Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C7 Ventral Acupuncture
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Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C7 Ventral Acupuncture
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C7 Ventral Acupuncture

"Around ten in the evening, the car stopped in front of a luxurious villa." "He's so damn rich."

Although Chen Xiu's personal taste was still limited to the aesthetic standards seen on television, this did not affect his evaluation of the place. It was too impressive.

He thought to himself that if he could earn more money in the future, he would also have to buy this house and marry a few wives like the Lin sisters. That would be an extremely comfortable life.

After Lin Ruo Shuang dismissed the bodyguards, she brought her sister and Chen Xiu into the villa.

The moment they entered the hall, before Chen Xiu could even sit, Lin Ruoyi wanted to bring Chen Xiu over to treat her grandfather's illness.

On the other hand, Lin Ruo Shuang has been in charge of the Lin Family for many years and has always been a bit more cautious in everything she does, "Ruo Yi, let Chen … Doctor Chen, let's take a rest for the night. You guys have been running around the entire day. Moreover, Grandpa has just had a round of expert consultation. "

Although this had to be said, Chen Xiu still agreed with him. Although running and overworked was nothing, but the key point was that he had used up too much Zhen Qi in one day, so he was not suitable to treat other people.

Currently, he did not know how old Lin's condition was. If he could not cure it with just the medicine, he would still have to rely on the black cauldron.

However, for this black ancient cauldron, Chen Xiu only knew that it could absorb all external evil energy. Every day, there would be a bottleneck. If he could absorb too much and not convert it into true qi, it would be easy for his body to suffer damage.

This was also the reason why Chen Xiu had to take medicine every day to adjust the balance between his body's true energy and the external energy.

"Oh, alright then. Chen Xiu, you better take care of yourself tonight." Lin Ruoyi helplessly nodded under her elder sister's persuasion.

Then she gave Chen Xiu a sweet smile. She must have guessed that Chen Xiu had saved her from Wang Zixiong's clutches.

That gentle gaze almost captivated Chen Xiu's soul. What a mesmerizing little demoness.

Seeing the situation, Lin Ruo Shuang hurriedly stepped between the two of them. She looked at Chen Xiu warily and said, "Come here. I'll arrange a room for you to rest for the night."

Chen Xiu couldn't help but laugh when he saw Lin Ruo Shuang watching him. He didn't say anything and just followed behind her.

There was only one empty room left on the second floor of the villa, Lin Ruo Shuang pointed, "That's your room, there are clothes to change inside, I don't know if the size is suitable, it will only be for one night, I'll prepare a new room for you tomorrow."

Chen Xiu had lived in the countryside since he was young, so he wasn't picky. He was prepared to say that it didn't matter.

Who knew that Lin Ruo Shuang coldly tossed out a sentence: "The room is locked. At that time, I will admit the wrong door. Don't blame me for being impolite."

Looking at her leaving figure, Chen Xiu finally suppressed his surging anger.

Am I such a person? I admit that I'm lustful, but I also have a bottom line!

Chen Xiu walked in indignantly. When he saw the neatly tidied up room, his mood also improved. This was too big of a difference from his previous kennel.

This soft bed could probably fit three to five people. Unconsciously, he thought of the Lin Clan's two incomparably exquisite sisters and quickly shook his head, throwing these filthy thoughts to the side.

Lying on the soft bed, the tiredness of the day seemed to be completely gone.

Looking at the white ceiling, Chen Xiu suddenly thought of the old man.

However, he quickly tossed all the messy thoughts in his mind to the back of his mind.

The two beauties in front of him didn't expect him to be so mischievous. Chen Xiu cursed inwardly.

In this world, there are some things that one doesn't have a clue about. It would be better to place them in a place where they can't touch them and live them in the present.

This was the philosophy of life that Chen Xiu had learned along with the old man.

