arrangement, the bodyguard from before drove Chen Xiu to the Central South City hospital.

Yesterday, when Chen Xiu mentioned the recipe that would help Lord Lin quickly wake up, the vice principal volunteered to introduce the South Central City's herbal family to Chen Xiu.

After all, the prescriptions given by Chen Xiu all required a certain age, which was very difficult to find in the ordinary market.

The most important part was one of the medicinal ingredients – the Nine Grand Floors.

Even Chen Xiu himself had never seen it. However, the old man had inadvertently mentioned that the Nine Grand Floors was a very easy herb to identify. The ordinary tower had one or two leaves.

The Nine Layer Tower had a total of nine layers of leaves, and only one layer would grow every ten years. In addition to the last layer of flowers, it would take a hundred years to form.

The most obvious feature of this herb was that it was dull and dull during the day. If the herb was exposed to the moonlight, it would appear exquisite, even emitting a layer of white light.

Arriving at the hospital in Central South City, Chen Xiu touched the name card in his pocket and looked at the bustling crowd. He couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart.

He realized that he did not have a cell phone!

As a twenty-something-year-old man who was in the prime of his life and had an unlimited bank card in his pocket, was it his fault if he didn't have a phone?

No, it was all the old man's fault!

Back then, Chen Xiu had been thinking of matching up with a mobile phone, so he didn't have anything to do and just shook the girls nearby. However, he was rejected by the old man. The old man said that the radiation from the item was bad for the old man's health.

Plus, the village Chen Xiu was in wasn't big, so a single roar from the village entrance could be heard clearly.

There was no helping it, right now he could only find someone to ask for directions.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiu watched as a few male doctors with an expressionless face walked past him. Then, his gaze stopped at a young nurse who was walking past him.

Don't unjustly accuse Chen Xiu of picking out chicks to kill them. After all, those male doctors all had an expression of being unapproachable, so they might be very busy.

This nurse was different. She had a big chest … To prove one's conscience was also big, just by looking at it, one could see that he was passionate.

Her guess was right. When Chen Xiu blocked her path, the nurse didn't get annoyed. Instead, she smiled and said with a sweet and soft voice, "Sir, may I ask how I can help you?"

Chen Xiu didn't even blink as he stared at the nurse. His expression was focused and he didn't immediately reply.

The young nurse's face flushed in embarrassment as she didn't expect Chen Xiu to be so brazen.

As a striking beauty, Cheng Weiwei was well aware of how attractive she was to men.

However, whether it was her colleagues or patients, they only dared to secretly glance at her. No one had fixed their gaze on her without restraint.

"Sir, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking …"

Chen Xiu subconsciously looked at the nurse. Soon, he noticed that the nurse's face was so red that drops of water were about to drip out of it.

He quickly added, "I'm looking at my badge, Miss Cheng. This... I want to ask you for directions. "

Fortunately, Cheng Weiwei was a good person. She pointed at the floor plan at the side and said, "That's the hospital's floor plan. You can find it in any department you want."

Chen Xiu scratched his head. "Which department is your vice principal in? He told me to come and find him."

Chen Xiu wasn't lying. He really didn't know which department the vice principal belonged to.

"What!?" You're looking for our Vice Principal? " Cheng Weiwei was stunned for a moment. Then, her eyes landed on Chen Xiu. "The vice principal usually doesn't have a clinic. What's wrong with your body? You can choose one of our other doctors. Their medical skills are very good."

It was clear that Cheng Weiwei regarded Chen Xiu as someone who had come to ask for help.

No one could blame her for judging people by their appearances. After all, the people who usually came to ask the Vice Principal for a diagnosis were basically the rich and powerful people of Central South City.

"I'm not here to seek medical help. How about this, why don't you lend me your phone and I'll tell him …"

The moment Chen Xiu finished speaking, Cheng Weiwei stared at him with a vigilant look. She was wondering whether she should lend him her phone.

In case he just wanted to borrow his phone to get his number.

If he offered to do so, would he agree, or would he agree to it tactfully?

If Chen Xiu knew what Cheng Weiwei was thinking, he would definitely cry out in injustice.

Sister, can you not be so serious about your internal scenes? Be a little more reserved!

Just as Cheng Weiwei was at a loss over what to do, a cold voice suddenly sounded out, "Cheng Weiwei, what are you doing? There's no need to do so many things, is there?"

When Cheng Weiwei heard this voice, she was clearly shocked. "Director Liu, I …" I... I'm guiding the way for someone. "

The person who came was a bald, fat, middle-aged doctor. He had a fierce look on his face as he glared at Chen Xiu, then at the nervous Cheng Weiwei.

Hearing this, Chen Xiu couldn't help but frown. The total time he talked with the nurse was less than five minutes.

Naturally, Chen Xiu wouldn't let Cheng Weiwei be accused for no reason. Just as he was about to flare up, he saw a woman carrying a skinny man crying as she walked over, "Chief Liu, please save my Old Yang. He's in so much pain that he can't speak!"


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