Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C4 Unfriendly
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Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C4 Unfriendly
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C4 Unfriendly

As expected, Wang Xiong's face changed and he put on a smile again. He didn't seem to be angry and said with a smile, "Of course, I would be happy to escort you on your journey."

"We don't need you to escort us. We can go back by ourselves." After saying that, Lin Ruoyi mercilessly rejected him and walked towards one of the cars.

Wang Zixiong unhurriedly stretched out his arm, blocking her way, "Ruo Yi, I also meant well. Think about it, something happened along the way, delaying time, I'm afraid …"

"Alright, let's cut the crap. Uncle Cheng and Chen Xiu, follow me to a car."

"Ai ai, this isn't good." Wang Zixiong waved his hand, then pointed at Chen Xiu and Lin Ruoyi's bodyguards, "It's better if the two of them travel alone."

"What on earth do you mean!" Lin Ruoyi coldly glared at him. At this moment, even if she was even more stupid, she could still guess Wang Xiong's evil intentions.

"I don't have any other intentions, it's just that this time, I brought so many people with me, but I can't compare to one of your bodyguards. Outsiders will laugh at the incompetence of my Wang family, if you insist on doing so, you can let him compete with my subordinates."

"You …" Lin Ruoyi was very clear on the strength of her bodyguards. Facing seven or eight normal men was not a problem, but now she didn't want to waste her time here.

Furthermore, even though Wang Xiong had always pursued him, he had never done anything out of line. Furthermore, the Lin Clan and the Wang Clan were old friends, so it was not a good time for them to fall out with his grandfather due to his illness.

"Sure, but I want him to come with me." Lin Ruoyi was silent for a while, then after a moment of thought, she pointed at Chen Xiu.

Wang Zixiong cast a contemptuous glance at Chen Xiu. Seeing that he had just recovered from his serious illness, he didn't care about him at all. "Okay, hurry up and get on the carriage. It's not good to delay matters."

In this way, Wang Zixiong led Lin Ruoyi and Chen Xiu to the Mercedes-Benz in the middle of the road.

From beginning to end, Chen Xiu didn't do anything. If he was willing, he had the confidence to finish them all within ten minutes.

On one hand, it was his master's instruction to not get involved in any disputes and protect himself.

On the other hand, Lin Ruoyi also didn't express anything. If Wang Xiong was just trying to please her, she wouldn't have a name to personally take action, and would have just brought about her own embarrassment.

But if Wang Ziqian wanted to do something bad to Lin Ruoyi, Chen Xiu had to consider whether he should make a move or not. Helping the injured was his job, and beating others wasn't his specialty.

The convoy set off at a leisurely pace. Chen Xiu and Lin Ruoyi sat in the car in the middle.

Through the rearview mirror, he could see that Wang Zixiong's burning gaze was always fixed on Lin Ruoyi, from time to time he would try to find a topic to strike up a conversation with her.

However, Lin Ruoyi stayed far away, tightly leaning on the door and dozing off with her eyes closed. She didn't say anything.

After a long time, Wang Zixiong felt bored, so he could only stay silent, but the impatience in his eyes was clearly seen by Chen Xiu.

As night fell, Wang Xiong took out his phone and whispered a few words into it. Then the car turned into another driveway and slowly stopped in front of a hotel.

"Why did you stop the car?" Lin Ruoyi glanced outside the window, then asked.

"I brought a group of people with me today. In order to catch up to you, no one has eaten a single thing. Driving tiredly at night is not a good thing."

Seeing that Lin Ruoyi didn't refuse, and didn't agree, Wang Zixiong once again instigated, "This restaurant is also owned by our Wang family, I've already arranged for the dishes to be prepared, we won't waste too much time."

Lin Ruoyi couldn't say anything about this. At the same time, Chen Xiu, who was in front of her, let out a growl, causing her to glare hatefully at Chen Xiu's back.

Chen Xiu was not to be blamed for this. After leaving the village, he hadn't even eaten lunch and was already starving. He was used to starving in the countryside.

However, this pampered and pampered young miss, unexpectedly, hadn't eaten for a day. This made Chen Xiu cast a sidelong glance at her.

Seeing this, Lin Ruoyi could only nod and follow them out of the car, walking towards the hotel.

At this moment, a manager, who seemed to have been waiting at the door for a long time, quickly walked by and whispered a few words into Wang Zixiong's ear.

Wang Xiong revealed a smile and brought them to the VIP room on the third floor. He glanced at the bodyguards that Lin Ruoyi brought out, then said to one of the man's underlings: "Ah Qiang, take them to eat."

"No, I can't let Second Miss out of my sight. It doesn't matter if I don't eat." Lin Ruoyi's bodyguard said firmly.

"Why are you so unenlightened? With the relationship between our two families, could it be that I can't protect Ruoyi!" Wang Zixiong said in a strange tone.

Lin Ruoyi felt a little hungry, and was normally very considerate of her men, "It's fine, go eat first, it won't take up much time."

Seeing that the bodyguard still wanted to say something, Wang Zixiong impatiently waved his hand, turned around and slightly bowed, then stretched out his arm towards the luxurious private room next door: "Ruoyi, I've already instructed the chef to prepare your favorite dishes."

Lin Ruoyi stood where she was without moving, her eyes a little helpless. In Central South City, with her family and elder sister looking out for her, she didn't even put Wang Xiong in her eyes.

But now, in this strange place, to have dinner alone with someone he didn't like was a bit unsettling.

At this moment, Chen Xiu saw through her thoughts. He shamelessly walked into the luxurious box and sat down.

"It's just a meal. There's no use in making so many sets, eating until you're full is the most important!"

Seemingly infected by Chen Xiu's calmness, Lin Ruoyi smiled as she slowly walked in and sat next to Chen Xiu. Even she didn't expect to find a sense of security in this boy she hadn't known for a day.

Wang Zixiong had not expected Chen Xiu to invite him in without a fight. Could it be that he didn't have a clear understanding of his own identity?

Seeing that Wang Xiong's face had turned ashen, the bearded man was about to go in and grab that untactful fellow, but he was stopped by a glance from Wang Xiong.

This country bumpkin actually dared to spoil this young master's plans.

At this time, Wang Xiong couldn't hold back his embarrassment and chased him away. He had no choice but to put on a warm smile and walk into the private box.

Aiya, I purposely prepared this dish for Ruoyi. I don't know if this little brother here has gotten used to eating, but if he doesn't go to the neighboring room, I'll order whatever he wants.

Chen Xiu secretly sneered. He said, "Could it be that you can't order something here?" Or does Young Master Wang mean that I am not fit to have dinner with you guys? "

Hearing this, Lin Ruoyi immediately frowned, "Dr. Chen is a VIP that I specially invited. Naturally, we can share the same table."

Unnaturally, Wang Xiong let out a laugh and was about to pick her up, but he found that his current seat was even more uncomfortable.

There were three people in the room, Chen Xiu was sitting in the main seat facing the door, and Lin Ruoyi was sitting in the second seat to the right. If Wang Zixiong wanted to sit next to Lin Ruoyi, he could only sit in the lower seat with the dishes and water.

This made Wang Xiong feel as if he had swallowed a fly, and he could only gloomily sit across Lin Ruoyi.


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