After resting for a while, Chen Xiu got up and rummaged through his wardrobe. He picked up a change of clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

It had to be said that the rich did know how to enjoy themselves. There were actually two bathrooms on this floor.

A soft light shone through the translucent door of one of the bathrooms, indicating that one of the sisters was inside. Thinking of this, Chen Xiu felt excited again.

Restraining the excitement in his heart, he quickly went to the other bathroom, stepped on the smooth marble floor, and carefully observed the beautiful layout.

"It's really too capitalist, but I like it." Chen Xiu smacked his lips and began to bathe. Although he had never used such an expensive bathroom, he had never eaten pork before and had also seen a pig run.

Soon, as the mist was filled with it, Chen Xiu started humming an unknown tune.

After soaking in the water for half an hour and feeling completely refreshed, Chen Xiu slowly cleaned up and opened the door.

Coincidentally, the door was also opened by Chen Xiu, who looked like he was about to bleed out of his nose.

They saw Lin Ruoyi walk out sideways, her entire body wrapped in a white bath towel, unable to hide anything at all, her exquisite collarbones causing one's blood to boil.

His hair, which had just dried, fell down.

Lin Ruoyi didn't expect to run into Chen Xiu the moment she stepped out of the door. What was even more hateful was that this guy was staring straight at her. He didn't even bother to conceal himself.

"If you keep looking, I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Lin Ruo Shuang coldly said. She pretended to have an ice-cold expression, but a trace of shyness inadvertently flowed out.

Chen Xiu's old face couldn't help blushing. He reluctantly withdrew his greedy gaze and said, "Cough cough, it's not like I forced you to dress like this."


Lin Ruo Shuang frowned. She felt infuriated, but she could only blame herself for being careless. With a cold expression on her face, she turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Chen Xiu shouted.

"What!?" Haven't you seen enough! "

Uh, I really didn't see enough …

This was what he thought in his heart, but Chen Xiu naturally didn't say it out loud. Instead, he asked, "Did you come to the month?"

As she finished speaking, Lin Ruo Shuang's expression was unsettled as if she was on fire. Her chest rose and fell in anger, "Bastard, why do I have to tell you!"

He turned around and rushed back to his room. Suddenly he felt weak at the waist and the pain in his lower abdomen was unbearable. He staggered and half of his body was lying on the wall. He was moaning in a low voice.

Chen Xiu quickly ran over and helped her up. "Are you alright? Traveling through abdominal pain is a common condition, but it's not to be underestimated. It's very likely to cause physical and mental harm."

"It's none of your business!" Lin Ruo Shuang held onto Chen Xiu's arm and resisted the pain as she struggled to get up. Her long nails were about to pierce into Chen Xiu's flesh.

Chen Xiu never thought that this woman would be so uncaring of her body. Her stubbornness was infuriating. Without saying a word, he picked her up and hugged her to his chest.

"What are you doing …" "Don't mess around, or else …"

"Shut up!" Chen Xiu growled. This woman still thought he was taking advantage of her, so he carried her back to the room with an ashen face.

Silent tears flowed from the corner of her eyes. She didn't know if it was because of the pain in her abdomen or because of the grievance in her heart, but Lin Ruo Shuang didn't expect a man to yell twice in the short span of a few hours.

Chen Xiu gently placed Lin Ruo Shuang on the bed. Then, he took out a small cloth bag from his change of clothes and took out the silver needles from a wooden box.

"Take off the towel, I will give you acupuncture on your lower abdomen, it can ease the pain."

When Lin Ruo Shuang heard this, she was angry and embarrassed. At this moment, even though she was in so much pain that she wanted to smash her head against the wall, she didn't want to take the bath towel off.

How could she casually show her body to a boy she had just met?

Seeing that Lin Ruo Shuang was almost grinding her teeth to pieces and her body was trembling non-stop, trying her best to endure the dagger-like pain in her stomach, Chen Xiu didn't care about anything else as he directly lifted the towel.


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